Games Held Hostage
This hasn't happened to me yet, but have heard from others, and seen in some videos, how hackers force people to leave the game and incur a penalty, even though it was forced upon them by a hacker.
I understand it may be tricky to stop the penalty for that, in terms of how the system works. However, is there something in place whereby the player who was forced to quit can submit a ticket with evidence of the hack, so although they get the initial 5 minute penalty, after the evidence is reviewed that that dc can be removed from their records, so that the next time they dc that previous problem won't be involved in the stacks towards harsher dc timeouts?
You can report it and supply proof via video (Video is the most optimal form of proof), but I doubt they can reverse the dc penalty since its an automatic response to loss of connection in general.
If you aren't dcing a lot to begin with then you're penalty shouldn't really be in danger of stacking unless you're getting very unlucky with hackers. At that point it really is just best to probably shelve the game and play something else for a while.
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Sorry, I probably wasn't clear: I understand sending the report would not prevent the instant dc penalty, but I was thinking more about whether that dc could be erased from the tally.
As an example, say I dc'd once due to a rage quit or something. 2 matches later I get this happen, so dc again. If in 2 weeks I dc again, my dc penalty would be the equivalent to 3 disconnects. If the hostage game is removed, my record would say I've only dc'd twice, not 3 times. Therefore, subsequent dc penalties won't take that particular dc into account when it comes to the time penalty.
Hope I cleared that up. And, just to assure you, I'm not actually somebody who rage quits; I was using that as an example.
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That seems very unlikely in terms of what could be done. I'm not even sure how they would go about parsing that without it being a bit of time sink. I mean the penalty will regress on its own over time so if you're not frequently disconnecting you should really experience escalating time outs.
Like if you go long periods without dcing it resets itself back to just being a 5min lockout. This game is pretty weird about this due to players getting really trigger happy with the leave button, but you're highly discouraged from dcing for pretty much any reason, but if a game is truly being held hostage then you don't really have a choice.
You can try making a support ticket for a proper answer, but in my experience usually it's easier to take the penalty when I absolutely have to dc. It's not permanent and I might dc once every few months if a game is just proper unplayable.
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Yeah, that's probably as far as it can go, especially since the workload for tickets has got to be massive.
Thank you for your answer though.👍
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What they need to do is get better anti-cheat and crack down on the more recent influx of hackers. The game is nigh unplayable for any high rank killer looking to get fair matches. All cheaters are at top ranks because they cheated to get there, so if you're good at killer and get to that rank expect nearly half your games to have atleast 1 cheater in it. Forced to wait for reset, and all the cheaters to climb out of ash after a day or two, to even get any good matches as killer at this point. Even that doesn't help with MMR tho, even at ash I just continue getting red ranks using cheats and holding games hostage. And reporting does nothing, it's just there to make you think you can do something about it, but everyone knows it takes months for a ban to MAYBE happen. And then that person just makes a new account and hops back on.