Killer Gamertags

In survivor lobbies, it would be helpful if survivors could see the gamer tag of the killer. Not what killer they’re playing, just the gamer tag of the player.
I hate having games where I’m playing against the same killer from the match before and they have a personal vendetta against me because I escaped or something like that and give every other survivor special treatment while bullying me the whole time slugging me for a long as possible, trapping me in corners, picking me up, dropping me, and downing me in a loop over and over and the survivors can’t help me even if they try.
It would be nice to at least see the gamer tag so if it’s the same person who abused the game and held me hostage, then I can leave the lobby instead of having to go through it again.
I am not sure it is good thing. You could see their profile and play time.
Let's be honest, do you think survivors would go easy, if they saw a killer with less than 100 hours? No, they are going to bring some sabo / headon squad to bully the ######### out of him.
They would start dodging lobbies instead. Yeah, I got a killer with more hours than I do? ######### it, I am out of here...
I don't think this would bring anything good to the game.
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Then make it so you can’t view their profile, ez
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You can't really prevent it, I can search for it via steam anyway.
It would also make stream sniping super easy. You can see Otz for example to try and cover survivor's names, so they can't easily stream snipe him, but that could not prevented if they could see his name in lobby.
Also ttvs would get super #########, I see ttv as a killer, watch stream fast, hey it's wraith, let's get 4x flashlight, hey it's Twins, 4x Exponential etc.
most killers have some perk related counter-play and it would be super broken if you could find out what killer are you against. Stealth killer? 4x spine chill, enjoy.
Even your reason: I have seen that player! You know what he played last game and there is high chance he is playing it again.
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Killers can already do all those things too. They can check gameplay and hours, while choosing to lobby dodge.
I don’t care about hours, I don’t want to deal with killers who bully for fun.
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Yeah, but all survivors are same. What will it give me?
All I can find out is playtime and maybe perks of one survivor, if it is streamer, but it doesn't change much and killers are more likely to go easy on survivors than survivors go easy on killers in my experience.
If you could find out what killer you are playing against, you are going to win and it would be really easy. Some killers are just countered too much by some perks / items. Do you really think that is same? I wouldn't mind hiding names in lobby for both sides instead.
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That’s actually a good idea. To just hide both names.
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I would be fine with that, I usually watch second monitor anyway :D as long you can see what items they have, it would be fine.
I would also remove last second switch option to be honest, it is annoying. When it is looking like good lobby and they switch to 4x same items in last second...
But showing killer's name would be really bad.
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I am of the opinion that all names should be hidden, at least in the lobby, while shown in the score screen.
There's always a chance that people take it personally and start attacking a specific player, Survivor or Killer, however I would like to see the players' ping in the lobby, that's something that could be pretty helpful.
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If seeing a player's ping is helpful to decide whether or not I want to play a match or how to play a match shouldn't we be able to see who's in a swf with who?
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I mean, it's usually enough that you can see your ping. But yeah, if I would see a survivor with 300ms ping, I am out of there for sure.
I am not sure it would be good thing to see SWF in lobby, it would be interesting to see it in end-game. If you would see it in lobby, you would often get tunneled for being SWF and that's not really good...
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" is not great to verse for either side"
Most killers do not enjoy facing swfs and many perks do not work against them. Shouldn't a killer have a headsup that their insidious won't work because the person on the hook can just tell their friends they're still there. Or knockout etc.
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insidious also doesn’t work against Kindred. This is a better argument to make kindred basekit than it is an argument against SWF.
and most survivors don’t like to face hard campers or even hard tunnelers. Should killers now get labeled as such in lobby if they tend to use these strategy’s?
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Kindred costs a perk, swf does not. You can already see if someone has kindred but there are several cases where you can't know if someone is in a swf.
"and most survivors don’t like to face hard campers or even hard tunnelers. Should killers now get labeled as such in lobby if they tend to use these strategy’s?"
You're looking at the symptom of a disease and getting mad at the body for raising its temperature instead of looking to see what's causing the symptom in the first place. Why do players camp and tunnel so much? Why do players not want to face swfs? Why do players not want to face high ping players?
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Fun fact: lengthening game times and nerfing survivors would actually massively buff camping and tunneling so you can't address all of the issues with the game at different times, it has to be simultaneously or nothing.
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The camping/tunneling was just an example to point you to how ridiculous it is to compare high ping to SWF.
High ping is causing unintentional behavior in the game while SWF (same as tunneling and camping) are very much intentional features.
As to kindred and insidious. I am aware that those are perk. Again, the main point was to show you that Insidious does have counters to it as many perks do. SWF may be one counter but that doesn’t mean people should be able to dodge SWF.
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You are right about that but playing 3 times in a row against a facecamper is not exactly pleasant, same as playing 3 times against a SWAT team, at least Killers can avoid that situation while Survivors cant.
And before anyone says "thats rare" try playing on low player hours, you can get the same 2 or 3 Killers and 10-14 Survivors in the span of 2 hours.
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you should try play killer then since killer main and player who existingly love killer now leaving this game
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Holy mother of God what the hell have you been doing to Killer players?!