Face camping Insidious Leatherface More Common?

Is it just me, or does it feel like this build is a LOT more common. I feel like I used to run into it every once in a blue moon, but now I feel like I certainly run into every day at LEAST once a day.

I don't really mind the build, and it's certainly counterable for the other survivors, especially if you run kinship and kindred like I do, I just find it interesting that I'm seeing it in more of my games.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I, personally, think Insidious is a waste of a slot. They already know I am there. Or at least they should.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I’m on PC with cross play on and I only see camping Bubbas with insidious maybe something like once every 15 matches. Other than that, most Bubbies I face usually just use BBQ and hone in on people rather than camp, unless it’s endgame.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    It seems like a lazy way to play killer. I remember facing a guy who would randomly insidious at gens that had progressed and that was terrifying. That perk seems only useful for hook camping.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495


    To the point where my friend group doesn't even bother going for the save anymore because every Bubba plays in the same exact boring as **** way. We'd rather just pump out gens and get into another match as fast as possible.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It's gotten to the point where if I find a Bubba, and they're pretty common, 90% of the time they have Agi/IG and camp basement. Bubbas that actually play the game have become a rarity.

    I've really come to dread Bubbas because they're just harbingers of wasted time.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah, I've ran into a lot more Insidious Bubba's recently. Now every time I see a Bubba I immediately think they're going to camp.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Can´t blame anyone trying to secure a Hook with all these crazy surv squads out there.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    In order?

    -I'll give you that one.

    -I wouldn't call it fear. Spooky Myers is fear, or Plaything when you're a one-tap. Basement Bubba is exasperation, because you know no matter what that this game is going to be uninteractive. I'm not afraid of ending up in the basement, I'm aggravated because I'm obligated to waste the next two minutes of my life with a guaranteed outcome. Also, you say stealth, but one teammate immersing automatically dooms the rest of the survivors. Basement Bubba forces survivors to gen jockey like their lives depend on it, because they do. If 3 gens aren't done by the time the first survivor expires, GGEZ and maybe someone gets hatch.

    -Implying he ever leaves the basement when somebody isn't mucking around directly upstairs, gates power and NOED activates, or his current victim dies. That's not how it works. There is no guessing game. They don't leave.

    -I see a spread of kills in my games anyway... and considering I play solo queue, Basement Bubba is an immediate 3k with hatch/4k if a single teammate doesn't know what they're supposed to do. And it's solo queue, so there's always at least one. But I digress; 0k is only possible if the Bubba literally does not know how to play the game and never manages to down anybody, or nonstop hits on hook so that survivors can slip in and save between cooldowns. When he has a down, Bubba has to overtly ######### up in order to lose it.

    -There's a major difference between being a power role and what Basement Bubba does. If this game was just pure "do gens" or "stare at a wall for two minutes", nobody would play it. There's minimal interaction or excitement. This playstyle is only mildly more engaging than having an AFK killer, because it completely removes every aspect of survivor choice. You loop and try to go down away from the basement or you're screwed, you slam gens or you're screwed, you run to the gates and hope he checks the other one first with his NOED or you're screwed. About the only binary choice that exists is whether to wait at gates or look for hatch; everything else is a rigid playbook where if you or any of your teammates fail to adhere to it, everyone dies. If someone kills themselves on hook, you all die. If someone tries to save, you all die. And if you make it out, it was a bum game where you didn't get to do anything entertaining or earn any bloodpoints. The only situation where you get to have a chase and also survive is if the Bubba just bought DBD today, or if you did a couple of rounds around a jungle gym while somebody else opened the gate and then tbagged out.

    Like, if a killer finding you meant instant death, they'd be a power role and nobody would want to mess with them, but that doesn't mean it would be good design. They got rid of old moris for a reason. They got rid of bodyblocking the basement for a reason.

    Whether or not anything should be done about him, I don't really know, but I strongly disagree with the notion that facecamping Leatherface is healthy. It creates a profoundly uninteractive game on both sides that no matter what has a guaranteed 0% satisfaction rate for four of the five players - or if there is any satisfaction, it doesn't come from gameplay, but rather schadenfreude and vindication, which aren't really sentiments that should be encouraged. And from the one player that is having fun - every basement Bubba I've met minus maybe two, the impetus of them doing it was specifically to farm salt off the survivors, which isn't healthy or something to be encouraged either.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Bubba is probably 5th most common killer in my mmr but insidious bubba is something I havent seen for weeks if not months.

    They usually use classic meta builds with chilli add ons, and camp maybe at endgame

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Its not a lot to me, and when it happens, meh, can't win them all. Game would be even more boring and repetitive if every match against every killer I faced was the same. Also, some of the most fun I've had in this game is when I have decent, not great, but decent teammates and we manage to pull off a rescue against a camping Bubbi. Heck, its one of the reasons I run Borrowed Time. Even if I get downed, it's satisfying to know I rescued someone that Bubbi wanted dead, especially if they ran him around the world.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    There's a lot of opinion in your response, and I can respect that, I don't expect everyone to see eye to eye with me. But let's talk about interactive.

    Me and my friends encountered a camping Bubba, he got the first hook late, because the survivor did what they were supposed to and pre-dropped every pallet and it's mom. So we have a single sacrifice state left with all gens done, and we spent a good 15 seconds theory-crafting how we were going to save this guy. It was a full on military operation, complete with flashlights, endurance perks, distractions, and what ended up being a very mad dash to the exit gate by four survivors screaming their heads off in discord.

    'Interactive' is subjective, and often less limiting to those who choose to not look at everything in this game like it's binary.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Then this might come down to the differences in solo and SWF gameplay. Whenever I play against a camping Bubba, the full extent of what I can do boils down to "pray all of my teammates know what to do and don't feed him or ragequit." Trying to coordinate a solo rescue is completely impossible because you don't know what perks the other players have, nor can you communicate intention. Even if I happen to have Head On, I can't explain to someone that if they lead the save, I can get in the locker and bust out into Bubba while he's swinging. If the camped guy has DS and Soul Guard, or if they have Camaraderie and want me to run past shack, they can't communicate any of that to me. Anything more complex than "you go there" or "come here" doesn't translate and stopping a basement Bubba does require extremely coordinated and mindful execution.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    People are really about to get Bubba nerfed because they didn’t do gens…

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Sure, we can unpack that.

    • SoloQ is somewhere equal to or less than non-meta killer, depending on levels of exaggeration and personal experience, but everyone has the power to get into an SWF. Make a post on the forum and look for some new friends. If you're good, or getting better, there is a team for you. I don't really sympathize with the people who cry about the SoloQ experience, as it is strongly supported that BHVR balances around this subgroup and there are many tools to finding a lobby of equally skilled players that wish to communicate
    • I refuse to believe people are running into camping Bubba as often as they say they are. I've run into 1 Bubba in the last week (He didn't camp, but that's irrelevant). There is a large roster of killers, and Bubba is not one that has any particular proclivity to any particular MMR threshold. If you run into CAMPING Bubba once every 20/30/40/50, whatever the actual number of games it really is, and not the misrepresentation we see on the forums, does that really spoil your entire day? Put yourselves in the Bubba's shoes, there's a reason he's playing like that and it often has to do with having a very bad day and wanting to actually secure some kills
    • Everyone who wants Bubba nerfed or 'reworked' in any sense of the word can put a pin in it until the killer role gets some love. He is not the problem with this game, not by a longshot
    • Stretch thought: Yes his power makes camping VERY strong, albeit still not unbeatable, but camping isn't unique to him. There are plenty of killers who can camp very well, and sometimes the difference is negligible and the survivors will feel like their is no hope of saving the 4th person and that this is "uninteractive". It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose, and this scenario (Camping Bubba) is one of the few scenarios in the game where that understanding actually favors the killer
  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I rarely use literally on this forum. But, given what we've seen with Wraith, Deathslinger, and several other examples:


  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I've done it. But it is boring to do.

    • Insidious.
    • Agitation.
    • Iron Grasp.
    • Lightborn.

    Take one survivor to the basement. Put them on the furthest hook, and then wait for players to come down and perform rescues. Once the chainsaw is used. It is GG.

    I use to do it after I got enough matches where teams were much too strong for me, and I want to feel the joy of a 4k again.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Not really, saw the first one in a while earlier this week. Caught someone with Kindred, everyone else actually activated their neurons enough to just hyperslam gens and leave asap in response, and the Bubba started crying about swf when it was just Kindred doing its thing and 54 specific stars aligning just right to make people respond correctly for once.

    So I mean I'll admit it ended up being entertaining, but that was more because the guy couldn't comprehend that anything but a 4man wouldn't feed him kills Lemmings style, not the actual match.