I don’t think devs realize how strong stretch res is
That's the core difference though. You consider it cheating.
I don't.
I consider cheating things like using programs to change the way the game is designed to be played, speed hacks, wall hacks, things that give instant gen completion or unlimited bloodpoints. Those are things I consider cheating and frown upon. Incidentally, if stretched res were something that required any of those 3rd party programs to do, I would frown on it myself.
However because it's something that I can do within the limitations of the game, it's not cheating, and just becomes a personal choice. Literally anyone and everyone can do it and it would take seconds of your time.
In short. I hate cheaters. I don't consider stretched res cheating. Others might, and that's okay if they believe it is. But that's just a little window into another perspective if you don't mind too terribly.
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But it's by definition cheating considering you have to modify the game to do it
If you can't do it on console
And it's not allowed in tournaments for a reason
It's defs cheating you can view it as something different
But it will be fixed eventually because it's 100% cheating if you can't launch the game and change it from a setting within the game then it's cheating no ifs ands or buts
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If they start banning, disciplining, or disallowing it from the game I'll stop doing it.
Though I'm not sure that argument completely applies here. There are a lot of things you can't modify on consoles versus PC on nearly all games, primarily graphical settings. PC games often have the function to turn off motion blur, bloom, and vignetting wheras consoles do not. It's to the point that if a game doesn't have a plethora of advanced graphics options it's typically notated in reviews as a downside to the PC version.
Additionally tournaments even on DBD ban a lot of things that are allowed in fair play, like the amount of D strikes or Borrowed times an entire composition can have.
From the sounds of it, I think you and I would find an agreement in what cheating is 99% of the time though. This would just be the exception.
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Wall hacks and changing the way the game is designed to be played, huh? So messing with the resolution in a way that lets you see over walls that you shouldn't and disable powers when you shouldn't be able to see the Killer isn't either of those in your mind?
And you consider this fair play? Maybe if your name said in giant letters "I'M USING STRETCHED RES" so everyone could avoid it if they wanted.
The amount of cognitive dissonance here to declare yourself "not a cheater" is amazing. You're cheating, by every definition of the term except the comically narrow "BHVR, who has enough trouble banning people for actually hacking and a potato report system, hasn't told me not to".
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You're cheating, kid.
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Nothing I hate more than some cocky survivor trying to get my attention as killer, and I can see them staring down at the ground so I know they're running stretched res. Like sure, be cocky, but maybe after you learn to play the game and don't need to cheat to win.
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my friends use it every game because they want to be "comp players" 🤣 It bugs me a lot since I play mostly killer and I can't force people to not take advantage of it. Should definitely be banned in my opinion but don't tell them I said that
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Run whatever u want, can't sh!t on you for something that is allowed
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Can and will.
Cheaters should be ostracised until BHVR gets its act together and stops pretending "this is fine" unless they're going to make everyone play with these 'advantages'. :/
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I mean.. at the end of the day do you think the people who use it care?? waste of energy scolding them and will not motivate bhvr. I hope they get rid of it too and I've said the same thing, everyone should have access to it at least
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So you think this game is supposed to be played in stretched res then and balanced with stretched res in mind ? Nurse is balanced for stretched ? Blight too ? Survivors too ? Are you that far denial ?
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With stretch you can destalk GF behind walls (who is already weak vs good survivors) I don't know what other proof they need.
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After some time you know who uses strech-res as Ghostface because some reveals are just more bs then the normal bs you get with that reveal mechanic. Against a survivor with strech res you are just a M1 killer without any power because you will never be able to stalk them properly or play a loop as Ghostface against them.
They should fix the reveal mechanic for Ghostface and consider strech res while doing this.
Okay then I hope you do not cry about camping, bleed out slugging and tunneling. Those are also just game mechanics after all and there is no ban or penalty on those things...
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"It's just so the game looks better"
"Its not for the obvious advantages that break mindgames and gameplay"
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Congrats: You're a cheater AND in denial about your cheating. 🤡
I bet you consider it your own skill when you use stretched rez to get around mindgames you otherwise would not if you were not cheating with stretched rez. That's like using an aimbot in an FPS and then thinking you actually earned the win. 🙃
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Stretch res is 100% cheating as it's giving you an advantage over the common player outside of your personal skill.
That being said - as it's something literally built into some video cards outside of the game, I have my doubts the devs really can do anything about it anyway. It's probably going to plague us to the end of time.
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There was already a video earlier in the thread showing it's fixable. And would take 30 seconds to fix, at that.
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Honestly, the stretched res here does look kind of better. What's the ratio? Damn.
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I don't cry about it. Honestly I hate how killers are expected to not do it because of some self serving idea of it being a faux pas for killers to do.
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I only hate it when people have double standards about it. Like "holding W is fine, camping is bad" is just "I want my cookie, you shall get non" in the DbD reddit. I can understand that you are using that mechanic as long as it is not sanctioned, which is why I would like to see it sanctioned or implemented.
As said I hate it with passion when I play Ghostface and I notice it pretty quickly. However as I do not care about my MMR is just take the loss or chase another survivor. I only imagine that this is a huge problem for players who want to "rank up" with Ghostface...but then again, ranking up with Ghostface.
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"cOmP pLaYeR"