Blight, Blight, Blight, and Blight

Devs, nerf him please. He's overpowered and he's played every single match. We need variety. Blight is not balanced for fair and balanced matches. Folks are tired of him, giving up on hook, and there is no Hope against him. I'm playing solo, why am I even seeing him? MMR is also broken because I'm supposed to have matches where a 2E is a possibilty. There is no possible way to have a 2E against him unless there is alternate ways of escaping. Wait, keys are being nerfed?
Either buff survivors and the perks or Blight should be looked at and nerfed accordingly. The game is really getting boring.
Lucky you I haven't seen a blight in a while. It's either Huntress , Ghost face or Wraith and it is getting pretty boring
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What I got from this was to nerf blight because he is played so often and is actually a strong killer, or to buff survivors to fix the issue with one of 24 killers.
Post edited by EQWashu on19 -
Ive only seen one Blight, thankfully, in the last week. I've been getting lots of Nemo's and Hags.
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I love playing against the Blight. If they're really, really good, I'm probably in trouble. If they're decent or pretty good, I can dodge and make them miss, and it feels very satisfying. I've been completely stomped as a solo or part of a SWF by really good Blights, and I've had really easy 4 person team escapes (or multiple person escapes) against Blights who weren't as good.
And I don't see them often at all, at least no more than a variety of other killers. People who claim they see him (or Spirit or Nurse) every match are exaggerating, even if they claim to be at a high SBMM.
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I'd love to see accurate stats from your last, say, 20-30 survivor matches. How many times did you actually face each killer (no exaggerations)? How many times did you die and how many times did you escape?
If your MMR score is too high (maybe it started out too high when they switched to the new system), it WILL go down if you keep dying as you claim you are. Eventually, I promise you, if you keep dying you will get to an MMR level where you won't see Blight very often at all. If you really wanted to, you could easily get yourself to a lower MMR and have less sweaty games. But is that what you actually want?
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I love blight. They are so fun
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I have the same experience when playing survivor.
It's mostly Blights and always with Alchemist Ring + Blighted Crow.
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Ye people are spamming blight harder than shirtless dbd character demands lol
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Yep. I've been getting a lot of Blights with those addons and they love to use Undying, Ruin, Tinkerer, etc. It's so much fun when you play solo :)
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The only thing i hate about blight is that his lunge feels like its going on forever its like 2 seconds long
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ill trade you my leather faces
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It's what happens when every other character is unviable.
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Can I ask why he is? Just genuinely curious
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A forum opinion people disagree with
DBD forum users : "bait"
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I rarely go against blight but when i do i feel like it's possible to predict their movements. Maybe some of their add-ons are overpowered, idk.
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I havent seen blight for ages.
What i get is freaking bubba, huntress, wraith or legion. goddamn boring killers
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Have you played blight? If not your looking at 100% blight mains your asking to nerf his actual kit, his addons literally everything. You need to play him then talk about how their is no hope these are people who have played and practiced their butt off and you want a easier win for ffs? My god.
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Blight is strong, i agree. But Nurse is still the most broken killer in this game. I hope the 3 blink nurse will never make it to live servers.
Blight has some really strong add-ons. The alchemist ring should get a slight nerf, it's just a little too strong. But it is nothing compared to nurse, she is OP and she has a lot of OP addons. Nurse is just broken and never fun...
Post edited by GamerEzra on4 -
Blight doesn't need a power rework, he needs an addon rework, because he has very powerful ones, even broken. When a killer is strong without addons, devs please, be carefull designing addons for him.
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A 100% pure skill killer is op with out addons so yay you get boons rework him no boons.
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I personally don't mind Blight, he's strong while still having a good amount of counterplay.
Tinkerer Blight on the other hand, oh boy, that makes me want to leave the game. A Blight being able to be told exactly when to force survivors off of a gen and regress it with Ruin or Pop endlessly is pretty broken.
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Ruin on a blight is dangerous if it isn't immediately gone, but a pop with dying light is dangerous, but most don't understand he is damn different and difficult to play and should play him before not understanding his gameplay
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I play Blight, though. I just can't stand Tinkerer on him (or pretty much any killer).
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Agreed lol. When I am on survivor.
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I think his addons need changes but that's it.
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My God Sluzzy, the solution is to BUFF other Killers. Not nerf 1 of the 3 (2?) that can actually put up a fight at top MMR.
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Well, I mean, what about buffing other killers instead?
If you truly wantto see just variety, then this would fix it. Killers will be happy and you will see variety, when there will be more good killers. win win
People are saying he has broken add-ons, not really imo. He is just good killer with decent add-ons. He doesn't have nuclear option, best is Alchemist Ring, but that will not save bad Blight from losing the game inlike some other killer's add-ons.
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literally havent seen a blight not running blighted crow in like 20 games. I think they need butcher these two add ons because nothing else is being used and it makes it impossible to do anything if the blight has a brain. The only solution is pre dropping.
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Careful we already have hit two killers previous patch. One adimitadly is in a much better place the other is likely a dead pick until something massively changes. Lets not piss off the majority of the killer player base.
The boons have already caused enough trouble with some being unsnuffable due to poor design.
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His add-ons are no more overtuned compared to what survivors can bring with their items.
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I don't get Blights, I often forget what his terror radius sounds like cause I can go a month without seeing one. Until I match with him: then I only figure out its Blight when he's chasing me into a deadzone :/
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Blight being overused is honestly ruining the game for me, every. single. game. It's to the point where I miss playing vs Spirits
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I think why there are so many blights is because
A) He is really fun to play as and has an amazing chase music
B) He is really powerful with a high skill curve that makes learning him enjoyable
C) He is one of the few killers capable of killing a coordinated SWF team
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No, buff other Killers instead.
Every other Killer besides Nurse and Blight get rolled at high MMR.
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I don’t mind blights. I just want the „techs“ removed that are only possible on PC.
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Blight is a killer with highest amount of exploits which help him a lot. That's why he's unbalanced. Fix his exploits and he's fine
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Well at first I thought man I understand sluzzy when I face blight I hate it to cause I'm just not good at outplaying him but you killed your own post with buff survivor and there perks that muss be a troll no one in that community that wants survs to be buffed can be serious about it
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He is not unbalanced. You can still play around his exploits, and I think they should stay. Without them Blight would automatically drop significantly in strength, and then you would have another killer who does not have the power in most chases.
And the most notable and really his only exploit that works now (all other exploits such as the awkward flicks have been patched out) is the hug tech.
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No exploit blight is balanced. Current blight isn't
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I mean he's balanced if you never use exploits. Exploits make him much stronger than he's supposed to be
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I have better idea. How about to buff weak / mediocre killers so Survivors are not bored with playing againts few killers that can deal with strong Survivors or SWF groups with map offerings, insane medkits + CoH, etc.
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This!! But not only buff killer nerf Gens speed and surv perks so they meet at the middle no need to reach levels of strengths where it's just luck if you have the right perk combo to kill or survive if you know what I want to say
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It's sad to see that only him and nurse can compete at the highest mmr. If they nerf blight then enjoy nurse in every match if they nerf nurse enjoy empty lobby. Survivor mains needs to start using their brain really.
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Not really, Nurse is just hard AF to even start playing her.
Blight is still hard af, but you can play him at decent level way easier than Nurse.
Spirit is kinda rare, because you need good headset.
Probably most popular killer after Blight nerf would be either Oni, or Plague. Huntress is already played a lot, because she is free...
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Personally I find killers like blight and nurse fun to play against. You can mindgame them at certain walls. Blight especially. They keep the game intense. You have to play well.
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What's your thoughts on nurse?