As killer, what made you stop playing the game (or playing less killer) ?



  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2021

    Stressfull as [BAD WORD], the map balance is disgusting, recently play cowshed, its a festival of pallets 4 jg gym, long safe loops... what suppose to do as m1 killer? Basically that survivor drop me like 20 pallets and they have like 20 more.

    For the sake of god, do something about maps.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Billy nerf primary reason. I just don't find anything else as fun to play as old Billy for me to bother with all the annoyance of killer. Blight could have been an alternative, but i'm not a fan of all the sliding and weird techs.

    If i decide to boot up the game every now and then, i stick to survivor.

  • Valdaxexe
    Valdaxexe Member Posts: 15

    toxic swf

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    Since the winter Bone Chill event update, it's been game crashes as Killer.

    As survivor, it happens less often.

  • I'm normally not the type to stop playing, but I did get on a hiatus because of Circle of Healing because it is not only a ridiculous broken perk, but it basically destroys two of my 3 fav killers, which is Twins and Hag.

  • CJ48
    CJ48 Member Posts: 16

    So easy to bate someone with dead hard, the whole purpose of dead hard is to correct mistakes or avoid a hit, dead hard is so easy to play against when you have more than 1 brain cell

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    terrible maps and mmr

    I'm at the point I just sigh and do something else if I get swamp

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 369

    For myself.

    Is the gen speed which force me stop playing the game.

    It is too fast that killer can't really chasing survivor.

    So when i playing killer I only feel stress and find out I can't win the game if my enemy do their object.

    And when i playing survivor I have to wait more than 20 mins to find a game and only play less than 7mims without any joyful chasing moment.

    That's the reason i stop playing this game,but keep read this forum sometime , wishing that the game could be more balanced to be joyful to play again.

    If you mean which perk make me stop playing the game,i would say it is DS.

    It punish tunnel so much make killer can't really tunnel people,but killer need that to make gen speed to be slower.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited December 2021

    After 6k hours of the playing the same game I do get abit bored since nothing major has changed over the time.

    Yes DS is finally nerfed, Coop repair speed is slowed down, you have more and better anti gen perks but the same issue is there since 5 ######### YEARS.

    This example applies ONLY to high MMR and good players:

    The first hook will take you always, every single time up to 3-4 gens. Every survivor runs full stacked meta perks with insane purple med kits that can heal them up in under 20 seconds. There is no way you can build up some decent pressure. The objective of the survivors is already almost done but you just started with yours. Now you have to struggle for your life and play pin point perfect to keep up your little pressure with this 1 single hook you get, if you make 1 mistake the game is lost immidiatly.

    Now keep in mind that this is an example against a very high skilled swf team and I am aware that you dont face those teams every game. However you CAN face them regardless of which Killer you play and I am not a person who enjoys playing the same Killers over and over. I am someone who switches up the perk builds or Killers to try out new interesting things and THEN when you encounter such a team as lets say a Nemesis with Coupe de Grace then you have very very low chances of winning and this game is already over the second you load in.

    Yes you can tell yourself "well they where prepared to win and you where not, load up the next game and lets go". But this is not my point, the thing that annoys me about this is that those teams are a garuanteed loss to you UNLESS you play also fully sweaty with a meta Killer and insane addons.

    Also I am someone naturally who is pretty good in games, also in Dead by Daylight so I have a very high MMR on every single Killer, so my chances to meet those teams are way higher than from a regular person. This is the problem I have, I understand that I should face sweaty teams cuz I am sweaty myself but I dont want to tryhard and sweat every single game, I also want to play chilled sometimes which the MMR denies me that so therefore I stopp playing Killer and currently I am playing 7 days to die, its a great game btw the new alpha 20 patch is hella fun, you should go try it out.

    What would be a simple solution? Ranked mode

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021

    Ranked mode wouldn't really fix anything.

    It would work if they create some crazy rewards to make people want to be sweaty there.

    You think SWF that want to bully killer, would go for ranked? No.

    But I don't think it is good idea to create new modes. Just waste of time that can be used better. You can't really get away with this in Asymmetrical game. You need exact ratio of killers and survivors, which could be screwed by new modes. Lobby queue can already get crazy enough.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Mmr, hit validation when survivors have worse internet than me, pallet validation and less than 5 min matches vs 4 bnps and map offerings.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Boons. It made dropping chases way too much punishing since everyone would be back to full health in seconds. The Wraith nerf was icing on the cake too.

    Just played more survivor really.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    I play less because:

    *As survivor I'm nearly always get hooked first, tunneled and camped. Not fun.

    *As killer I'm facing sweaty SWF who abuse bugs, such as Dead Hard hit validation and Unsnuffable boons. Not fun also.

    Game must be scary and fun. But it's not.

  • UntilValhalla13
    UntilValhalla13 Member Posts: 182

    *Gestures broadly.*

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I started playing less killer when I found swf. Many times I'd rather be chilling with them than sweating alone.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    It is possible to do it considering the asymmetrical aspect. Just like overwatch had issues with the role que dbd can add also extra rewards for the role that is more needed currently. For example if we have today too few Killers playing then add some idk 20k extra bloodpoints after finishing a match as Killer.

    And exactly, in the rank mode you can give shards as rewards or even outfits. They could do it simiular like world of warcraft does, with higher MMR you can buy specific "Elite" or in dbd's case "Iridiscent" outfits that are ONLY for high specific MMR available.

    Does it fully fix the problem? No

    but atleast it helps, in world of warcraft arenas you have atleast WAY less smurfers or ppl that are high rank and play on low ranks on purpose compared to other games like league of legends etc. Also this is not something crazy to do for BHVR, they just have to make extra outfits that should look ofc amazing for every season (month) and thats it. I dont see any reason to not implement it.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Nothing, I still play as much as before and I wouldn't do so if I didn't still find it fun.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Continual nerfs, mmr combined with boons.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    General burn out.

    The game is really stale for me after 5 years of playing. The games not really progressed or evolved in ways that excite me enough to deal with the stress of playing killer. The most recent killer additions have been pretty underwhelming in ways that are hard to look pass too.

    Just a general sense of "This is stressful and boring now."

    I play a lot less overall and I mostly play survivor now. It's low stress, I get to listen to music while I play which is nice, couldn't do that as killer which sucks a lot of the personal atmosphere out of the experience.

    Not enough evolution to gameplay to keep things interesting and still no fine control over things like chase music intensity, visuals, and generally dealing with the temper tantrums of people just roll together into a general burn out state for me.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Bonns., i mean if ur playing against a swf with full bonns. Big maps for their shift-w babys

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285
    edited December 2021

    I still play killer but less and less everyday since MMR. Used to play 10-15 games a day and now it's hard for me to even go above 3. It's not even because I'm winning less, I'd say I'm winning actually more now than I was when MMR turned on, but I heavily dislike how every match feels like one side is getting stomped. It seems I either get 4 equally skilled survivors (which means I'm probably going to lose because that's how the game goes) or 2 very good ones paired 2 babies, which means I'm probably going to win.

    Gotta say that Boons are the most boring mechanic ever added into this game as well. There's nothing more frustrating than hearing those 3 loud thunders after 30 seconds. It also doesn't help how boring it is snuffing them over and over again. COH is the the most unhealthy perk added since OG MoM.

    Props also to the horrible map design this game has. DBD has only a few handful of actually good maps: Coal Tower, Ironworks of Misery, Wrecker's Yard, Blood Lodge, Rancid Abbatoir, Thompson House, Torment Creek, Father Campbell's Chapel, and Temple of Purgation. That's only 9 out of THIRTY-SEVEN maps, this means more than 75% of the maps in this game range from either mediocre designed to actually DISGUSTING to play on, with special mention to Badham, Cowshed, Haddonfield, RPD and The Game, maps which are very unlikely to have any fun as killer. Seriously, whatever team is responsible for the map design needs to get their ######### up and actually learn something from the good maps they have. Players only care about aesthetic for the very few first games, after that nobody cares about that safe room music that plays on RPD because the map is still unfun as hell to play on. Also another tip: NOBODY LIKES BREAKABLE WALLS.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I guess you don't play killer.

    Try it and it will change your mind when someone use dead hard to extend to another loop connected to another loop.

    Or maybe YOU have 1 brain cell or you playing Nurse only.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Genrush and flashlight squads, Boon totems, Dead Hard basically being an extra health state. All of these reasons are why I'm kind of playing less killer now.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Boons were the straw that broke the camel's back for me. The fact that hexes can be permanently disabled within the first 20 seconds of a match and boons can never be disabled...

    Still cannot believe BHVR looked at the state of the game and said "hmmm killers seem to have way too much time on their hands, let's add yet another objective." I stopped playing halfway thru the halloween event and I do not regret it

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I felt it was not fun anymore mostly stressful and games become the same thing again and again. Gens flying, bodyblocks, exit gate t-bagging etc etc. It's not worth I thought to myself so I quit killer around 7-8 months ago and I have not regret it. I don't think I will pick it up again solo survivor is the way to go.

  • Hexbabylegion
    Hexbabylegion Member Posts: 21

    Balance....Its feels like there is only 4k or 0k for me.... still enjoy killer but a healthy 2/2 every match would be way more fun tbh...

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Stress. Killer was stressing me out and was often unenjoyable, so I have gone from 60/40 killer/survivor to mostly survivor. Usually solo but sometimes with 1 friend.

    I usually play 1 killer match to get the 300xp, and then switch to survivor for the remainder of my gaming time.

    Even when I lose at survivor, it doesn't feel stressful and I rarely feel angry. Getting facecamped sucks, but its just like "Well, what can I do?" and wait to die in a minute. As opposed to killer which feels worse and worse as you're losing a match and then get the taunt squad in the exit gates.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    When I see that I'm trying way too hard to win a match or when I see survivors going behind me clicking flashlight and stuff, I think it's time to change roles for a bit or try other killer to change things up a little bit. I usually don't care about losing matches cause I Just like to Chase people, using the powers and so on, so I don't care too much about whatever the hell they want if they're trying to harass me.

    Also, I don't tunnel and camp hooks cause as a Solo Q myself, I can't stand this anymore, it literally breaks the mood and pace of the game.

    I might sound pessimistic, but I always go to a match as killer expecting the worse to me, but it also helps me to get better going up against tryhard swf teams, and I love the ones who use DH on reaction and I shake my head and they use it, or when I look down to a downed survivor so the clicky clicky ones goes out of the bushes and I can down they too. Y'know, are things like that, that make me not get bored of killer.

  • Zederick666
    Zederick666 Member Posts: 3

    What make me furious is this thing. Yesterday we play with frien and two strangers. NO ONE was able to blind killers with flashlight. Three differents killer, variety of flashlight add-on and nothing. Today i play killer. In one ######### match they blind me three time. Carrying survivor, picking up survivor, even in casually pursuit survivor-you name it, they have it. I dont know if this is bc update but i was so mad about this.

    Also, what happen to hit validation? I cannot hit survivor simply bc he keep run around me .

    Sorry for my english

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    The killer was probably running a perk called lightborne which makes you immune to flashlights

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    What makes me play lessons less killer these days is 2 things

    1:the nerf to my boy deathslinger he was main and they gutted him

    2:circle of healing is really good vs him so it can be really frustrating to play vs a skilled squad

  • Bassador
    Bassador Member Posts: 92

    I’d have to say taking a break from this game, for 11 months, made me want to play less killer. It’s easier as survivor, what with all the hand outs (perks, op medkits/toolboxes). Now I get to peg killers all the time and make sure they quit the role as well.

  • Zederick666
    Zederick666 Member Posts: 3

    THREE different killers? I know Hillbilly have this perk

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    Any killer can have it you just have to unlock it by leveling hillbilly to 35 then it can show up in any killers bloodweb

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Survivors just easy mode. Why stress myself out wondering if I'll get sent to Badham when I can just play Surv with DH, IW, SS and CoH or DH, DS, Unbreak a Bill and SG?

    I play cross dressing James for the challenge of getting tunneled even harder and let me tell you, having both the killer tunnel you, smqck you on hook,MSGs you after telling you to ######### and having your team specifically let you die is still way less stressful than your average killer match.

    I pretty much never lose as Plague or Slinger but yet afterwards I need a smoke...

  • Zederick666
    Zederick666 Member Posts: 3

    Thats possible but weird ods...anyway, you cant blind killer when he pick up survivor...they can sudenly

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    MMR and DH for distance. And qustionable patch disparity between survivor and killer.

    Isn't it funny DH got validated after Deathslinger got nerfed?

    Of course, I'm fine with validation. Like most people, I hate its false alarm.

    The thing is, killer nerfs are usually huge and impactful, even if it affects a single killer.

    On contrast, if survivors get huge nerfs, survivors have possibility to adapt comparably easier than killers.

    This is what I think after toolboxs' nerf to the ground and removal of main building god windows.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    From a former engineering major, good luck.

    Exam week is hell.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited December 2021

    I last played 09/20/2021. This is one of many breaks I have taken since I started playing in Feb 2018. Actually, this time, I probably will never return, so it's more than a break. The lack of care about above average skill level play is what mostly drove me to take another break. I'm tired of the balance and design choices not taking into account what good players can do and are capable of with things designed with average players in mind. When boons were announced is probably when I decided that this time me not playing anymore was more than just a break. Boons being added showed me and everyone else that cares about skilled play in DBD that design choices do not consider good players playing the survivor role.

    The killer community, and even players that are good at both roles and play 50/50 are not a priority in the slightest. Everything must be catered toward average skill survivor players. Instead of balancing things more toward skilled play and encouraging average players to improve, the skilled players on killer get to suffer because skilled survivors get to take advantage of everything designed to help average skill survivor players. Now, I have nothing against average skill players, but a PvP game should be balanced and designed with higher skilled players in mind and should encourage lower skilled players to improve. When you balance around average skill, we end up with the current situation in DBD at higher skill levels, which is, competent survivor players controlling the game with ease.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    DH vaidation. It's super frustrating to get a scream on hit and then get "vaidated", especially when it happens multiple times in match.