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How many points should the killer lose for slugging till survivors bleedout

So was in a match with a Ghostface who slugged everyone and three people bled out one dced so who many points because I know killers lose points for making survivors bleed out but how much should they lose?

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  • Member Posts: 5,047


  • Applicant Posts: 343


    You'd only end up hurting killers not trying to irritate you. If someone is doing it to be a jerk they don't care about bp.

    So really the thing this would do is help jerk survivors to come up with builds to literally take away bp from a killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Well since you lose 500 points on the hook and 200 points on the sacrifice, or potentially 1100 points with no hooks and also no bbq stack meaning 1100 points and 25% bonus potentially, they lose a good amount

  • Member Posts: 747

    And I'm all for having Survivors be able to bleed out faster under hooks. But you're more of a punishment mind than a solution mind.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    Nothing I have said has suggested any punishment, you're the only one who suggested any kind of punishment(to survivors who could easily be stopped from doing what they're doing mind you) vs someone who proposed a punishment for something that cannot be stopped, that the player has no control over.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Loss of bloodpoints isn't a true deterrent. Players who do things to be malicious get more satisfaction out of griefing than they do (or want) bloodpoints. See players who rage-DC right before they die or survivors make it out the gate - you already witness this happen all the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    This is a spiteful change that will only hurt normal players without deterring bad players.

    Letting a survivor get slugged to death gives only 50 BP VS a Death hooks 700+(200 Extra for each hookstate skipped).

    So Griefers who are doing it already lose out on most of the kill BP so BP is clearly not a factor to them.

  • Member Posts: 133

    None, just like when they let the entity do their job and kill them through the timer.

  • Member Posts: 960


  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Almost every punishment based request tends to be spiteful and not based at all on making the game better.

    Many people won't be happy unless players are personally visited by the devs and beaten up for breaking the survivor or killer rule books.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    If you had Deerstalker, Bloodhound, Whispers, Spies from the Shadows even(I think), or a better headset, perhaps you could do something about that. Also if that WERE to happen, who caused that situation to happen? The survivors didn't put themselves in the dying state and leave themselves on the ground. Also yes, I already suspect you to suggest to bring the new Boon or Unbreakable or No Mither into the situation, but in those cases, they can still be prevented by the killer standing over them to make sure that they're put right back on the ground. There are however no perks that mute survivor sounds on the ground, and if they're not bringing No Mither they still leave trails of blood(and can get up themselves if they are). Either way, any of these scenarios are only brought about by one person, and that is the killer. If you left them on the ground long enough to hide so far away from their original position you'll never find them, then that is kind of your fault. That's not gonna happen in most matches unless they for some odd reason brought Tenacity or you are hard of hearing.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    none because there are situation where it can happen when the killer didnt intend to.

  • Member Posts: 682
    edited December 2021

    They're not concerned about points or they wouldnt slug everyone to bleed them out. The only way to keep these players from doing so is to have Behavior utterly denounce players for doing this and allow you to report them. Not only that but they have to consistently ban players for doing so

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    • Spies won't detect crawling slugged people
    • There's a well known glitch where sometimes downed survivors make no noise
    • It doesn't happen often but I have had survivors intentionally crawl into remote corners while I chased someone else and had trouble finding them because their blood trail had dissipated or was in dark terrain and they were in a shadow and their body was nearly impossible to see. Yeah, it's partly my fault if I can't find the survivor in that case, but it's definitely not me being toxic or rude or whatever.
    • For reference the killer already loses 700 or more bloodpoints when someone bleeds out on the ground. (They don't get the 500 points for hooking them and also don't get the 200 points for the hook sacrifice)
  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    Behaviour promotes griefing. They're not gonna do any of what you suggest.

    K so I was wrong about one perk, as for the rare bug you suggested, I've always hear myself on the ground but I wouldn't have trouble believing there to be such a bug. Either way it's still the killer that put the survivor in that position. You can claim it's not toxic or rude or whatever, but that player takes even longer than someone on the hook to die, meaning they could have been unable to play the game for minutes. There's also no proof if you couldn't find them that they weren't looking for hatch, if they were the last one left.

  • Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2021

    I frequently left "click click" survivors bleeding until they die while I make my coffee. The most toxic is the gameplay, the most toxic I am with the player, if they wanna ruin your gaming experience I do it with them, forcing one extra stage on the hook or putting them down right after being saved. Wanna do #########? Ok, rest a little on the ground #########.

    I often disconnect from Steam after seeing an offering to any realm wich I dislike, in one minute I´m back to killer queue while they´re stucked in the load screen LOL.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    or people could stop getting upset about nothing and just play the game.

    Bleeding out isn't some toxic attack on you as a person just as flashlight clicking isn't.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    It's not a toxic attack on anyone as a person, but it does prevent them from playing the game for 4 minutes. The funny part about this is you tell them to just play the game, when they literally can't.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I crawl, try and cling to life, its thematic try and imagine yourself in a horror movie.

    When I say play the game... I mean when something happens that you don't think is great then you have to realise its only a game and these things might happen and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter.

    Look at some of the posts in this thread of people calling bloody murder on toxic bahaviour and bleeding others out to punish toxic behaviour, its rediculous.

    These forums have shown me why DBD can be such a negative experience sometimes, because the player base is seriously ######### mental.

    Half these people you would never want to game with because they appear to be very emotionally unstable people.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    Yeah. Pretty bad being in a game you can't play for a long portion of it.

    There's a difference between accepting it's just a game and accepting that the person on the other end is causing this. If you're the only one left in the match and the killer is hovering over your body waiting for you to bleed out instead of hooking you(it happens more than it needs to), they are griefing. Camping alone in every other game is griefing. Behaviour is the problem. Yeah, some people are mentally unstable, but the frustration towards certain in game behaviors is warranted. If you're no longer able to have fun with the game due to others' actions that DIRECTLY affect your ability to play said game, why would you even want to play it? Camping is discouraged in many other games, why is this company encouraging it when it only brings out negative feelings and has proven as such in other games which eventually led to removing the possibility of such things. I equate camping in this game to spawn camping in any other game. It's the same situation in essence.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I would like to see this issue get addressed somehow without making the waiting on DS strat useless but not sure how this can be implemented.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Yes, there's things the Killer could do for the sole and only purpose of trying to make the person who crawled into a corner easier to find. Things that are a complete waste of a perk slot for an edge case that happens occasionally.

    I have no idea why that somehow means that there should be a punishment for when it happens. You already get less BP (and have to wait for the game to end), so there's plenty of incentive to find the person if you can.

    The simple point I was making is that not everyone that bleeds out is bleeding out because the Killer wants to waste their time, and is often brought about because they crawled off into some hard-to-find corner after the Killer spotted the other remaining Survivor before hooking. They're quite capable of crawling back somewhere visible and it's not just one person's choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I'd rather be camped or tunneled for a game over tbagged/bullied or BM'd any day. In fact, I quit Killer because of BMing yet somehow haven't quit survivor because why should I care about something that the killer is doing TO WIN THE GAME? I have never had an issue being camped. Whatever, I go on to my next game, no harm. If I want a PVE game, I'll play it. You may as well say the killer shouldn't kill anyone because he's denying them their ability to play the game, and only the survivors should win because that way everyone got to play a full match.

  • Yeah that's what I was getting at... unfortunate that this is the reality of it, really

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    Honestly those suggestions, for the most part, was my sarcasm, because quite often you'll see people listing similar suggestions on the other end of things. That said, listening and watching for blood trails(they're quite obvious) is a pretty obvious tell there's a survivor around if you hear or see any of those things. I don't think I've ever lost a survivor to the point of them bleeding out on the ground. There was one survivor I let bleed out on the ground and it was because they interrupted my Feral Frenzy intentionally to screw me over after I hooked them, trying to force a DS pick up and their team was on comms coordinating stuff. I never suggested a punishment of BP loss, but I feel like if the killer is in the vicinity of a survivor in the dying state for more than 30 seconds something should happen to deter that behavior. Maybe something funny but also a deterrant like firecrackers going off all around them. Survivors have crows that are basically aura reading if they're still for too long. I don't see a problem with a similar approach to killers.

    The game's objective for the killer is 12 hooks. If the killer is camping or tunneling their goal is one. Also this is much different from NORMAL gameplay where survivors can actually play the game. Only one person is having fun in this scenario. Rather selfish don't you think? Also I don't see how being being tbagged or flashlight clicked at is even remotely close to stuck on the hook for 2 minutes. Sure, it's annoying but at best they're only letting you close the distance and wasting time. Camping is pretty much the same as if you were in a shooter, all players spawned at the same spot they did every time, and your opponent was standing at your spawn point shooting you in the head over and over until the game ended. It's griefing plain and simple. People don't go into a match expecting to be unable to do anything for the majority of it, and there will always be at least one hook per game, meaning the potential for that is always there. Slugging is just a worse version of it because it takes 4 minutes instead of 2. In situations where they can be brought back up, it's not so bad, but generally when slugging occurs it's at the stage where they're dying either way.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I had someone crawl away in Hawkin's before that went away. Can't remember if there was any other time it's happened, but that stuck out because you'd think it would be easy to find someone in that place...

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    I dunno Hawkins is pretty hard to see in because of that Upside Down area. Though yeah anywhere else you should generally be able to see them. Blood trails are extremely bright nowadays and also happen to appear all over the place.

  • Member Posts: 70

    as a killer main idk about points id give them all up if i could slug every one down

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    0, zip, zilch, nada.

  • Member Posts: 1,607
    edited December 2021

    Sorry but if you're going to straight up invent a win con like "the killer is supposed to 12 hook" based off nothing but your own desires, there's very reason for me to engage you. I'd just instruct you to try playing both sides instead of just survivor. And you did play the game. Were you magically teleported to a hook when you loaded in? Not my fault you can't escape a chase.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Zero. There's a timer. If you're slugged for the whole timer, do like I do: start reading a new chapter in your book/watch a stream.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    None, death by bleedout is on the survivors

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2021

    There will be at least 1 hook per game, unless you're bad as killer. This means there will always be someone who gets put in this situation, or has the potential to be put in this situation. If a game lasts 20 minutes, and one person gets etched out 5 minutes into the game, with 2 of those minutes being on the hook unable to do anything, I wouldn't call that playing the game. They played like 1/7th of the game at that point.

    I have played both sides, btw. Funnily enough I play Legion, one of the weaker killers mostly, or did on PS4. I've been leveling out my survivors because survivor games are more fun in general when you get a decent game. Also I didn't invent anything, there's literally a progress bar in the bottom left corner that fills up the more hooks you get. The GOAL is 12 hooks. That's not necessarily the standard win condition, but it is still the GOAL by both the game's mechanics and the lore(the entity wants survivors to have hope before dying). Trying to get certain perks and then I'll eventually move on to leveling my killers. When I have a need to play Killer for any challenges or trials, I play perkless Wraith, only had 3 0ks so far since playing on PC(every other was a 3-4k, 3k if I give hatch, this is including me purposefully not tunneling or camping, and sometimes giving them extra time if we're still at 3+ gens and everyone's death hook. I have had games where I ran into the same survivor who just got unhooked by pure luck, and I will hook them then, but I have not actively done any of the scummier things that are used to make the game easier to win, and funnily enough, unlike all the "I get called every name in the book no matter what I do" posts, I've only been called disgusting once, and that was in one of the 0k games and the rest of the team said I was fine, there was another time where someone said the game was brutal because I won so handily, but that was early on in my MMR journey and even then I was playing vs 4 max tier perk survivors with toolboxes), while playing killer quite often, and even then I had over 5 hooks each game. It's not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 345

    So, just be a good little victim and accept what is done to you?

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Imagine this scenario.

    Last 2 survivors, one on hook. You see the last one rushing in to unhook. The unhooked survivor starts bodyblocking you with bt, so you wait out the timer and down them. You suspect them to have DS and go chase the other one.

    After downing the other survivor who just ran to all the safest loops remaining the first one crawled in some obscure place and you can't find them anymore.

    Does the killer deserve to be punished then?

  • Member Posts: 1,554


  • Member Posts: 16,662

    I would rather prefer a way to speed up the Bleedout-Timer. It rarely happens, but when I am left slugged to bleed out, it is because the Killer is salty. And when there is 0 intent to hook someone just to annoy the other side, Killers will also not care for any punishment.

    And the punishment does also not matter for the Survivor on the ground, they still have to wait 4 minutes until they can go into the next game.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Why should the killer lose points for slugging?

  • Member Posts: 1,607
    edited December 2021

    Don't get caught 2 minutes into the game. Don't ask everyone to baby a survivor because they go down 10 seconds after found. If you're good as a survivor, you can escape the killer and thus not get hooked and camped. If you're getting camped 2 minutes into the game, you not only got found extremely quickly but probably didn't even loop the killer for 30 seconds. "I shouldn't be able to have a game where I die so quick!" well when they're good enough to loop the killer, they won't.

    And that seems to be the crux of your issue. People getting camped early on after getting downed quick and thus not being able to play. Well 1. They're probably not that great if that happened 2. If they die, they'll lower to an MMR where they probably won't face killers who can down them 30 seconds in to ensure they don't get to play at all. You can play the "killer bad if he camps" but if a survivor is genuinely going down so fast in a match that they DIDN'T GET TO PLAY AT ALL, then I think that might be a them issue.

    Basically the entire battle royal genre works on the idea of elimination, too, and somebody has to be the first. You cannot design a PVP game where everyone magically gets an allotted time. Or at least not one that looks anything like this game does.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    There is way more toxic than letting survivors bleed out. Trap a survivor into a corner and bodyblock him until he dc.

    That’s truly toxic, maybe more than survivors waiting at the EG because there is nothing you can do about that.

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