Why are survivor queue times getting longer?!

4.4k hours and this is how you act. All I said was gg wp
Really over killer, and this game in general lately. Boons + MMR are killing it for me
That moron would have said that if you had 4k too. It's just BM bullcrap that's typical from survivors. They expect to win these days.
If they do, they call you trash. If they don't they call you trash.
Turn off the chat and facecamp some games using NOED. You'll have more fun. Make it about you. And only you. Tunnel the hell out of 1 person each game you play to better your odds.
Th3n watch them cry at the end. The typical concenses is only survivors are allowed to be toxic. You do it, and sit back with some popcorn and enjoy yourself.
Switch it up. Screw em.
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They should honestly just get rid of the endgame chat entirely. I play on console now and never see it. I'm glad I don't. XXS is right, you would have gotten the same response either way. if you won you would have been trash too because you killed them all and they didn't like it
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What does that help, though? That just creates more toxic survivors that are convinced that killers are Literally Satan and the cycle marches on. Also, you've now become the thing that used to piss you off and are just as bad as the instigators that used to upset you.
If a house is on fire, you're not going to fix the issue with a flamethrower. Of course, you're not going to be blamed for getting out of the house, either. Can't blame OP for wanting to quit at this rate. This kind of ######### is constant and it grates on you.
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LOL. Like we have Survivors on a side and Killers on the other. Most of us play both sides and aren't insulting in the end game chat. You act like everyone does.
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No, don't do that.
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Bait title + a picture with no context.
You can't prove you didn't play toxic nor can you argue that a single survivor from a total of four means that killers are being bullied.
Spin it however you want, but this just looks like a typical game to me. Nothing new.
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Don't worry, you'll have 50 survivor mains here to tell us literal video proof from streams is false and actually survivor queues are lightning fast.
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The queue times get longer due to less Killers playing... where you play
So on and so forth
It seems the entitlement reaches far (for both sides)
i would've just said GG without the WP
GGWP seems to come off as toxic nowadays
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I mean survivor queues were doomed the moment they released mmr despite literally 95% of their community saying its a bad idea. Then they add boons which made killer even less fun because 8 second heal = balanced. "BuT IT tAkes 2 SEconds tO snUFF thE bOON" yeah assuming killer can hear the boon from its entire radius, heads up you can't anymore since the ptb for Mikaela.
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Killers defs get bullied all the time in end game chat regardless of how they play
You would know this if you ever played killer for more then 10 hours
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Literally the most recent match I played, I had a teammate accuse the killer of camping and tunneling, calling them bad at the game, a weirdo, a loser, and unable to chase.
It was a Huntress with pretty normal perks - Ruin, Lullaby, Nurse's, and Fearmonger. Ruin went down within the first minute of the game and I never noticed Lullaby existed. Nothing to get salty about.
The only camping she did was in the endgame, when there's literally nothing else for the killer to do. When I pointed this out in chat, the teammate then accused the Huntress of tunneling her friend. The killer got her first hook four minutes into the game after at least seven chases that each resulted in one injury, and one down that got picked up because she left to chase someone else. On the dead player's second hook, I walked up to the killer and took a down to divert attention, and she picked me up instead of pursuing the fleeing Mikaela. (There were three players in the area, no reason for her to leave the hook.) That player didn't die until a minute and a half after that anyway - probably because she ran to her CoH in a spot the killer already knew about. The Huntress got two kills in the end purely out of endgame hook trading and it was a pretty fair and fun game; one of the better ones I'd played today. Honestly, I thought the killer should have tunneled more, because she switched targets a lot and CoH was nearly always in play.
I should also point out that there were two identical Mikaelas and you can't be expected to differentiate between two players who only differ between their teeny tiny survivor charms.
But nope. Camper, tunneler, bad killer, needed to learn how to play the game.
I tend to trust people when they say survivors complained about nothing because in my experience, survivors complain about nothing all the time. Hell, once I was accused of camping in a game I farmed and got one hook total.
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I mean, yes, that was his point. This is the typical experience and that is why less people want to play killer. You would need to genuinely not care which is apparently easier said than done for most people. I see one of these psychos? I laugh it off and move on. But it seems to bother some killer mains for whatever reason. I can vaguely tell why, if someone acted like this irl, I would definitely start something over it. This is not irl, though. It is some weird delusional survivor main...
I have no clue how people enjoy this game without being able to accept that the playerbase acts this way. It is something I learned to accept the week I started.
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Yeah I had a game where a Jake called me “basura” (which is garbage in Spanish) and “tunneler.” I’m against using that tat-tic (unless it’s a Claudette don’t care about them they will never have a good game so long as I’m playing killer) and I didn’t tunnel anyone in that game. 4k in RPD and the Jake was a horrible teammate. Why on earth are you allowing your injured teammate to be expose to a shred attack from demo in a small hallway that goes straight. Your fault being to scared to take a hit when you were right there. Both survivors and killer act salty and at this point you just have to have thick skin. Easier said than done. Just be the better person and move on. If only people were nicer
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Majority rules. Dbd is mob rule. Survivors are most definitely the more toxic group. I play killer most of the time, and I would say over half of my matches are 3 or 4 swf teams and every single one of them have at least one gross toxic player.
They may not always blast the chat in the end, but I'm getting teabag spamming after every pallet and window vault almost every game I play.
I've learned to ignore the BM. Survivors do gens in my face bc they aren't afraid of killers anymore.
It's most definitely the BEHAVIOR and attitude of swf teams. They expect the win, and God forbid they get outplayed once in awhile.
The anger comes in waves I've never seen in a game before.
And I come from the call of duty days where being racist and mother insulting was a right of passage
Dbd is worse than that.
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At this point I question the sanity of people who still let the endgame chat active. Seriously dude, the one or two ggs are not worth the amount of insults you're going to get.
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I don't know what's sadder the fact it keeps on happening or the fact everyone expects it now. I guess it shows how people think when it comes to this game at times.
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I mean at this rate, u can't say anything, lol
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True... It is best to not say anything
I do say GG to all those Xbox players (cause that's what platform I play on)
And if something a bit toxic comes up I ignore
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Youre forgetting that there is no way to play toxic in game per BHVR. The only toxic thing to them is end game chat insults. Just because you tunnel or camp doesnt mean you should be insulted after the game.
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Which I didnt, I was going for adept. So I was trying to go really far away from hooks ect.
It was on the new map, they had the boon somewhere I didnt have time to find it. healing super fast ect
As you can see I am not a noob to the game, and I have put close to $1000AUD into it. This is the closest ive been to quitting, still not quite there because I am holding out hope for a MMR or boon change, but my hours have dropped considerably. Right now I am having fun doing adept challenges though.
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I'll put it simply. There are way more than enough tools to make the killer suffer.
Borrowed time needs to only work once just like DS. Boons need to be breakable. Pallets need to not hit someone from so far away. Items need to be nerfed. It isn't a horror game it's a torment the big ugly person simulator.
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My survivor q times are still the same for me, so not a problem.
Also you were going for adept plague, which isn't easy so you only got a 1k. How does that make the game not fun for killers?
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The more stressfull it is to play killer, the less killers you will see. The less killers you see, the longer survivor que times will be. simple as that
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Mine has actually been faster for my wife and I than they use to be. It used to be like 5-10min at peak now it's like 1-2.
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We killers are on strike 🔥 Killers feel weak and we all know why.
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Imagine having 4k+ hours and acting like this lmao. This person 100% knows that survivor is stronger than killer when played well, but they don't care. The balance lets these people just keep their inflated egos and keep on being toxic. Sadly, nothing will change.
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Didnt hide anything, I said gg wp. I can only show so much in a screenshot, and if I showed video ill get banned for showing names, I dont know how to edit video like that.
I dont really care if you dont believe me though.
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