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I don’t think devs realize how strong stretch res is
Defending them as "a small indie company" to justify why they don't do such things as fix the resolution being changed also altering how much of the screen is drawn, which is a pretty basic expectation for any game that wants restricted FOV, is coddling them. Not fixing things like this is indefensible. Doing balance passes with big lump changes in three-month increments isn't necessitated, and it's probably just exacerbating problems. Especially when a lot of the balance changes end up being numerical adjustments, which hardly take any time at all.
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Clicking one button...
Truly a herculean task for the ages!
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It literally breaks Ghost Face's power having making him become revealable past walls that he normally can't be revealed through.
Let alone some fair pallets become unmindgamable god pallets with stretch rez.
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I suspect the developers do not care.
It is essentially a high mmr problem so it's not something they devote a lot of time or resources to address.
FIlters are completely different from seeing more screen. Anybody who has been revealed over a wall as ghostface knows this. You can actually tease out if someone is using stretched res by the way they move. If someone is easiest to catch by following their path exactly then they are most likely a stretch resolution user. If you use every mind game possible and no matter what they do not fall for it then that's a pretty clear indication they can see more than they should.
There is a guy who works for the ATF who can recognize more than 200 distinct shades of green. He can identify plants containing THC by just looking at their color while flying overhead. This is a crazy example but it goes to show that there is a great deal of difference between how good your eyes might be when compared to mine.
One of the things filters do is equalize how well you see certain colors vs how well I see certain colors. In other words filters allow the user to customize the experience so the scene is easy on the eyes and allows them to stay competitive with people who otherwise have a natural sight advantage.
Imagine for example if you wanted to play a new basketball game that looked up your information from a registry. Imagine being limited in height by your real world max height. In a sense having variable color filters allows users to equalize their height so our eyes can all be seven feet tall and on an equal playing field.
What would be the difference then if everyone had stretch resolution by default? Many killers cant really make use of stretched resolution. It would benefit all survivors and only a few select few killers. That does not create a level playing field.
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DBD is the last game you would need to take seriously, as even what's in the game makes the game unfair to both sides, the stretched screen is a problem, yes, but that's just a part of it, we know the game is full. of possibilities of making someone win a game without deserving it, in fact I don't even know if there is a win or lose in that game.
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<_> its a problem ghost face has because of stretch rez...
People have literally shown that by turning stretch rez on and off without changing their camera and were able to only reveal GF though for example auto haven walls with stretch rez on.
So...What are you even talking about?
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It negates ghostface entirely. It's cheating no different from giving yourself a 5% speed boost with a program.
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It's insane to me that there are still people defending stretch res at this point. Like do you really need that big of crutch?
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It's a problem created by people being able to see over walls they shouldn't. I don't know how you think that's a problem with ghostface, when the power would work as intended if people could only play the game at a supported aspect ratio.
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Disable it instead? It's not hard. Most games do not have this sort of weird camera abuse.
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If they don't have the manpower (with over eight hundred employees) to manage basic resolution functions, they're in the wrong business.
This is not a hard or demanding thing to fix. Why are you defending it like it's a total game rewrite?
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To keep the thread going, another thing I hate about this features on PC is that NVidia filters or whatever it is that enhances a lot the brightness...
While in consoles you barely can see anything in some maps
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Because they have incomprehensible priorities.
"Why have they not fixed the thing that someone has demonstrated is a checkbox in the unity engine" (I believe that was already in the thread) is totally mystifying. Even if they had to do it themselves, it's not like the logic is complicated: take the intended aspect ratio and resolution, check which side is too long, and work out how much of it you need to fill to keep the correct aspect ratio. Pillar/letterbox the result.
It ISN'T a hard thing to do, which is why this is confusing.
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Is BHVR indie level to this date? Considering the amount of licensed they're acquiring nowadays...
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you can detect stres res in survivor specator mode if the survivor looks down on a floor while looping. They're doing that because stret res increases vertical field of view. Red glows filters also big problem for killers because it gives too much precise information for where killer is in a loop without vision of the killer. It reduces a lot of possible mindgames that killer can employ.
You can't really tell if survivor is using filters or stret res as killer. only as survivor spectator mode.
stret res and red glow filters make me question if survivor had perks like shadowborn and perks to enhance red glow or give minor amount of reliable aura reading in chase, would these perk be extremely meta?
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They twice the size of Fromsoftware(Dark souls Devs).
So if they aren't indie then neither are BHVR.
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Indie company? DBD is on the top 10 most played games on Steam now, and it's popular on console as well. BHVR was indie back in 2016/17, 2021 DBD is a big game.
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Did you really just say they don't have the man power to click a god damn button?
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It's programmed in unity which is exactly what the dude posts you can Google this dude
I also love how you keep calling them a small indie company when they are the biggest game developer in Canada that's hilarious
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I'm the source in that I've worked on indie games in countless game development studios have you? Any modern engine has the feature as a button
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Would you go to the doctor and tell them you aren't sick when they say you are?
I'm telling you I've worked on indie games before I've already mentioned I worked on risk of rain 2 and other similar games
If they are using a engine made within the last 10 years then it has to be a button
This isn't a argument this is a fact
Oh btw ik they have to be because the game only came out in 2015 when it's been a standard function in unreal and unity since 2010
Again you can say I'm wrong and believe whatever you want but ik the truth and just because you don't wanna accept the facts doesn't make them wrong
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Yes I very much enjoyed working on it, its still one of my most played games asides from dbd
My favorite part was probably the bazaar between time
You know the place you go to buy lunar items I just loved the look and atmosphere of it
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Also I just wanna point out that it took them 5 years to change a number on trapper from 1 to 2
Sometimes it really is that simple
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They have way more then enough manpower to fix à lot of stuff in the game, you just dont seem to see it
But maybe its for the better
Maybe itll keep you happy for à while
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It took them this long because they have people like you, who defend them when they refuse to do even the most simplest of tasks.
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I don't understand this video :( it's just a ton of laughing..
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You see how as he stretches it the map gets bigger and shows more stuff and distorts?
Then you notice when he checks maintain aspect ratio it stays the same size regardless
That's all they would have to do to fix it
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Nooooooooo Amanda has already had enough...
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They don't care, it's as simple as that. Anything that doesn't make money, they don't care about.
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I mean you are right with that but the fact that you literally cannot mindgame survivors that use it is a huge deal, its not something you can ignore when you cant catch that guy unless you have blood lust 5.
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While stretched res does give advantages to both killer and survivor, I don't understand how one could play it for a long time. I tried it before and by the time I'm done, I had a massive headache.
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This video needs all the likes. Shame the decision makers who refuse to check the box to restrict aspect ratio.
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It isn't that they don't realize. Its that they are powerless to stop it. There is no way to stop something like stretch resolution. The developers lose this by default. Sorry.
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it is literally proved otherwise in this thread.
Changing the resolution the game renders at doesn't mean the game should automatically show more in some direction or other; they are indeed quite capable of having it draw a fixed aspect ratio regardless of the resolution the game runs at.
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Cosmetics is a different department. They have nothing to do with those things.
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They bring more money in, they are probably the most wealthy part of the game RN
And as long as it stays like that BHVR will put more money and care with the cosmetic tezm then the bugfixing one
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People still touting the "indie company" lie when BHVR's the biggest game studio in Canada.. :P
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Filters actually create a more fair playing field than not.
Without filters, you game visibility is determined entirely by the quality, and settings of your monitor. So if you have a $700 monitor with an incredible set of post process settings that allow you to dramatically increase image visibilty compared to some dude with $50 monitor you are at a drastic advantage because you spent more money on hardware.
Using filters lets the dude with the $50 monitor get a comparable visual experience, even if he is lacking g/freesync and image quality/refresh rate compared to the $700 monitor dude still.
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Life finds a way.
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Hmm, I guess it was difficult to understand what was happening visually, but I don't really understand this kind of stuff too well.. Thank you for explaining, though I must ask, was what he was showing really THAT funny?
I mean, it sounded like it was supposed to be the funniest thing that I may have ever seen in my life, if it's truly that funny then I wish I could understand the joke better lol. Unless the laugh was being exaggerated. It was just such an intense amount of laughing lol
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majority of people dont even know how to printout hello world :)
but they act as they are senior developers and most likely phd experts on covid19
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Dont like it but doesnt do anything to solve it.
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if i am a fellow survivor who escaped or was killed and i spectate, i can tell who is stretched if they end up in chase. They usually hug the walls tight and look at the floor. ######### is lame & unfair to the killers. Props to the more popular YouTubers who used to do it, but stopped at the request of their fans. They adopted & adjusted accordingly. I still suspect some of them using Smurf accounts to bully low levels for content though.
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Filters are fine (especially Nvidia ones because BHVR have to manually allow those, which they have).
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I use stretch res. It genuinely makes the game look better and it makes it easier to play. Why wouldn't I use it? Because people say it's cheating? The same people that hate noed, dead hard, the meta and everything else? The same community that will mock me in post game chat for winning or losing when I'm on killer? The same community that imposes an unwritten etiquette just to bully new killers?
Yeah why would I spend two seconds limiting my enjoyment of the game because the most toxic community I've ever played with told me that I'm rude to do so.
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Everything being a distorted aspect ratio looks better? Uhhuh, sure.
It's basically cheating regardless of how much you think people being jerke makes that fine. Because everyone not playing with a broken resolution has to suffer for YOUR need to have an uncounterable, invisible advantage.
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I'm honestly fine with using it regardless if I can justify it through the cruelness of my fellow players. Even if people were perfectly kind, I'd still be using it. It's just one extra layer of 'I don't owe anyone anything.'
And yes I'm not lying when I say that I think it looks aesthetically better. I'm already admitting I also like the advantage it gives, why would I later have to lie about liking how it looks on top of that? I don't have to hide that I like it for functionality purposes. I like that extra head room. 16:9 feels claustrophobic as heck, and I know this is a horror game but after so many hours you just don't feel fear anymore. The gameplay loop is all that matters.
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The bare minimum you owe people in an online game is not being a selfish cheater who cheats. If winning is that important, go find a singleplayer game.
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DBD is wild in that you can come on the forums and admit to cheating and even brag that you like cheating and nothing will happen to you
Try that in any other game forum and so how long before you get banned
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Careful man, pointing out someone admitting to cheating is naming and shaming!!