This is why killers call the game survivor sided!

This type of play shouldn't be possible in the game. It doesn't matter that "not every swf is like this". If you pay 10 games and 2 of those matches are like this, you're probably done with the game for the day, which is why survivor queue times are horrendous these days.
No counter play at all. Over use of the "tactical" flashlight macro spam, "non-game changing" boons, loops that are too strong, etc.
I can't imagine new players sticking with the game if this type of play is allowed to persist.
Oh no, a streamer lost one game. Losing one game = game must be survivor sided.
Game is only balanced when I win 100% of my matches.
Also, there's already a thread on this video:
17 -
Congrats on missing the point entirely. 🏆🏆🏆
40 -
What was the point besides "survivor op pls nerf" thread nº89408098405?
13 -
He was facing a SWF. I don't watch him, so I don't know, but I guess against a full solo lobby, he would do better. I think the game is more SWF sided than Survivors sided. And good SWF.
I'm a solo player, and this kind of scenario rarely happens to me. And the rare cases it happen, I'm with a 3-man SWF.
6 -
Dude, that's just a hacker. That's not how the game works.
2 -
There's already a thread on this about this specific match.
Also, he's playing Legion against a solid 3man SWF. Like the guy at end-game chat said, no one made him pick Legion.
11 -
He got hit by an exploit at the start of the game and ended up getting mad, which in turn made him lose focus and is what lost him the game. The game is Survivor sided, but that video isn't a good explanation as to why
9 -
Probably his viewers made him pick Legion. For a solid tip of 10 Dollar, tru3 plays your Killer and build and complains about it, just telling you that you should run a different build.
14 -
Though to be fair those two points aren't correlated. You pick killer before you see the lobby, and you can't instantly see they're a SWF. So, like, you can't pick a better killer if you're matched against a team.
I maintain the real problem with this video is that it exposes that when the killer's already lost, a sufficiently equipped/skilled team of survivors with a massive advantage can then just toy with them, and there's nothing that can be done about it. Doesn't matter if they misplayed to get to that point or have a terrible killer/perk loadout, they can't force the last gen to be done any faster--2nd to last gen goes at 7 mins, all three gens are spread out, 0 hooks. Survivors don't do the last gen for another 3-4 minutes and nobody leaves for another three after that; though the door could've at least been forced open then.
That sort of toying with people is just jerk behaviour at best (at least when they're not targeting low MMR players to do it specifically for much longer).
5 -
Also, Tru3 is not that good. He makes a lot of mistakes, but it was covered up by the previous skittles-matchmaking system. Now that he actually plays against people closer to his level, he has bad games about half the time. Which is exactly what should happen.
And he was playing a weaker killer, Legion. Not every killer has the same kill potential as Nurse, thank god.
9 -
I also like ur post how sbmm is not good for you. As you have to play with survivors who were boosted by swf and cant last 10s in the chase. But…MaYbE ThIs Is YoUr MmR aNd SbMm WoRkS?????
6 -
I literally didnt even mention SBMM in this post, but I guess you always have to hang around in hope I notice your hate boner for me
1 -
Yeah. Becouse soloQ is not working with you, even with instant queues. how pitty
0 -
What does solo q not working for me as anything to do with a streamer with thousand of hours losing against a SWF team while playing a weak killer?
2 -
The point is things like getting flashlight blinded when locked into a locker animation shouldn't exist. Getting blinded when the survivor isn't in you FoV shouldn't exist. Stretched res shouldn't exist. Flashlight macros shouldn't be regarded as "tactical". The game shouldn't be able to be broken by 3 or 4 friends playing together.
15 -
The big issue here is that survivors can flashlight save when killers are in the locker animation. As illustrated by this video, it shouldn't be a thing.
7 -
So we should just delete legion or what it's a shame there are so many killers that are so bad it's just useless to play them and to top it of there are people like you who simply say we deserve getting bullied because we don't play the handy full of meta killers that shows how bad the game and the community is atm
5 -
Lightborn exists. You cant get blinded with Lightborn.
You dont know if the survivors are using stretched resolution, you only see the killer POV.
Flashlight macros are annoying, but they do not win you matches.
3 -
I will preface this all by saying that Tru3 is jumping the gun by assuming these survivors are ''tournament level''. He's playing Legion, a contender for the worst killer in the game, with arguably, only 1-2 decent perks against a SWF, with good to meta perks. I assume they're on discord, or comms as well. So yes, if Tru3 played a top-tier killer with meta perks, this very much could've gone differently. But he is essentially, bringing the worst killer loadout, against the best survivor loadout. The power level here is drastically in the survivors favour, sadly.
But yes, there are glaring issues in this video, the fact that Tru3 isn't able to progress the game because they're abusing the flashlight save out of a locker mechanic (and he can't even pressure the rescuer, because they're on the top floor, meaning he looses either way). The fact that he stares at a wall and still is flashlight saved, by a bug or hacking, who knows. Then the fact that these survivors aren't even playing to win, do the generators ASAP and escape, they're playing to simply mess the killer around for a bit, do the gens, and then leave. The presence of COH and DH making the progression killers want to achieve extremely difficult. All together, there wasn't much Tru3 could've done to win this game. Yes, if we are nit-picking, he made mistakes and could've played better, but it's a hypocritical stance given how the survivors made mistakes, but abused an unfair mechanic (locker saves) and used DH repeatedly to have second-chances. So, if it really takes the killer to play perfect to achieve anything, whereas, the survivors can just mess around and still do very well, there isn't any other way I can tell you that there is a fundamental balance problem with the game.
If this was me, I would've just stood in a corner for a couple of minutes, browse the internet, go eat, do some tasks, if they want to hold the game hostage, I would disconnect. I'm a killer main, but if I'm faced with a clear ''bully squad'' as you call it, I don't bother. In fact, watching this video and hearing a flashlight macro + COH going up was enough for me to know this wasn't going to be a pleasant experience for Tru3.
5 -
Yeah, it's his fault for playing one of the killers in the game. What a loser, right? 🤡
20 -
If Cote was in tru3's spot playing this match, the issue would have already been addressed
15 -
It's ridiculous to think a perk should be used as a band-aide for a broken game mechanic.
Whether they were using it or not doesn't matter. Some players do, on both sides, and it shouldn't be possible.
You're right here, sort of. They are annoying. The only purpose is to grief killers. But for some reason the devs said call it "tactical". So from their data they must give some sort of advantage. Either that or the devs think griefing killers is fun.
10 -
It's not a bug, watching the full video it's because there's the tiniest little crack in the window he was facing at that point. Which the survivors knew about, because one brought an offering and is why they crawled there.
Which is just dumb interaction with maps tbh.
12 -
Oh you mean when people tell others to use "small game" to counter noed and "do bones"? But yes, I do agree that we shouldn't have to use perks to counter other things.
Of course it matters, it was one of the things you mentioned. I'm totally against stretched res, I don't use it and I don't think it should be possible at all. I see it a lot when I spectate random team mates.
When did the devs say flashlight macros are "tactical"? Do you have a source for that?
4 -
Lol at recommending Lightborn when he's playing a build that a viewer paid money for
1 -
That's not relevant. You aren't the one being paid by viewers, he is.
This post is not about "poor tru3" it's about "poor killers" in general.
3 -
Totems and NOED aren't broken game mechanics, so your comparison is a bad one.
You basically agree here. It can't be proven if they used it or not from that video. Regardless, it shouldn't exist. Tru3 was probably right though, it's much more likely that they were using it than not.
I'll see if I can find an actual source. I've seen it in a few random threads and in some streams, but I don't have first hand knowledge of it and could be completely wrong. Even still, there's no reason for it to stay in the game when all it is, is a griefing mechanic.
3 -
Flashlight saves aren't broken game mechanics.
Just because you lose doesn't mean the other team was using stretch resolution. Most likely he lost because he was using a crap killer against a coordinated SWF group. If those groups are even difficult to face as top tier killers, of course Legion is going to struggle.
2 -
Since he´s playing against people of his skill level, doesn´t it look weird how they utterly destroyed him?
15 -
Flashlight saves are ok. Flashlight saves when locked into a locker animation and/or outside of the killer's pov are. Abusing a map to allow those save while hiding in an area where the killer has no way to prevent it or apply pressure is also broken.
6 -
The killer is also locked in an animation when picking up a survivor in the open. So what is the difference between being locked in that animation, and being locked in a locker grab animation?
And I do agree if the bean is outside of their POV, they shouldn't get blinded.
1 -
When someone's on the ground, they're not generally free to get up and run about if you address the flashlight nuisance, and you still have some choice of positioning to try and make it harder.
Lockers, if you don't grab, they're fine and dandy to get out and run away if you chase their flashlight pal, and you have zero choice about positioning or trying to avoid it.
9 -
You can find bones
You can learn where all the bones in the game spawns to get them quickly
You can pass some time to search for the bones even tho he was next to your gen the entire time
But people complained that they cant find the bones to prevent noed or had the time, so other playrrs said use these perks to find them
Here its another subject
Abusing the Flashy save out of à locker where you cant do anything as a killer and find yourself in a loose/loose scenario is bad, and you should never have to be forced to put anyperk on to be able to play the game normaly. A normal flashy save is all fine, but the locker one is quite easy to abuse on many maps tbh
6 -
You can use lightborn. It's free, it's a Billy perk. You know if there's flashlights in the lobby, so you know when to equip it.
"The killer cant do anything against a flashlight save in the locker", they can, they can use lightborn, or even franklins.
1 -
All the mechanics, killer, perk choices, stretched res, and swf aside, did he really have a chance to "win" this match? I think that's the point here. He couldn't win against this team using these tactics. They stuck to chases around a building they knew all the little exploits (like blinding through a small crack in a wall). My issues with this video isn't that the swf was able to play so strong but that the killer didn't have a chance.
5 -
Lol well tru3 quit killer per his current livestream. Now who will the armchair killer pros that 4k constantly with Clown at high MMR hyper analyze??
2 -
But bzsically youre saying that because of that one busted mechanic that can be abused, i have to play with Lightborn to be able to counter it ?
These are the reasons why tunneling and DS are still so strong in the game
By letting small things stay in the game and "fixing" them with à perk, it will be abused over time, and be damned if you didnt brought your own fix there
11 -
This is why I have been only playing tombstone Myers lately. Get sombody out very quickly
1 -
Ah yes light born.... the perk that becomes useless after the first flashlight save attempt unless you get low iq survivors.
8 -
This is only one extreme. Lets not forget that "most" of the time it is the complete opposite. A killer is completely wiping the floor, camping or tunneling as an overpowered Leatherface or some other killer.
Killers are overpowered but this happens one time out of a 100 and suddenly everyone loses their mind because the killer couldn't bully.
This is a game with 5 players. The one player is not supposed to win all of the time. And right now, they do most of the time.
3 -
No comment on how busted that setup is?
0 -
"Oh he turned left at a jungle gym instead of right, entire game is worthless to judge. If he had just turned left it would have been an easy 4k!!!"
4 -
It’s not a hacker. They were on comms and have a loop where if one person dives into a specific locker, and the killer opens it, then a survivor on the second floor can drop down and get the blind 100% of the time. No hack needed.
1 -
That streamer plays dbd for a living, has 7 k hours into it and still manage to do alot of beginner mistakes. He's a mediocre killer at best. Starts complaining when he should focus on solutions. You should not take his advice on the game without a pinch of salt.
SWF is hard, i agree. For killer to counter it, It requires adaptation. It requires reasearch, knowledge and passion to compete at high mmr.
If you want to see how the state is of the game and how to counter high mmr, you need to watch Otzdarva. Simple as that. There is a reason he has 4 times the viewerbase.
4 -
Still better than complaining about flashlight saves when you have something that literally counters them 100%
1 -
@Marigoria Did you even watch the video before posting? If so, tell me what he could have done to actually win there.
0 -
I did watch the video. You dont have to win 100% of your games.
Like I'm also not supposed to win a game when I'm using no mither and someone dcs at 5 gens.
3 -
- You shouldn’t need to use Lightborn (a not so great perk normally) to avoid a situation where the survivors can potentially stall a game indefinitely. The problem isn’t “not using Lightborn”, it’s a specific issue with this particular locker in this location on this map allowing for an exploit.
- You can sometimes tell if someone is using stretched res by the direction their head is looking as they move. If they’re always looking down at their feet they’re almost certainly using stretched res because of the weird angle it puts their camera to allow them to look over objects.
- Flashlight macros don’t win matches but they are annoying, yes. Personally I’d love to see the game limit the sound effect on flashlights to only triggering once per second so it doesn’t make that horrible loud static noise, but that’s just me. 🤷♂️
7 -
Nobody is saying flashlight saves are overpowered or broken. The issue in this video is a very specific combination play involving a specific locker on a specific map where it’s virtually impossible to down survivors if they play it correctly.
8 -
Ah yes then sacrifice 1 perk that could be game changing for a mediocre one since they got dead dawg main building.