Do you still get upset about tunneling under the current conditions of Killer?



  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Information based solely on your personal experience cannot possibly be objective--that is fundamentally untrue.

    Okay, I'm going to stop you there. Because at this point you are reiterating my argument back at me, as if it is contrary to anything I've said thus far. Good chat. 👍️

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
    edited December 2021

    Just gonna check out of this convo, honestly. Not worth arguing it.

    Post edited by SunsetSherbet on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't get mad no, I like being chased. If I die quite early, I can just jump into another match. I don't have a reason to get upset when I get tunnelled, because it's just a game.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    I don’t feel like killer is all that bad to be honest. It’s much more balanced than people say. I don’t feel the need to tunnel every game. No, I don’t get mad at killers for tunneling. I don’t feel like it should be as viable as it is, though. I wouldn’t mind if DS became basekit or worked twice.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    You made a very bold claim--a negative generalization about a large group in this community--and presented it as fact because that is all you see in a virtual space where people vent all their woes and frustrations. Of course you're going to assume that a certain minority/majority ALWAYS act or think a certain way when your impressions of them are molded in a place with a very specific function or reputation.

    Just this past week, a DBD content creator made a poll asking "how do you feel about camping and tunneling?"

    At the time of writing, there are 28k responses and only 6% of respondants said "It's toxic, don't do it."

    36% of respondants said "it's okay" or "necessary" at the end of a match or against good teams.

    47% said its "annoying" but tolerate it

    and 11% are unbothered by it

    I won't pretend like this poll is a perfect representation of the community, as it is just a representation of this content creator's audience, but it can't be understated how few people find camping & tunneling toxic--even fewer than those completely unbothered by it.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Yes when a killer tunnels and camps me now I still get upset. However, because I also play so much killer and know what it's like from that end right now, I'm more accepting and understanding of why they feel the need to do that. It doesn't stop me from getting mad though.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    The problem I always see with these arguments is that we don't really have a clear definition of any of these words.

    Its literally the boy who cried wolf. Same with swf. People who don't want to accept they got outplayed will shout these terms watering down their meaning.

    So when someone says "tunneling is fine camping is fine" they quite often are saying "There's nothing wrong with downing an injured survivor if I come across them. I shouldn't have to just walk away when I know someone's there."

    And yet, many times killers get called camper and tunneler even though they did nothing of the sort. Kinda like how any competent survivor group is obviously a swf.

    This makes the arguments pointless, because there is very clearly no mutually shared understanding of these terms. Since killers who actually DO facecamp and legit tunnel don't care and frail survivors who can't handle losing don't care its likely not going to change since these people will always be the loudest. Since it's a game that means deep down most people really, truly, do not care anyway so... its...

    Its... tiring...

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited December 2021

    I've never messaged anyone after a match, I'm not going to give someone crap about how they play a video game, but do I enjoy getting tunneled? No. And if a killer tunnels my friend first thing, then I run up to the killer and do really stupid crap so my friend and I die together. If the killer wants the win that bad he can have it, I doubt they mind that I hand them their victory. I just want to play with my friend and am happy to move on to a new match. I usually check really quick to see what happens after I get sacrificed, and often the remaining two survivors go immersed and start avoiding gens waiting for the other to die, so I'm sure the killer's about to have a fun half-hour of hide-and-seek. Every once in a while one or even both of the other survivors will throw the match with me, that's always amusing. Why play for real when it's not going to be a fun match? Live fast, die young, have a few laughs.

    As a survivor, it's not fun to get tunneled out, and if it happens too many times in a day I either go into super-meme mode or I quit playing altogether for a while.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I mean yeah, it's not super fun to be tunneled.

    I had a Legion, then a Bubba who just caught me and planted themselves on hook and kept smacking me until I died.

    That's not very fun, tbh.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited December 2021

    It still bothers me but only under certain circumstances. I play Solo queue, which is at a distinct disadvantage compared to SWF who can easily coordinate around it.

    It bothers me if it's the 4th game in a row where the Killer just camps and tunnels (at 4-5 gens). By that time, it's just so repetitive, and frustrates me because it seems like that's all there is to the game. I get a bit apathetic waiting to finally get a match where the Killer actually plays the game rather than stares into the face of the first person he's hooked. As a survivor, you get next to no points for those matches. Especially if you're the first one camped. You don't pip either. So it's a colossal waste of time.

    Even today when I played a few matches, just about every Killer camped and tunneled. In one match, a survivor disconnected seconds after loading in, so it was 3 vs 1. The Ghostface still camped the first hook at 5 gens. Just crouched behind a bale of hay and waited. It was ridiculous.

    I've just opted to play the game far, far less. Maybe I'll play 5-6 matches a week with a friend (no coms).

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    Not having 4 good survivors with meta perks in every game changes a lot you know.

    Bad players never use the OP stuff properly.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Huge difference between understanding and enjoying. I understand why some killers strictly rely on camping and tunneling now days. Does not make it any more fun to experience. I've played more survivor the past 2 months than I played in the past 3 years, and I can tell you it is mind-numbing how much camping is going on. The games are boring as all get-out now. Either I get to run the killer for 4 gens and then get left on the hook to die, or I gen jockey because the killer is hardcore camping, and I don't happen to have BT on right now. God, forbid I try to NOT run meta perks.

    Honestly, my play time is lowering every week. Not tired of the game, just tired of the state of the game. If the developers don't care and just keep pumping out junk material, why should I care?

  • DeAtHLeGenD
    DeAtHLeGenD Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2021

    I'm kinda new to the game. When the killer facecamps me when I play with my squad it almost works towards our advantage because we have more time to do gens. Its very annoying to have a killer camping and not chasing us. I always mock them after the game for their playstyle and their desicion to camp. They are bad at the game if they do that and that a fact.

    When I play killer I never camp anyone, I just want to chase and have fun, also you get more bloodpoints when you do not camp. xD

    They're just bad at the game, which frankly, its quite simple.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Sunset made the "objective" claim that people cry about Tunneling, Camping, & Slugging (TCS) because they see it as a personal insult. They further claimed that survivors who complain about TCS believe the killer is deliberately trying to ruin their day or antagonize them. Sunset then went on to imply that survivors don't recognize TCS as a viable means to an end (winning strategy).

    My response, as you have quoted above, is merely calling BS on Sunset for their "de facto" over-generalization of people who complain about TCS. I'm indignant beceause they painted survivors with a broad brush, and are continuing to stoke the flames of an unnecessary Survivor v. Killer forum war.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,470

    Sure Tunneling is annoying. I don't like it when it happens to me but I've come to except that sometimes It just will.

    If I see a lot of it I'll bring in DS. what annoys me is when I'm not being camped and my team is just sitting on their asses. or hiding in lockers

    Yeah No. that's not the case at all. I've had it happen to me and seen it happen to other players. killers will ignore me and go only for that person. that list is your opinion and that's okay but it's not fact.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    So they are camping then, not tunneling. If the killer hook a survivor, then leave the hook and manage to come back to down the same survivor I am sorry but that's on you. You either rescue too early and farm your friend, or the survivor does not care about the killer (doing stratch marks everywhere, using DS / BT as weapon, not hiding in locker when he could, ect...).

    Survivors tend to either whine about tunneling when there is none (I have had survivors complain about me tunneling when I got my 4 BBQ stacks before any 2nd hook) or don't respect the killer and don't understand why he is punishing their mistake.

    Just now I finished a game when 2 girls DC because they said a I am a slugging nurse, why ? Because I faked going for a pickup when I knew a survivor was hiding behind a rock ready to try a flashsave. Then, I down that person and noticed a 3rd survivor coming, did the exact same thing (pretending to pick a survivor) when he tried to pallet save this time and down him too. Survivors really have to stop thinking killers will play as they imagined. Stop doing mistakes and you will have nothing to complain about.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    The camping and tunneling is so prevalent because it works. In this meta of CoH, 4 DHs/IWs, snowmen, and exploiting bad map design, you need to play damn near perfectly to try to 9 - 12 hook. Camping and tunneling gets you way more results for kills. Devs need to fix the ######### that's hilariously busted in favor of the survivors and more killers would try to 12 hook. I straight up only play killer now for dailies and when I do I hard camp tunnel and NOED. It's awesome spawning in on Cowshed and hearing that boon totem go up

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    People were not as good in the game as people are now (5 years later). Also in 2016 there was no swf and the first mori's that came out allowed killers to mori someone without even hooking them. So please stop with this entitled attitude...

    Play some killer yourself at higher mmr and stop talking about things from the past that makes it look like killers are complaining for no reason.

    I didn't want to comment this but your comment doesn't make sense and i had to say this to you. Thank you very much!

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Riiight.. That meme seems to have struck a nerve with you for some reason. It's okay to laugh every once in a while...

    A fee points though:

    1) "People were not as good in the game". Doesn't that apply to both sides?

    2) What was "entitled"?

    3) I do play killer myself. I play more killer than survivor. I actually main Doctor so I know most of the killer struggles. This doesn't stop me from being objective however.

    4) As for your confusion as to why I was "talking about things from the past" and why the "comment doesn't make sense" to you - I urge you to scroll through the previous posts and look at what I was replying to before posting yourself...

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 303
    edited December 2021

    Yes. So when the killer tries to act all nice to me in post endgame chat, I make my darn best to remind them that I'm not their buddy.

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2021

    With so many new healing and no scratch marks perks, splitting pressure for killers without an insta-down is no longer viable most games. It's bad enough to encounter circle of healing and shadow step in a solo game as killer but it's on another level of absurd when you encounter a good 3-4 SWF all running it.

    I don't really get too upset about tunneling or camping in general unless it happens like 5 games in a row where the killer genuinely has no good reason to tunnel me or the killer is being toxic. These days you are forced to tunnel usually at least 1 person at some point in the game to have a chance to win. You just don't have enough time to hook everyone equally especially with all these new perks as I mentioned at the start.

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