hag changes

hag should not be able to place traps within 6 to 10 ish meter within hooks, its just awful to play against.
if you want to give her a compensation then make lightburning her traps take 1,5s to destroy (currently 0,5 cause flashlights kinda destroy her right now, which is sadge)
thats the only changes she needs imo.
edit: hag should traps get destroyed within 4 meters of a hooked survivor, like how pyramid heads trail work, i forgot how big 10 meters is in dbd lol.
So you mean make her useless.
I you lost a game don't make a new discussion about changes that are no need
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I forgot to type "hook" in the post, so i didnt mean the distance for the traps next to each other. also i used to main hag and got her to p3 and everything a long time ago, maybe it dosent mean much. plus i recomended a the longer lightburn of traps because flashlights destroy her right now.
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You have no idea how much this would nerf her... She wouldn't be able to use traps in basement for example, which is her main thing.
And you would just force her to first place traps, then hook. You wouldn't stop it, just make it annoying to play.
We had changes like that before and it was never good idea and usually killed the killer. Billy, Twins, Freddy, Deathslinger...
Hag got actually worse, because she really doesn't like CoH. I mean, how often do you see Hag?
I don't really mind her, but it's because I play SWF only, so we have me and my friend after her to trigger her traps nonstop.
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CoH is a massive problem in itself and its busted beyond belief and it shouldnt dictate everything else in the game. and traps could just be destroyed within that certain radius of the hook, like how pyramid heads work, i dont see why hag couldnt be the same.
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It does now...
Killer is just not strong, when his playstyle is countered by a meta perk.
That's why I didn't understand wraith nerf in same patch as CoH. They just suck at theory crafting and testing, I guess...
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Your hook safe area would be terrible for her. You just made it too big. 10 meters is a lot. Like really a lot.
It should be 4 meters max (same as PH).
And you really think that flashlights take longer is equal change?
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well i didnt know pyramids heads was 4 meters but yeah sure i dont have a problem with that.
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have you try to play hag vs good survivors?
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Just so you know... us real Hag mains never place a trap directly by the hook. We place them away. By the hook is too obvious and for amateurs. Also flashlights don't bother us either, because most of us Hag mains run Franklin's Demise. We actually WANT YOU to bring flashlights. =)