The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Killer is too easy to play, and not enough counterplay is allowed

Before people respond understand I am saying it easy to play, not easy to win.

Many of the killer's powers are simply to strong with not enough counter play, leatherface, nurse, spirit, Oni, Freddy. Many of these killers have a power that simply negates most loops. This is really bad design, as looping/ counter looping is what people strive for in a fun match of DBD. They do not allow for technique as looping these killers rarely works. Before people say (killers lose all the time), yes but this is not because of an inability to chase survivors, but rather because of the gen speed time limit is against them.

All of this has resulted in a really awful strategy called (the shift W strategy) where survivors are simply choosing to instead of attempting to counter killers' powers, rather accept that a hit is inevitable and therefore chose to get hit and keep their momentum and run to the other side of the map.

Solution: Bring back chainable tiles. tiles that inked into one another, creating a singular loop when done properly. Not only would this better sperate good survivors from bad ones this would create more dynamic matches. For example killers with powers that simply negate looping (Such as the artist, leatherface, would forced to choose when and how to use their powers as setting up their power immediately to shut down a loop would not be as effective. This would discourage survivors form simply using shift W as a strategy as chaining loops would become the most effective strategy.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Sure gens are one reason why killer lose so much but overpowered perks and an overall bad map designe counts in it as well and you really want to make that even worse.

    Yes the killer you mentioned makes looping harder but that's intentional cause there powers are anti loop oriented and all of them have cointerplay to some extent. And we shouldn't forget the many other killers that don't have such powers so making loops even stronger would make them even more useless so you simply have to drop chase when the surv enters a good loop

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 942

    good joke

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Tiles are already able to be linked. Unless you're on a map like Shelter Woods or Wretched Shop, there's always enough time for you to get to another tile. You're suggesting something that already is in the game.

    Unless you are talking about making every map like Cowshed or old Ormond, to which my answer is a big NO.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    Not too easy to play. And looping isn't fun. Good survivors have the edge.

    Looping overall is a lame mechanic. It's like an annoying version of the chase part of duck, duck, goose without the endorphins from actually moving. At launch, stealth was the skill survivors needed, which is a better fit for a game called Dead by Daylight--not tea-bagging/parkour by daylight.

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    I disagree. Even as the maps and their tiles continue to get neutered, survivors still have a huge edge against most killers. Besides, you aren't meant to beat the killer 1v1 in a chase. You are meant to buy as much time as possible for your team. This is a 4v1 game.

    That is why killers have antiloop.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited December 2021

    Right, that totally explains her 40% or so overall kill rate among all players. 🙄

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    I agree, however too many killer powers and perk simply negate stealth. Interestingly when DBD initially focused on stealth the game was more balanced as the match was slower, allowing for more time for killers go get downs. Unfortunately too many killers now simply remove that option.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Please read the post before replying. I fully understand, that in a 4V1 situation survivors have the advantage, however as maps have more and more loops "Fixed" and tiles removed this is resulting in the best strategy for survivors, get hit, and run to the corner. This is not fun, for either side

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Let's not further destroy the m1 killers. Even killer players that enjoy chase don't want long drawn-out 1v1s where the only option is to brute force every pallet and hope for a survivor mistake.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    It’s true. I think the devs have dug themselves a hole relying on perks and powers that are a continuous one up manship of counters for counters. New killers and survivor perks aren’t even creative. They’re designed to put out the balance dumpster fires the last DLC created.

    I liked the old gameplay before infinite loops became a skill people developed. You could even do well running no perks as a killer or survivor against others with full perks maxed out. Not anymore with stuff like lethal pursuer or borrowed time. My only issue was how long it took to get into a match back then as a killer. So breaking the fun for killer fixed that I guess. I can get into a match quick now.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited December 2021

    Survivors could always Shift W, they've been doing it for years. The only difference between now and two years ago is that there were less anti-loop killers and more safe pallets on every map, including semi-infinites that every Survivor would immediately run to.

    Survivors mains don't want the generators slowed down in any way, so you get killers that can end chases quickly. It's just the direction the game has gone.

    I play both sides so I understand how tedious certain killers are to face, but I also understand how bad it feels to be an m1 killer chopping wood all day while generators are popping.

    I have more fun playing as a killer with anti-loop powers than playing one without.