I don’t think devs realize how strong stretch res is

So I tried stretch res for the first time after 400h+ being a nurse main on 1080x1080 and I was shocked how strong it is.
- It almost entirely removes nurse fatigue.
- For survivors, it is stronger because you can see so much more above structures.
When I got back to native res, it felt so claustrophobic, mostly for survivor. I am not going to stay on stretch res because I am a good nurse, I don’t need it (even if it would make me way stronger there is no point denying that) but are the dev ever going to do something against that ? Did they ever talk about it ?
Now I understand why survivors are complaining about nurse at high mmr, but at the same time it’s unfair against legit nurse playing without stretch. And it’s the same for killers complaining about survivors at high mmr being able to loop them easily, you don’t know if they stretch but you assume they do when sometimes they don’t and outskilled you. But you can’t know and that’s why stretch res has to go, so we can all play the same game because right now we have dbd stretch (easy mode) vs dbd native (hard mode).
Easy solution - dont care about stretched resolution.
Sure, it should be fixed. But it will not be fixed, at least not anytime soon. So why should I care about stretched resolution? For most cases, you dont know if the Survivor or Killer used stretched resolution and there is no way of proving it. You can only assume. And why should I get worked up on something I cannot prove anyway?
The only way to know if someone is using stretched res if they are a streamer. And most of the time I just have a good laugh if I see that Blight-player with his Blight in the lobby who is more wide than tall and think "Oh my, stretched res of doom" and thats all.
IMO caring about this is just a waste of time. You will have a bad mood without any way of changing anything about stretched res or even knowing if they are actually using it.
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It's also broken against Ghostface where you can reveal him over walls...
I would never use it, because it looks like ######### to me...
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It's easy to tell when you are spectating other survivors, because they are looking into a ground from your POV.
It's also not nice to get revealed over wall as Ghostface...
I don't think it should be that hard to fix, just make it that extra space is filled with black border instead of actually changing what survivor / killer can see...
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Cap, stretch res only makes the game look better kekw
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They just don't care. Their players buy DLC and Cosmetics, thats all that matters.
Cheaters are still a thing, stretch res is still a thing, and they dont make any public statement about those situations.
It's sad , especially when you love the game, to expect nothing from it.
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Is it even possible to fix stretched res?
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The thing is... How would you fix it? How can you 100% know with prove that someone is using it and even when you know what would you do with them? Ban them?
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You literally just have to tick a goddamn box.
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I remind you that the BHVR was the same that took 5 years to reduce the Huntress' iridescent hatchets from 3 to 1. So I wouldn't expect big changes like the stretched from them.
While the fortnite developers have managed to completely eliminate the use of stretched, maybe they should go and ask for advice.
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You're comparing an item that was in the game and working as intended, to actual cheating, you know that, right?
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Oh no as a ghostface player it's very easy to tell when someones got stretched. And it makes the experience that much more annoying. And yeah like was said by the other person they are constantly looking down.
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It is possible to remove it.
I wouldn't ban for it, just make it impossible to use.
I wouldn't like it, because I use it, but it might be good idea to remove filters(nvidia) too.
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Fog Whisperers have been asked to not use it. not_Queen, community manager, has explicitly said that they don't like it.
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That's how I've felt about the game all this time, too.
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I was watching some youtube videos of stretch res verse regular and to be honest, I think the game does look better with it, if the videos were any indication.
(I watched it because of all the hub-bub from the forums, so I think the forums complaining about it is actually promoting stretch-res and making it more popular. The same thing happened with Dead-Hard, lol.)
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The obvious difference being Dead Hard is just a perk while stretched res is an exploit. As someone else above mentioned, the devs even commented before that they consider stretched res to see over obstacles to be cheating. My guess is there’s a technical hurdle they have making the game use a fixed aspect ratio.
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I agree with you on Stretch-Res being an exploit and also agree that Dead-Hard is just a perk.
I think the forums unintentionally start promoting stuff by complaining about it all the time. I think Dead Hard is one of the ones that everyone started using because of the constant forum posts on it. Sure it was one of the most popular exhaustion perks, but with the constant forum promoting, it started being used even more.
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Great idea. If everyone starts thinking like this everyone might as well use those aura wall hacks because nobody will care about it.
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I've seen survivors hard stare at the floor, also I've seen one trickster stare at the floor while I was looping him.
But it is kinda easy to know if a survivor is using stretch res which is they are just staring at the floor.
And yeah it should be fixed but it won't happen.
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Presumably, if the game actually supported nonstandard aspect ratios, it would actually deal with this correctly and not draw more than the camera is meant to show.
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They can turn it off if they wanted. They could also prevent a lot of hacks by setting limits on the server side during games. Other online games have been able to disable stretch res. Personally i feel like the devs just don't want to put resources into getting it done.
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They could have more time to fix everything if they didnt fekt like oushing à New chapter per 3 monthes and tons of cosmetics, just saying 😇
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That would explain why some bugs/issues aren't resolved quickly. but stretched res has been an issue for years.
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My favorite thing about stretched res is that Ive actually worked on indie games before
Hell I worked on risk of rain 2 if any of you guys have heard of that
And the plain and simple truth is on most game engines atleast it was this way when I used unreal
Like the other guy said it's as simple as checking a box
Which is what I find hilarious they haven't done it for years
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People who use things like this are like Cheaters - no honor and no sportsmanship.
Sad but you won´t change it. They simpy don´t get it but have probalby other problems in real life too.
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And I already was wondering why so many people were simply staring at the goddamn floor while I was spectating them. Turns out they're all filthy cheaters, wow.
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I am not sure it's a cheat. It's kinda on same level as filters to see better. Well, stronger...
It is just something that shouldn't be even possible to do.
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I think they're well aware of it's strength, there are videos of SWF teams on Youtube all rocking it and manhandling killers. And what you said with Nurse is absolutely correct too. They're just inept, or they don't care.
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Using stretched is cheating, you can't change my mind.
Stretched make some structures "unmindgamable" like rocks and some jungle gyms like Autoheaven ones. Also the Ghostface problem mentioned above.
When I see a random streamer in Twitch using stretched and people supporting and watching him make me feel embarrassment.
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Eh, stretched res is way more cheating than filters, because they actually reveal information that isn't otherwise available. Filters can only mess with what's there.
And if filters are cheating, then arguably any monitor is cheating, because they all display pictures differently. So, kind of hard there.
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I definetly don't think filters are cheating.
I just don't think stretch res is cheating (at least not ban level).
It's unfair, but it's just something that shouldn't be possible. So at best you can say it's abusing a bug.
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Hm, it's kind of questionable. You're going outside the program to set it to a display mode it should never be in, in order to gain an unfair advantage in the game (that outright nullifies certain powers in ways it really shouldn't). It might not be banworthy, but ethically it would be cheating, surely?
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Filters are fair now and Stretched is so-so?
I must re-read my console manual again...
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In fairness, a lot of what filters do can also be found in TV and monitor settings. Or if they're just miscalibrated.
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The devs honestly seem so out of touch with their own game. Like there's not many balance changes they make that seem to come from any understanding how strong or weak things are.
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Lol rly?
Then I have a another question: Why is this still not turned on?!!! xDDD
They could just fix it so easy.
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Filters are also outside the program...
Discord too...
Any headset app to get better surround audio.
And stretch res is done by windows setting...
I call something cheating if you actually change ingame files / data. You can do something instantly / infinite times, immortal etc. or you gain support by some form of AI -> it's not your skill anymore.
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My old ass tv with an HMDI adapter just started giggling and almost fell over. The one brightness setting I have makes it look like nuclear winter when I screw with it.
Y'all PCrs might be overestimating us consolers' rigs sometimes. Sound cards, graphics options, M&K, more than 30fps....
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Sucks to be you I guess? :D
PC master race!
We can mess with audio, filters, resolution, discord, macros and probably something else too.
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No. Ansel is not cheating. It only works with games that officially support it, so its use is 100% intended and approved by the developers.
Stretched res is. a. #########. cheat. It uses unauthorised third party software to tamper with the game in a way that was never intended by the developers, and it gives an unfair advantage to those who use it.
Stop comparing these two things. They're not the same.
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Very helpful and understanding. Ty
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I can do it just with windows setting? How is that unauthorised third party software?
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"To set it to a display mode it should never be in". Yeah, it's just a simple change, but it's still a resolution the game doesn't officially support and it breaks killer powers, which is a very clear sign you've gone way past setup optimisation.
I think I had a £20-£40 TV that I bought five years ago when I got a PS4, and it had enough picture mode settings to get most of the same stuff you'd get off filters. I don't think I'm really overestimating what most console players could have access to in light of that.
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I am not saying it's fair for console, but it is what it is...
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It's another issue that gets marked as a small % of the player base and thus correction is unwarranted. Instead of dismissal it should just be corrected so the rest of us can play normally.
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Well unlike other games changing your Res also messes with your vertical FOV, which no game i know does in this way. They could fix that if they want to, but they obviously dont care enough. Stretched res alone wouldnt change anything in this game.
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I want people to stop giving BHVR money for simple reskins/cosmetic
So BHVR sees somethings wrong and focuses on the bugs instead of going full steam on the cosmetic team cause they bring tons of cash and the rest of the game we dont care
Dont be so closed in the thoughts, see deeper
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BHVR isn't some small indie company. They have 850+ employees according to their Wikipedia as of 2021. They could fix every issue DBD has if they wanted to.
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BHVR has one major game to work on.
Slightly higher balance expectations are not unreasonable; basic things like having the game's viewing area not be manipulated by the resolution and this manipulation to not also interact with powers is so far within their power it's not even funny.
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I, too, can read wikipedia, you don't need to paste obnoxiously large screenshots.
My point still stands. Yes, they've worked on other things. They also have one major, ongoing game that needs more balance work and has enough of a playerbase to support it.
They do not deserve or need to be coddled like expecting the bare minimum of quality control is demanding too much from them.