Solo Que is unplayable

No it’s not because of the killers, it’s your own teammates. I have been playing survivor games and my teammates have been horrible (and the killer have been good gotta give them credit). This past game was the nail in the coffin. I got sent to Penn Asylum with a feng, Meg and nea. Feng was on her first hook while everyone else was haven’t been injured. 2 gens done and I completed the 3rd ok. I’m on my way to get the feng and the hag teleports to me out of the blue and hits me into a wall with no escape. Fine well played hag you got me. They get the feng off and I get hooked. The nea gets chased and the Meg and feng heal. ok. The nea is still getting chased and then they hoop into a gen as soon as I get into second state. I’m over here shocked as they didn’t even try to go and get me. I died on first hook. Then this is what this guy tells me
Seriously, you haven’t even been hooked. The hag had two hooks. Did they make it out? Who knows but why do I keep getting so many bad teammates. “I didn’t want to die” you haven’t been hooked yet there is no excuse for that BS. Letting someone die on first hook. And the feng and the Meg were on comms too makes it worse. And this is why I like playing killer more than solo que. It’s all on me. (I did camp this toxic flashlight clicking Claudette that was satisfying and I chilled with the other 3 survivors and let them go)
btw it’s supposed to say two* instead of too my mistake in the messages.
I agree. Yesterday I literally caried my two mates that were dying constantly against doctor, like jesus just hold shift+w. Not to even mention that I repaired the entire last gen and died, while my other mate escaped. Seems fair lol
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Yea. Earlier I was on my last hook and injured, 1 gen left. I was with a dwight who hadnt been hooked yet and was healthy. What he does when he hears the killer? Runs to a locker and leaves me on the gen when it was at 95%....
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Yes buff killers but holy crap just give me teammates with a brain. Win or lose I don’t care as long as I have fun. What the hell was that?
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Honestly the bots would be better than mates in online matches. At least they do gens
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Agreed. I've died more to my teammates than the killers. I died on my first hook two games in a row before because my teammates were messing around with the snowmen and hiding in corners instead of helping me. Very infuriating.
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I enjoy the randomness of solo's. I overall have a pretty decent time with it. Solo is 98% of my survivor play so maybe I'm just used to craziness. Some people just think if they die in the trial they die IRL.......FYI you don't.
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I enjoy the randomness of the killers and the outcome. Luckily I ran a nemesis for 4 gens the next game and made it out😎 btw ggs to that hag, I couldn’t message him but if you ever see this, good game I bet you were laughing at my teammates😂
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To be fair the only thing helping Solo survivor right now is CoH cause it's meta right now. Other than that it's worst than ever. No one uses BT, kindred or anything that manages to help the team a little bit. Yesterday I died in two games in my First hook while I was using KINDRED. Today I won like 3 against baby killers then the MMR decides that I'm a pro or somethin and put me against full sweats nurses and twins, even a entitled youtuber one.
Idk why it's so hard to put a communication wheel in this game if they're so scared to put Voice Chat because of language restrictions and toxicity.
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Yeah it’s horrible, I played with a ttv and he killed himself while I was about to save him. And he had like 25 seconds left and I was like 3 feet away from him. Like why?
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Same, for me last night. I can't remember how many times I went to second stage on first hook. Luckily I don't plan on escaping anyway, so I didn't get too frustrated with it, and it became a challenge to see if we could recover the match.
And, shout out to the killers as well, lot's of good ones were on last night!
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Yeah it’s a painful experience I dont understand how mmr put me with these people
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Yeah idk about the voice coms idea. I play Injustice 2 and It doesn’t give you an option to turn off the mic in online play. That is stupid I had this one guy trash talk me and I made him rage quit without saying a word too and no spamming😭 anyway If dbd gave you the option maybe id be open to it
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Yeah as long as they don’t camp at 5 gens, I always give credit to killers. But damn solo que just forces you to play with friends Because your teammates are unreliable
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Apparently the feng got mad that I was cleansing a totem at the beginning of the game too. Like buddy, “do bones” freaking pathetic
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Consider running kindred when you solo queue
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Doesn't help when you have mates with no brain
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I can’t tho, I run detectives hunch to prevent noed and to find another totem for circle of healing, then I run borrowed time to help my teammates, and then lithe as my exhaustion perk. I try to help my teammates as much as possible and I’m very much vulnerable to getting tunneled. And kindred doesn’t help when I get idiots as teammates but I know it’s a very good perk
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Solo q is pain but killers will say that only them have problems that survivor is easy, no... SWF is easy, solo Q is nightmare mode and easy mode for the killer.
reason why i dont play solo anymore UNLESS im doing some extremely selfish rift challenges taht i wouldnt do with friends (just a few).
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I mean a really good team can be a nightmare for a killer even in solo. Problem is that most of the time, solo que is just idiots running around doing nothing. Like yesterday I played a game against a trickster and I put up 27k. The rest put up 13k, 6k, then 3k. I did. Two gens while the others just tried to bait the trickster with head on😑 guess what it failed badly. I did totems saved my teammates and the rest didn’t help at all The trickster let me go through the gate as I was the only one that lasted at all In a chase
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I'm sorry to break it to you dude, but you're gonna have to compromise your build if you want your solo queue teammates to have good intel. Adaptability is a skill and something that makes the game more fun.
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I think the problem with soloq is the opposite of swf. Soloq too selfish, swf too altruistic. Both end up giving the killer unnecessary kills, more times than not.
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I mean I escape 60-70% of the games as solo but probably because I'm at high MMR. There are still some bad players but if you do your part of wasting the killers time you can still get out.
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i understand that but it would mean I have to get rid of one of those perks and I just can’t. Yesterday I had a game against trapper with noed and bloodwarden. I cleaned 3 totems and bless one and we got a four man escape. My teammates cleansed 1. Borrow time I can’t get rid of either because it helps my teammates get a chance. Circle of healing also helps my teammates and allows me to heal quick to take hits. And lithe helps me in chase . Basically 3 team perks and 1 personal perk. There’s not much more I could do
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Yeah your probably just really good bro😂 that’s why you escape. I’m decent and I do my part and I get crap in return from my teammates unfortunately
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Perhaps I mean I do have 4100 hours playing this game 😀 I felt your pain of horrible teammates before but I do feel the new MMR system got me overall better teammates.
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5k+ here and I still get crap team mates. Not as many now since I have crossplay off, but at nighttime I've been getting people with literally 10 hours.
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Bad enough that solo gets worse when your mmr drops, but we also got to thank the devs for fudging the averages by adding those solos with a high rating into a team of low scores for "balance ".
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Is it worse or better for you than old matchmaking?
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Old matchmaking would put me with with red ranks and purple ranks while I was stuck at purple rank. Rank 8. The killers were like that too they were really good. Now, the killers are either really good or camp while I get potatoes as teammates. Very frustrating. So yeah it used to be better
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yeah it’s stupid. the old system was better
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Ok well you can't avoid getting them sometimes, or getting the early DCers to kill the game. I don't know about nighttime I always play the same time coming home after work so..but won't try that out in a hurry then 😀
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You can absolutely take off at least one of those perks. BT and Circle of Healing are so common that if you aren't running them, there is a strong chance that someone else on your team is. Hell, you could even get rid of Detective's hunch and bring a rainbow map instead, those are pretty excellent for finding totems. Lithe could be replaced with any other exhaustion perk, pretty much all of them are really strong. And if you want to help your team, Kindred is an excellent perk, you're helping your teammates help you by letting them know where everyone is. And if someone else is hooked, you can know if you can rely on your teammates to help them or if you need to go for the unhook yourself.
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Yeah, camping at 5 gens would not be a killer I would consider good,.
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Trust me I know😂
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Same. I'm seriously thinking about only playing killer at this point. Devs refuse to buff solo and it's getting very frustrating.
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Killers don't need buffed at all. Only survivors. Killers still beat SWF most of the time. Killers need nerfed if anything.
I still think most of all the issue is the killer meta, it is way too oppressive and solos can't win against it unless the killer is very bad. At high MMR, no killer is bad and they always win unless it is a coordinated SWF.
I don't know why nothing is being done about it. Solo playmode should never be such a grave disadvantage. It's like playing game on "Expert" or Impossible mode without the choice.
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Holy crap the Legendary Sluzzy commented on my post😭
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I saw your title and agreed that it is completely unplayable.
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Well it’s unplayable because your teammates suck.
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solo survivor is playable... it just costs ur mental power
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My solo games since mmr generally are pretty good, but the last two days have been a lot of terrible, absolutely abysmal teammates. Makes me think BHVR played around with the matchmaking in the last couple of days or something.
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I've had so many hookbombers that when I see them on either side all I want to do is get them out of the game. I wager I can do better without them giving free pressure.
restore ranks and matchmaking based on rank.
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I just had two other idiots get me into second state and then they unhook me in front of the killer with no borrowed time and I got moried😎 game before, an urban evasion/ self care Nea. Just reiterated my point. God it’s so frustrating
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Its true that a lot of people are bad at the game, but a lot of the time it’s because of the lack of communication. This causes people to make weird/bad decisions. They don’t know what other players are doing.
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I got used to it and I think I get better teammates than before. I am not always satisfied with them but I try not to judge too harshly. When I spectate some of them are cracked honestly, much better than me.
If they are effective on gens that is usually good enough for me tbh.
It can be a mixed bag but overall it is fine. I played this game for years and got used to it plus we don't always know the full story about why they do something.
The only ones I can't really stand are griefers and rage quitters.
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I do agree with that. Lack of communication does have an effect on some decisions. However, what happened her was not that. They were on comms and I know this because the Meg said to me, “the feng told me you were running around” yeah it not like the hag teleported towards me after I completed a gen. Once they left me go into second state they knew they were not even gonna try to get me off. What kind of “team work” is that?
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That’s fair, I wish I got your teammates though. Everyone makes mistakes I know I have. But my god sometimes your teammates do a better job of getting u killed than the actual killer. Like here
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i'm getting the usual types that follow the killer but do nothing else.
Or the types that you safely unhook / prevent death for them and they abadon you on your first hook.
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it's playable if you're at high mmr.