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Bodyblocking and Killers movement

Hello everyone,

So, I admit that bodyblocking is a somewhat clever and brave way of hindering the Killer and maybe buying one of your friends a bit more time wriggling free, but I really hate the way it is abused.

Like when people crouch down behind you or three survs 100% escorting a wounded teammate out of the gates or they just swarm you on the way to a hook.

It has its places, but I also think that it os yet another way in which the Killers power role is hollowed out and he is made a survivors plaything.

So how about not preventing a Killers movement, but just hindering or slowing him down? Most killers are chunky monsters with muscles of steel and 8 or 9 feet hight, they should be able zo bulldoze someone half their size out of the way.

Yet I don't want to take this tactic away from the survivors playbook. How about the killer can bulldoze survivors at 50% his speed out of the way? Or maybe even 33%, but just let him inevitably move, once he has set his mind on a way of action.


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Sure, seems fine as it still slows the Killer down

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,743
    edited December 2021

    I haven't been convinced yet that any Legion or my beloved Amanda should be able to lift up Jeff or Jane at all, let alone carry and dunk them! ;)

    This game is known for setting aside physics in favor of mechanics, and the best teams will use their character's health states wisely and effectively.

    I myself have had to plant my surv in the way in to break up a determined tunnel for instance. Did it last night, a D-Slinger after a Dwight on death-hook during EGC, and it pissed him off something phenomenal. I of course died there.

    And that's the thing, the bodyblocking as killer feels wrong and fustrating as heck, so i see both sides of this. But my gut feeling says leave it in, it's teamwork in action.

    There's a few perks that can somewhat help with it, like Mad Grit, STBFL, Unrelenting, NOED, Forced Pen, prolly others. Last resort is excellent pathing and "swimming" around the survs by the killer.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    "And that's the thing, the bodyblocking as killer feels wrong and fustrating as heck, so i see both sides of this. But my gut feeling says leave it in, it's teamwork in action."

    You are right that it is a teamwork action, and thats why I didn't ask for its removal, but for a bulldoze action, because I just feel that 100% bodyblocking is very, very odd. From a tactical standpoint its a cool tool, but against a fully commited and coordinated team you got no chance and can't even reach the hook.

    Not every killer is a 8" muscle bound nightmare, but most are. And killers are supposed to be the power role, yet the 100% effective bodyblocking makes you feel powerless like few other things in the killers game, and due to all the second chances perks it poses little risk for the survivors.

    But I am not adamant, I am just throwing ideas out there, and maaaaybe some dev will pick one of these ideas up? You never know, stranger things have happened.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    First, any solution shouldn't be perk or ability based because it will just end up countered by the next set of dlc they release and the devs need to start making changes to the core game to build back some sort of integrity and balance. I understand new dlc/perks gets them more money, and they probably don't mind making stupid design moves if it keeps the cash flowing, but if I'm going to flat out stop playing this garbage since the fun is being sucked out of it, chances are I'm not the only one.

    That aside, this has me thinking that survivors could automatically become exposed when they're in extremely close proximity to the killer for a duration that's longer than running by the killer. Stand by the killer for 2-3 seconds and you become exposed.

    Honestly, I think this would be a fantastic idea overall. The killer gameplay suffers because skilled survivors aren't afraid of the killer. The killer isn't a threat. So, this would help with all the other posts and threads about how stressful or zero fun killer gameplay. Killer could actually be a threatening role like it should be.

    I'd say the devs need to add a lot of universal (not requiring abilities or perks) terror radius/proximity effects to the killer in order to start fixing gameplay and make killers actually a threat. If we listen to other posters saying you have to manage your expectations for what fun or success is as a killer, it would at least give them something else to the experience to know you at least terrorized the survivor in this/that way, with whatever particular outcomes. They're obviously pushing the game to need to be more deviousness focused than sacrifice focused. So own up to it BHVR!

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,743

    If any surv instantly becomes exposed when near the killer, how would they break up a facecamper ever? All the killer would have to do is hug the one on the hook and mow em down as they try to save.

    No no no

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    Survivors body blocking killers from behind is a bunch of bullcrap. Animations shouldn't require space behind a player. I also don't like that a bunch of survivors crowding the killer can prevent the killer from dropping a survivor, yet that survivor can still wiggle off the killer's shoulder. That makes no sense. If anything it should be the opposite given survivors can stand on top of a dying survivor but they can't stand on each other's shoulders.

    Back on topic, I like the bulldoze idea.

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    They don't. It's the killer's choice. Hooks are the killer's part of the game. Gens are the survivors part of the game. Even with such a poor execution, it's obvious that's the game's base framework.

    When it comes to facecamping, survivor complaints demonstrate zero responsibility when they still have moves. Don't go for the unhook when the killer is facecamping. Do go repair gens to draw the killer away or open the gates and get out. Either way, super easy solution. Again, the game needs to be threatening to survivors! Everyone isn't entitled to make it. Survivors are not conjoined quadruplets.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Just doing gens is usually not really enough. If you want to get multiple escapes, you have to do 1 for 1 to gain more time.

    Your idea would be super bad for the game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,743

    The whole purpose of perks like Borrowed Time is to counter facecamping, one of the most hated of killer tactics, and greatly helps with tunneling off of the hook, also hated. There's a reason it is run by so many survs. That perk with your change becomes pretty much useless, as would the lesser used perks involving the hooks. Sabo for instance would also be useless.

    No way most players whon play both roles would support this change imo.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Maybe they could dip into the fact the killer should be frightening so maybe make it so you can still body block but if you to it to long a fear bar fills cause you are in so close proximity to a frightening killer and your char just runs away in a random direction. Would not be to op but cancels those strange situations where a Feng just stand in a doorway with bt and ds and doesn't move an inch

  • Cropsy
    Cropsy Member Posts: 15

    I don't give a crap about what the point of perks like BT are. That's part of the problem. BHVR has taken perks too far, sending mixed messages, and creating this stupid cyclical approach of counters to counters to counter counters.

    I think you're stuck in the screwed up mindset BHVR's mishandling of balance has created. You're stuck on the idea that you should be able to unhook when a killer is near. You're stuck on the idea that you should be able to sabotage a hook like some military special ops when the killer is a few steps away from you. You're stuck on the idea that the killer should go wherever you want them to go. BHVR has fed the monster of entitlement and the toxicity that comes out of it.

    The best counters to facecamping are A) Survivors go do gens and play the freaking game. B) Make core changes to the game for killer that are more enjoyable than face camping. Making it less enjoyable by giving survivors super powers and loops only makes killers feel like they have to micromanage and protect any gain they make even more.

    If we could imagine the killer as a horse, holding the reigns too tight creates resistance and a need for killer to get desperate to get control back. You have to ease up and create more of a sense of freedom and power. BHVR and survivors like you who think they're entitled to constantly pull on those reigns create the exact problem you say is one of the most hated tactics.

    Even then, if you ease up on the reigns, a horse will be a horse and a killer will be a killer. They might still choose to facecamp. But it will only be the dumb and boring players who do. That's the part crybaby, entitlement, survivors have to deal with. Survivors have to have something they're surviving. Right now they're more thrivers. That's nice in real life to be a thriver instead of survivor. But it ruins the feel of this game for killers. And there's no game without killers.

    Do people really not know this game is asymmetrical?! Killers are supposed to have a threatening edge! They are the 1 in 1 vs 4. So dumb. And I've been maining survivor the last few years. Even with that experience, I don't forgive the stupidity.