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Devs, you NEED to understand the most important thing: Killer at a high level is too damn stressful.

This is by far the biggest issue for Killer, and it is the result of several major issues causing the game to simply be too stressful to be worth playing at times.

When the Survivors are good and know how to loop and do Gens well, the Killer is on such a strict time limit that it is actually insane.

You cannot chase 4 people at once, you cannot pressure 4 separate Gens at once. I feel obligated to run corrupt 100% of the time purely because I cannot afford for Survivors to all spawn on separate Gens.

Fact of the matter is that if good Survivors spawn on 4 separate Gens and the one you end up chasing loops you for more than a minute, odds are multiple Gens are going to pop in quick succession.

It's simply too much to bare, it is too stressful and not fun. Games are supposed to be about having fun, and I am sorry but it is too much.

You get countless feedback on how Circle of Healing is broken (which it is), that Dead Hard needs a nerf (it does), and that SWF break the games innate nature (they do), but I could frankly forgive all of it if you could at least find some magical way to take the damn edge off.

You have a good start going with the Key/Hatch nerfs, keep the ball rolling and make some other changes to make the game actually fun for Killers.

I have noticed a trend for Killers and them posting about their experiences with the game, and sadly it is all too familiar: They sit on the lobby screen and contemplate whether or not searching for a game is even worth the stress. No matter which way you look at it, this is not okay, and I have NEVER had this experience as Survivor, soloQ or not.


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    What? No, that's such a lie. I 4k with no Perks and Add-on Demogorgon every game. You just gotta git gud

  • Daldal
    Daldal Member Posts: 12

    it's not. That's more of a you problem.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    There's a kernel of truth here - the killer role is at a bit too much of a time disadvantage - but it's being dressed up in horrendously overdramatic language.

    This is not my experience, nor is it an experience you can claim to be universal. Also, you have no proof you're playing at a high MMR, it seems like you're just assuming you're at high MMR because the survivors you're facing are good enough to play well against you, and that's recursive logic that actively stifles any chance of improving at the game.

    Also. This is not "the biggest issue". There are a lot of issues for both sides of the game, and more importantly, the game as a whole, and this one is just one of them.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335
    edited December 2021

    The question you really need to ask is, What is causing you stress? Why play something for fun that induces a stress reaction?

    Is it just losing? Do you feel helpless as killer? Every game?

    Because while I agree that killer can be harder to meet certain win conditions, the mechanics themselves are rather simple. The whole game is.

    So is the stress coming from self imposed win conditions? That I guess you don't think you meet enough?

    Alter your win conditions and you may find the game more fun.

    Post edited by Clevite on
  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    It comes from playing a basic game and after 1 or 2 chases Gens are flying. The pressure is insane, and there is a reason why Gen regression is so popular. Otherwise the game is often over before you know it.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    This is a bunch of fancy language meant to try and mask a universally understood issue with the game. Killer against very good Survivors who run meta perks, meta items, map offerings, and of course SWF is EXTREMELY difficult for anyone who is not Nurse.

    I feel like I shouldn't even have to argue this, and your comment says more about you than it does me.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    Fancy language...?

    Also, yes, you're (partially) right. However, you are almost certainly not playing against top tier survivors, and there is almost certainly something you're doing wrong that you could improve on. Like I said, you can't just assume that you're playing against high MMR opponents just because your games are hard.

    Against regular teams of survivors, even at a "high MMR", killers do have it a little more difficult than they should, but it's not impossible. Again, your original post has some truth to it, but the language and tone is overdramatic to the point of blowing it way out of proportion.

    To cap this off: If you're really finding yourself staring at the ready up button and wondering if it's worth the stress, stop playing. If that is genuinely true, you should not be putting yourself through that, it's not healthy.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    This is not just a me issue, I have seen countless people talking about how Killer right now against good Survivors is not fun.

    And they are right, it's not.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I've talked about how some aspects of this game aren't fun right now myself, that isn't at all equal to the extent you made it out to be in your post. If you're really staring at the ready up button with dread, that is a you problem, and the solution to it is to stop playing. No game is worth that.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    It's true that a person's feelings and stress are their own. But everyone is playing a game for the feeling and, with the exception of games looking to troll the player, all games are designed to play into a person's feelings--to make you want to play. Whether that's something demonstrative emotional or just the feeling of accomplishment and productivity.

    So yeah that's fine to say what are your own expectations you bring to the game and maybe you feel the impact of those not being met too much. But that doesn't mean it's invalid to say there's a design flaw that this game can create the space for so much stress as a killer. Expectations for the game that you won't be clowned, dominated, have no moves to accomplish any of the designed objectives isn't just a personal mental health problem. Those things fairly don't fit into the role and expectations for a horror movie type killer in-game.