Stop forcing me into stacked games

Please, oh please, make me not want to abandon killer.

Please give me some way that I don't have to play against SWF groups... it ruins the fun of the game.

I don't wanna waste my time in a game with that, getting every cheap trick in the book used that can only really be executed if you're on voice comms and coordinated.

Im not saying people shouldn't be able to play SWF, I like playing with people. Just Make it its own queue, and give killers willing to play against them BP bonuses.

Right now every time I go in as killer its rolling the dice as to weather its gonna be a fun experience, or total ankle grabbing extravaganza.

How about this? Maybe just funnel all SWF members into Rank 1-4 killers? Everyone always says "Get better and you'll win!" well I'm rank 13 Killer. Im ok, I have fun with it, but I'm not a tryhard.

Something, maybe when dedicated servers are done I can make one that doesn't allow SWF, would that work?



  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
    This is the problem with dbd. Devs after 2 ½ years still haven't balanced the game and probably they will never do so, as they have never dealt with other problems like stream sniping,decisive strike, etcetera etcetera...
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    No, they should just balance the game around SWF instead

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited January 2019
    Would be kinda hilarious seeing every SWF funneled into red ranks.
    It's usually the red ranks saying SWF isn't a problem anyhow, so let them handle it.

    Most SWFs easily play above the rank of killer they get paired with anyhow.

    Here's to hoping they do something to make vs swf worthwhile. 
    Balance (lawl), labels, filters, bonuses. Here's to waiting with low expectations. 

    Sadly it's just going to get worse. The new match making makes it harder to spot SWF.
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I am not a red rank and I say SWF is not a problem. For every one SWF death squad you get, you get 20 SWF morons squads who are screaming at each other and laughing at their friend who just got hooked.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @lasombra1979 said:
    I am not a red rank and I say SWF is not a problem. For every one SWF death squad you get, you get 20 SWF morons squads who are screaming at each other and laughing at their friend who just got hooked.

    This and I'm going to laugh at all the whiny killers on here once the rank changes finally hit because then you'll not be facing red ranks anymore. You'll be right where you belong and won't have any excuses anymore and will finally have to accept you might need to improve just a bit.

    I've got no issue facing swf and they can throw them all into red ranks but guess what that means you won't have a lobby anymore because you have no groups.

    I mean imagine that if 70% of the playerbase is swf groups and you move 70% of the player base into 1 rank are common sense and logic would say. You've got 30% of the population trying to cover the other 3 rank brackets meaning your wait times will be excessive.

    Now before anyone comes back with the i don't want to be challenged nonsense let me ask this, why the heck are you playing anything but bots if you don't want to be challenged?

    Oh you want only solo players well guess what you can and will be challenged by solo players who actually know what they're doing. Then the excuse comes down to insert excuses 1-500 to explain the hypocrisy of your not wanting to be challenged statement.

    If you seriously don't want to be challenged then you shouldn't be playing an online asymetrical online horror game. I'm sure more excuses and changes to your arguments will come as you move the goalposts but the bottom line is this.


    So your options are to:

    1.keep dodging and thus not getting games.
    2.Keep complaining about it and making excuses.
    3.Accept that you might need to improve and one way to do it is face them and learn to be able to handle them.
    4.Try and make actual suggestions on how to improve things instead of complaining incessantly 10=50x a day.
    5.Stop saying things you know not to be true like every swf is a sweaty toxic tryhard etc because your argument can't stand on it's own.

  • Timo425
    Timo425 Member Posts: 20

    The UI should show which survivors joined together, also the killer should be given some incentive to not just lobby dodge them, like extra BP or something.

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    @Timo425 said:
    The UI should show which survivors joined together, also the killer should be given some incentive to not just lobby dodge them, like extra BP or something.

    You are correct. I'd be happy with either solution. At this point I just drop from the game once its become clear they're a SWF group. I don't care about offerings or addons that much, and the meager amount of BP from a match isn't worth the bother of an unbalanced match.

    If I got a lot more BP, say a multiplier for each member joined in SWF, like X2 x3 or x4, etc, I'd stick around.

  • bloxe
    bloxe Member Posts: 81
    Tiersis said:

    @Timo425 said:
    The UI should show which survivors joined together, also the killer should be given some incentive to not just lobby dodge them, like extra BP or something.

    You are correct. I'd be happy with either solution. At this point I just drop from the game once its become clear they're a SWF group. I don't care about offerings or addons that much, and the meager amount of BP from a match isn't worth the bother of an unbalanced match.

    If I got a lot more BP, say a multiplier for each member joined in SWF, like X2 x3 or x4, etc, I'd stick around.

    Thats all that people are asking, but survivor friends are freaking out saying that the game will explode and the universe will cease to exist
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    If killers could filter out SWF groups, then most of them would do so. That would lead to SWF groups not getting any games anymore and ultimately the game would lose a huge part of the player base and simply die.

    Imho, what we need instead is a way to balance SWF. I posted a suggestion what could be done here, if you'd like to take a look:

  • Timo425
    Timo425 Member Posts: 20

    Imho, what we need instead is a way to balance SWF. I posted a suggestion what could be done here, if you'd like to take a look:

    I don't know.. a lot of swf groups are just having fun and not playing like tryhards, that would punish them a lot. There are also a lot of swf who are not good players but are playing together anyway.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Timo425 said:

    Imho, what we need instead is a way to balance SWF. I posted a suggestion what could be done here, if you'd like to take a look:

    I don't know.. a lot of swf groups are just having fun and not playing like tryhards, that would punish them a lot. There are also a lot of swf who are not good players but are playing together anyway.

    You can't balance a game around average players, a game needs to be balanced around its top players. That's just how balance works.

    If you'd like to discuss this more, we could go to the other thread since it would fit better there.