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If You Don't Enjoy Being Camped/Tunneled, Play Another Game



  • Member Posts: 149

    If devs eliminate camping, which is almost required to some degree for success at the highest levels, then I hope there will be a compensatory

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Well actually they kind of...............

    Nah they won't πŸ˜…

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    How? Just let all Survivors open the lock no matter what?

    Oh boy! Now Survivors can reopen the hatch while bringing a healing kit! Pass. πŸ™„

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    What is wrong with getting moried on your dead hook?

    I mean, you're already dead so what's so bad about getting moried?

    It can even hurt the killer if he's running pop πŸ˜‰

  • Member Posts: 960

    Trade off remove camping for making tbagging lose a health state and flashlight spamming destroy the item.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Camping punished the killer by making survivors genrush. If you choose to camp hooks early game there is 1 of two reasons either

    1. The survivor team is a 4 man sweat 4 flashlight deep 3 gen popping in 60 seconds kinda team that has flashbanged the killer a minimum of 2 times and teabagged at pallet everytime. You know youve lost and you just want to skip the game as fast as possible and deny 1 person escape points.
    2. you are a new killer or a player who does not like bloodpoints or understand how to get more points as killer.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    It disables the ability to DS or Flashlight save which, as annoying as they are for some, are key components to the end game rush/comeback/whatever.

    I'd imagine the Mori overhaul, if it involves a basekit addition, will involved getting X number of hooks or hooking everyone once before it activates.

  • Member Posts: 354

    If you aren't in the position to make decisions about the game you should refrain from saying what is going to happen and what not, simply because you don't know it.

    You are free to recommend other games, but it isn't up to you if someone complains and keeps playing or if someone plays even if they don't enjoy the game.

    Btw insulting isn't ok. Calling someone a crybaby isn't ok. Showing feelings isn't wrong, indeed it is a NORMAL and HEALTHY reaction. It is part of being human. I know it is common nowadays for people to try to deamean, shame and ridicule feelings and emotional reactions, but one should refrain from spreading or promoting this false shaming.

    Therefore you should refrain from telling people how to feel, how to express their feelings or trying to disparage and shame someone for showing any specific feeling. No one has the right to demean or judge feelings of others. We can judge behaviour and actions. Maybe keep that in mind next time you're trying to make someone feel bad about showing a feeling or having a feeling.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2021

    This entire thread (and most) can be summed up as:

    Person 1: Hey, there's this bad thing in the game can we change it possibly?

    Person 2: No we can't remove bad thing 1 because bad thing 2 exists on the other side.

    Person 1: Well we can't remove bad thing 2 because bad thing 3 exists on the other side.

    And so on and so forth. Everyone needs to admit that there are terrible things in this game on both sides that should be changed, and the devs need to come up with more permanent solutions rather than band-aid fixes.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    BS. I can say I'm not responsible for the other side's fun and still call out hackers and stretched rez cheaters, and say I'm better than a filthy cheater.

    Because MY gameplay is within the confines of the game and it's rules and intended gameplay mechanics. I'm not as bad as a cheater just because I camp at times. So go elsewhere with your slippery slope fallacy; it's wrong.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2022

    Literally nobody in the history of Dead by Daylight ended a game after being tunneled/camped as survivor and though, "well, it was fun though", what is the fun on a game when you couldn't literally do nothing besides of being on the ground all the time? Here is your answer, is not fun, funs are games with a lot of stuff going on, healing, unhook, chases, repairing, etc.

    You guys justified a cheesy and unfair way to play just because you don't know how to fix it, as game designers, that is just disappointing. You guys were fans of Left 4 Dead? Cool, learn from VALVE, in Left 4 Dead 1 versus mode, survivors could camp the final chapter if they want and the infected team had no way to counter it, it was just unfair, but what do they do? For Left 4 Dead 2, they redesigned the maps to prevent camping, so every inside building have at least a window, a door, a breakeable wall. And not also that, but they added 3 new special infected that were designed to counter sruvivors when camping, the charger, that charges and hit everyone on their way, dealing a lot of damage, the spitter, that spit her goo on the ground, so survivors must separete, and the jockey, who grabs a survivors and gives him a ride, separating them.

    What are the counters you offer? perks, wich mean i have to pay more to have the characters dlc, and even after i paid, i have to grind and grind to unlook those perks just to prevent killers of camping me.

    Grind, instead of skill based games.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Honestly both sides complain about everything. You get tunnel and you get loop 24/7 on a game called dbd.

  • Member Posts: 600

    I thought these posts were done for, being in 2022 now/almost 2022 the time you posted this. But hey, I thought we were also over people thinking that walking after the same guy, like drones, was something you can call a strategy. So I guess I was wrong. Sure, people that are bothered by those things beyond belief are free to change game. Doesn't make those things "strategies and tactics" all the same, though. And I guess survivors can simply tell you that "Playing in a full SWF, all with meta perks and flashlights, with instant healing and a key is a strategy, so stop being a killer crybaby and just enjoy the game". Strange. That catchphrase still doesn't make those things strategies or something that doesn't bother killers npw, does it?

  • Member Posts: 1,415
  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Like I said both sides complained. I'm not gonna argued with you over a game that break after every updates.

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