What is the biggest problem with DBD?

I personally think its gens, killers are designed and buffed around chases, but when they're not in chase they suffer because they can't pressure four people and seven generators at once.

Gen speeds being a completely different issue, they fluctuate constantly and make the chase meta worse. Survivors aren't really at fault for doing gens quickly, it's the speed at which gens get done mixed with the killers having little to no ability to stop them. Its a snowball effect and the only thing survivors could do to not genrush would be to not do gens at all.

What do you think is the biggest problem in DBD?



  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,484

    3 Things

    - Map design

    - Healing speeds

    - The lack of a secondary objective for both roles to add more dynamic gameplay

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Map design is by far the biggest issue. Shrink the maps and remove some god pallets, tone down structures and it will better balance the game immediately. This change would only impact higher level MMRs and would have little to no effect on weaker survivors who don't know how to loop/abuse god loops/structures.

    Also add a breakable wall on every killer shack lol

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2021

    The big 3:

    • The delta between 'good' killers/perks/addons and bad ones.
    • Map design.
    • SWF having the same MMR matchmaking as solos.

    When a lot of people are complaining about something, isn't that an indication that something might be off?

    Sometimes - things do need a nerf. The game is better off without old MoM, old DS, old OoO, old infinites etc. Or...don't you think so?

    Boons, for example - even the Fog Whisperers seem to be of the opinion that they need a tweak.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Map size

    Survivor spawn logic

    Palette distribution ( which sort of ties in to the larger map size issue)

    Stale core gameplay. ( Probably my biggest complaint)

    DBD's a 5 year old game that shows its age in good and bad ways. The gameplay hasn't seen major changes or enhancement in a very long time. Survivor is still mechanically uninteresting and killer is still limited in ways to accomplish their objective. These aspects are in need of a shake up to put more life into the game and give both sides more interesting ways to interact with each other and the game world.

    Survivor's should always just spawn in a group in a centralized location and not spread across the map. This will help with the issue of killers starting immediately behind the 8-ball in terms of gen pressure. Also it would be nice to know that you aren't going to have a bad spawn where you're basically a few tiles away from the killer and forced immediately into a chase.

    Map size and palette budget are both trending to what I feel is too big. These giant elaborate maps are becoming increasingly less managable for certain types of killers and generally just unfun to play when they introduce lighting issues or overly complex layouts that are hard to memorize. This is more an issue with licensed maps that original maps so it might just be something we have to live with, but size is definitely something that should scale down a bit. The smaller maps like The Game have far too many palettes in general and far to many that are just not mind gameable. While the layout improved in a Realm Beyond the amount of palettes just feels like it skyrocketed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think the most underlying fundamental issue with DbD is that the devs opted to try and do a hybrid semi-cooperative game design where survivors are “sort of on the same team but not really”. Semi-cooperative games rarely work well because invariably it leads to players who are losing at a given moment just throwing the match for everybody else and similarly selfish behavior. The game thematically makes survivor players feel like they’re working as a team, but then turns around and has some mechanics that say “but go ahead and screw over your alleged teammates if it helps you get points or escape.” Just look at how many people complain for instance about how “survivors can hide all match and gain MMR” or how survivors ragequit when they get downed because they don’t have any interest in whether or not the rest of the team escapes, or how the endgame scoring is all individual survivors but many, many players just treat it as how the killer did against the survivors as a whole. And all this is exacerbated by the devs intentionally saying “we won’t say who won or lost the game, that’s up to you!”

    I think a great deal of consternation could have been avoided had the devs from the beginning just treated survivors as a team versus the killer and given clear, unambiguous win conditions for both sides. Unfortunately it’s way, way too late to do anything about this, they’d have to redo a large part of the scoring system and endgame screens to turn the game into an actual 4v1 game with a set objective. It’s just too bad they went the direction they did. 🤷‍♂️

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Both sides have game design issues.

    Gen speeds are a problem, but I think there's a subtle issue that's not often recognised in the way co-op repair is handled. The stacking repair speed debuff is a band-aid to try and stop survivors from roaming in a pack, but the problem is that now, the fastest way to do gens is to split up and put everyone on their own gen. Which is also the safest way to do gens, since the killer has a harder time pressuring four gens at once. If base gen speeds were slowed but co-op repair speed was increased instead of decreased, survivors would have to make a tactical decision: Do we want to do it fast, or safe?

    On the flipside, there's camping, tunnelling and slugging, which are ways for the killer to guarantee a kill with minimum effort, or close a match out really fast. It's all band-aided with 'second chance perks', but it needs to be addressed in a better way that also doesn't see killers complain about facing the same perks all the time.

  • chronicdreamz23
    chronicdreamz23 Member Posts: 20

    getting banned for 2 hours after DC'ing 1 time. complete bullshit

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670
    1. Unbalancing between perks (on both sides, but the survivor's meta perks is deeply oppressive against almost all killers)
    2. Unbalancing between killers (strong killers, weak killers)
    3. Map design/resources (matches finishing without survivors using 1/3 of the pallets, that's really an issue for me)
  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    Map design. Simple as that. Always has been.

  • LittleSagey
    LittleSagey Member Posts: 78

    This right here....i dont think making gens take longer is the issue, its already boring enough being on a gen alone for 80 ish seconds. There has to be something else like collecting parts scattered across the map or not allowing more than 2 survivors on a gen at one time (like healing) and with all these perks i think its now time to make some base kit, thrilling tremors needs to be basekit, if the game detects you as playing solo then kindred needs to be base kit. Also im not sure if this would break the game but maybe if you had to wait 15-30 seconds before anything in the map spawns (totems and generators) like after 30 seconds the entity places the items on the map so the killer and survivors both have time to get to certain areas or just get a ball rolling

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly I think the biggest problem is that killers are too slow.

    Maps are quite large, so by just making killers say 115/120% baseline would make traversing them less of a problem.

    Making killers faster would also reduce the average time of a chase significantly because now killers are not being forced to wait until bloodlust 1 to have the chance of a hit. It would also punish a lot of "arrogant" survivor gameplay such as healing/walking during chase to recover health states/exhaustion.

    With the change in duress that survivors feel from killers, I believe it would prove that gen speeds are fine, killers are just not allowed to be scary enough.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Maps like Badham

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Honestly, Most of the game tbh

    Some perks/killers

    The map's atmosphere/design, Some of them have a really good atmosphere but bad design or vice versa

    Gen time

    And how the devs don't listen to us, And when they do. It's after 4 or 5 years

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    Main's mentality

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    How stressful Killer is for no reason. Survivors can have 16 meta second chance game changing perks, boosted medkits, Circle of Healing, broken maps, and of course the dreaded 4 man SWF.

    Even without SWF, 4 Survivors spawning on separate Gens means even a good quick down and hook may result in 2 or more gens being done.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    The biggest, recurring element here is mapping, and it's clear this game's biggest gameplay weakness is maps. Gen speeds wouldn't be whined about nearly as much if Gens weren't miles apart and impossible to pressure.

    Spawns are also random garbage much like scourge hook spawns. There needs to be INTELLIGENT RNG here, yet it feels like everything is random with limited thought behind it.

    Actually RNG is another problem. I like that maps change all the time. But I hate that a Rotten fields gets 3 Long wall Jungle Gyms but Shelter Woods gets 3 LT walls. It's terrible.

    Dead Hard. Just a busted perk that does too much for just 1 survivor perk.

    Absurd Killer addons that are not addressed (Blight).

    SOUNDS!!!!!!!!! They barely WORK.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    The lack of both a rematch and surrender option.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964




    Yeah, map design is the biggest issue in the game.

    Many maps are either too big or are ridiculously safe, leaving no room for mindgames in many loops that are sometimes even connected with eachother on really strong chains (Cowshed is a perfect example of that). And then there are maps with god-windows (Haddonfield, Mother's Dwelling) and even potential infinites (Groaning Storehouse). The devs ven reworked a few maps and some of them only got worse (like Coldwind Farm maps).

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    SWF on comms.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    I think it's maps. Map design is kinda a root issue of other issues. Gens get done too fast sometimes because killers with no mobility options physically cannot make it to gens in time to prevent them from being repaired. Some maps have really strong structures that are borderline infinites against certain killers (looking at you groaning storehouse). Some killers have their powers basically neutered on some maps. Playing Blight on Lery's is miserable, for example. People do boring hold W chases because maps are big enough to accommodate this kind of playstyle.

    Map design is an issue that causes a litany of other issues.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    I think these are the main problems

    loops. (I'm talking about extremely strong loops actually spawning next to each other, its pure rng and can be horrible for the killer which is why nurse is so good.)

    big maps

    poorly designed killers with no map pressure


    and how survivor friendly the game is

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    Perks are used to solve the current problems of DbD which only slowly stack up under the rug.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    The problem with gen speed is the big difference between solo and SWF, it feels too fast when you play against a coordinated team, but incredibly slow as a solo survivor, sometimes you can loop the killer for 2 minutes without a single gen popping. if you nerf gen speeds then solo will be even worse than how it is now.

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 158

    Boon totems.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    In my opinion it's more of behind the scenes stuff



    Perk balancing (yes I agree that perks aren't updated as often as I would like)

    Maps (both size and spawns)

  • DrBrain
    DrBrain Member Posts: 78

    Q: Whats the biggest problem in DBD?

    A: the development team doesn’t want to fix there game, nor do they desire actually looking into the issue. Buy more cash shop bro.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    if the community wasn't a rancid cesspit of agony and the developers weren't so goddamn resistant to the small amount of decent community feedback this game would be in a much better state

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    Mainly maps, safe loops and a tons of pallets.

  • DrBrain
    DrBrain Member Posts: 78
    edited December 2021
  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    From a strictly mechanical perspective? Fix the damn audio; this game's sound is just bonkers. You have a 3d map with 3d environments and the audio seems to think it's perfectly 2d, even when it's perfectly flat.

    From a playing experience (not a balance one), the utter stupidity of the grind. I did some thinking about it here (Is this supposed to be a casual game or a lifestyle choice? — Dead By Daylight), but ~80 hours to get 37 perks on 1 Killer with a 1mil BP headstart. Want to play anyone else? Whoops, play with a neutered version of any character, because limited perk choice gets real bad... and ignoring of course there's two sides to the game and the idiocy of prestige and this is still literally less than half the options.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    This thought process people have on the forums that the game sucks. (Ie this thread)

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971


    how the hell is it still bad on a 5 year old game

  • Moplington
    Moplington Applicant Posts: 30

    Hackers or Performance. I'd say most likely performance.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369


    Solo vs Swf.

    Some perks that are good, are god like when used in a swf.

    There will never be any form of balance and therefore even gameplay well gameplay is balanced around solo queue when swfs exist.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    The balance team.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    Devs' slow and ignorant mindset to fix problems and make something right.

    It took 4 years to change Iri hatchet and 5 years to give Trapper 2 traps default.

    Probably they have lots of works to do but maps, spawns, balance between surv&kill, exploits, hack/cheat problem.. most are very slow and even make me wonder whether BHVR is doing something.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    These. I'm just gonna tack on gen speeds to #3 because the two are linked. Gens are too fast for the way maps are designed and vice versa.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Spawns, lot of weak killers, tons of weak perks, CoH, map sizes, soloQ vs SWF