I don’t think devs realize how strong stretch res is

Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

So I tried stretch res for the first time after 400h+ being a nurse main on 1080x1080 and I was shocked how strong it is.

  • It almost entirely removes nurse fatigue.
  • For survivors, it is stronger because you can see so much more above structures.

When I got back to native res, it felt so claustrophobic, mostly for survivor. I am not going to stay on stretch res because I am a good nurse, I don’t need it (even if it would make me way stronger there is no point denying that) but are the dev ever going to do something against that ? Did they ever talk about it ?

Now I understand why survivors are complaining about nurse at high mmr, but at the same time it’s unfair against legit nurse playing without stretch. And it’s the same for killers complaining about survivors at high mmr being able to loop them easily, you don’t know if they stretch but you assume they do when sometimes they don’t and outskilled you. But you can’t know and that’s why stretch res has to go, so we can all play the same game because right now we have dbd stretch (easy mode) vs dbd native (hard mode).

