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BT need to be nerfed

DragoonSanddune01 Member Posts: 48
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I dont mind that it works ... but its seconds need to be halves and need to work like this ... if you unhook a surivors ... you effectively reduce a hook state ... so that the next hook that survivors is dead.

It just no fun when running into a group that basically runs this BT all the time All of my matches that been fun has been without BT

when i lose its due to BT being abused and used because he becomes a tank for 12 second ... honestly im at this point now im going to lose my freaking mind over this.


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Removing a hook state after using BT?

    That is some wild dreams you're having my friend

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

    Have you tried waiting 12 seconds and then hitting the survivor?

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028


    Also bt just becomes a troll perk then. Im chillin in solo queue, first hook after i looped the killer, hes on his rounds, you run up to save me as he returns. Now im in a horrible position, on death hook, because of a perk i had no control over.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Wait 12 seconds and starts slugging crazy. Always funny seeing survivor block the door way and I'm like Okay I'm gonna play my way then see them start panicking realizing I'm not going by the survivor rule book.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Nerf posts by new Epic Game's players who say the most ridiculous things.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    One of the most entitled killer main posts I've ever seen.

  • DragoonSanddune01
    DragoonSanddune01 Member Posts: 48

    when all 4 use it and its become a game of trade hits 12 x 4 is no fun at all

    and it has no cd sooooo IT why lot of killer are pretty upset over it because it doesnt encourge safe hook.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    The extra hook state might indeed a wet and wild dream, but I would support the core idea: BT has far evolved past its original idea and usage, ie securing an unhook and protecting the unhooked surv from being tunneld, to now allowing very, very aggressive and far too unsave unhooks right in the face of the killer with little to no risk involved if the unhooked surv aggressively bodyblocks the killer.

    I know that it sucks pretty hard to be tunneled right off the hook, I have experienced that quite a lot myself to few times I played survivor, but there are situations were the survivors absolutely don't respect the killer one inch because they know that there is next to nothing he can do to them, mostly thanks to BT played like it is.

    It would help a lot of the unhooked person loses collision while BT is running its course, allowing you to keep up the chase with the unhooker and making a risky unhook again, well,risky. In MY wildest and wettest dreams, the same would hold true for the killers strike, ie if you hit the survivor protected by BT your strike won't stop but could potentially hit the unhooker, but I know myself that this is just some ludicrous wishfull thinking.

    Point stands: BT in its current format is used in wildly differently way as it was originally conceived and intended and it especially punishes killers who want to play fair and by the survivors playbook.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited December 2021

    Just remove the collision of the survivor that is affected by Borrowed time. Boom, he/she can't body lock anymore.

  • DragoonSanddune01
    DragoonSanddune01 Member Posts: 48

    Thank you finally someone gets it. As i state i dont mind for what it does it just very exploitive beyond what its suppose to do. and high MMR knows it and will run BT all the time and not care cuz hey its a free hit free bp and no respect to plays other then wagging tales at the killer.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    edited December 2021

    Have fun playing solo q against killers who always go after the survivor that is unhooked. Bodyblocking is not such an issue as you guys make it out be... way less of an issue than spawnkilling a survivor just when he gets back into the game.

    Post edited by Faulds on