The killer must destroy the totems

The killer must destroy any totems. And it would be logical to add this feature with the advent of Pentimento. Then the killer had more ways to play. He could play out the hexes and wait for the survivors to cleanse the totems. He could personally destroy the totems and then rekindle them. He could destroy totems to prevent the survivors from using the boons. But the developers didn't add that ...
Boons would be unusable. I also do think people only have issues with Circle of Healing, not the other Boons. Why nerfing them all for one?
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The concept of boons itself is a little bit broken. They give survivors an infinite number of resources. No matter that CoH or another boon. I don't like the idea of breaking every totem, but breaking boons and make boons one time to use pee match will make them equal to hex. Hight enough reward with risk of losing perk.
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If you hate survivors blessing your hexes run thrill of the hunt.
They won't be blessing any hexes without throwing the game in the progress
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My suggestion would be to make blessing hexes also 14 seconds, but when you bless a hex, the hex still persists. The killer can destroy the hex totem in 3.5(one fourth of the time to cleanse/bless a totem) seconds to remove both the boon and the hex permanently(while also destroying the totem) or keep both in play. This would make both hexes and boons risk vs reward. Do you leave a hex in play to ensure your boon? Do you destroy a boon at the cost of your hex? It'd be the perfect solution.
Personally I don't think Circle of Healing is that OP. It still takes 14 seconds to light the totem, once snuffed out, if they go back to relight it that's 28 seconds while the killer only takes a second, maybe 2 to snuff it out again. It's a net loss for survivor time and a lot of boon users can kill their team by not doing gens. Light it 3 times and that's over half a gen.
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Interesting offer.
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It'd make for an interesting gameplay decision as well.
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Not equal. As a Killer, you don't have to find a totem, to curse it to make it an Hex then. Plus, there is no limitation to a Hex range.
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I know it is not a serious point in the discussion BUT i simply find odd that many killers STOMP on the totem but the totem still exist and when the killer removes the foot it is still there.
Damn, if i kick a wall or a pallet i destroy it and it disappear, but if i stomp tiny chicken bones kept together with a strip of leather, DAMN! They are too much!
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Hexes for Killer: Weak trash. One and done.
Boons for Survivors: Broken OP power skills. Can be reused infinitely.
Boons just show how Survivor-sided this game is.
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People don't have a problem with the other Boons because they are not in almost every game. So it wouldn't really matter if they got nerfed in the process. They will just become another of the many perks people don't ever use. It does leave the option of giving a separate buff to the other Boon perks though if the killer could destroy totems.
But I'd be happy seeing ANY broken perk being nerfed to the point of being trash anyway. Image a world with no Dead Hard or Undying Ruin. It would be dreamland!
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Boons breaking on snuff is not a good idea, as it doesn't preserve the intended back-and-forth slowdown in exchange for buffs and is a wildly unnecessary nerf for two-thirds of the boon perk list.
Also, I really feel like Pentimento is more reason not to do this? Wouldn't that perk be far too strong if you could go break those totems yourself?
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In my opinion that hex is randomly spawns automaticly is worse than if they were placed by killers. I had games where my ruin was broken after 20 (!) seconds after start. They can be easely found near gens or during chases. In the other hand survivors can pick the most safe plece for totems by themselves. For exemple they can put it on totem near already done gen. Killer unlikeley will go here by himself. Because he would rather go patroling gens that are not finished
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Boons just shouldn't be infinite, plain and simple. Whether that means they add a cooldown, or tokens, or something for using totems, doesn't matter they need to make boons a finite resource the killer can actually deny.
If you snuff a boon, they just make another. Not really worth killers time unless they just happen to hear it or see it and it's not too out of the way.
I think if you needed to generate and spend some sort of token to create a boon as survivor it would be balanced. At the very least you're costing survivors a token and eventually they'll run out of boons especially if they aren't generating tokens.
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Indeed, Survivor boons are Survivor's hexes against the Killers, but in a completely opposite and imbalanced way. Currently, the Survivors can completely destroy the Killer's Hex perk permanently for the trial by cleansing the hex totem and can also cleanse any totem they see fit, while the Killer has no control over where what totems will be hexed. The Killer has to spend two perk slots for hexes to counter this, with the other one being Hex: Undying. So two perk slots that can be permanently destroyed for the Killer, while the Survivors can indefinitely re-apply their boons to any totem they choose, even the ones that the Killer snuffed out while the Killer is not able to destroy the totem nor the re-application of the boons hence not able to manage the totems (despite being supposed to be the "power role").
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2secs, plus the time it takes them to reach the totem, which can be a pain in the ass because it can spawn in the corner of the map away from the gen patrol
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I agree CoH is the most oppressive. Though I think just for consistency in game design they should make all the boons require tokens. Just make the tokens easier to generate for the others. Maybe have shadowstep generate tokens for remaining undetected in killers terror radius. And exponential generate tokens when survivors are downed or something.
Also I think they should all start with 1 token to keep the gameplay of setting up a boon preemptive to a chase, with the risk the killer will snuff it before you can get worth out of it.
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The point was not about Killers not spawning in their hexes, but about the imbalance between how the Killer's Hex perks can be completely countered permanently for the trial and the Killer cannot re-apply those hexes and also cannot manage the totems because the Survivors can indefinitely re-apply their boons and choose which totems to re-apply to and which totems to cleanse, ending up with the Survivors in the power role of totems.
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"I believe killers hexes should start in the match lit up. But if snuffed out can be relit on totems, or the killer that doesn't run hexes can destroy the totems in order to prevent boons from being placed."
I agree on this.
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I don't agree with relighting hexes. That's something that could maybe be a perk. But as it stands killers already have powers to protect their totems (albeit its difficult now with how prevalent boons are in survivor perk meta)
But if a killer is really invested in keeping their hexes up they could run Undying, Thrill of the Hunt, Haunted Ground. There exists plenty perks to punish survivors and protect totems as it stands.
Boons just need to be finite. Hexes don't need to be infinite.
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I agree. If this is applied on top of giving the Killer the ability to destroy totems, I think this would be better balanced.
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If Killers could rekindle their hexes they would need to take 14 seconds to do so. Hexes are FAR more powerful than boons. The only reason boons are useful in the first place is because they can be relit. Hexes being infinite would break the game super hard because of the abilities hexes give. If we wanted to make things equal we could just make boons as strong as hexes and randomly placed and give the killer the ability to break them. This though would mean that survivors could map wide have CoH, Shadow Step, and Exponential, and I don't think anyone wants that.
The reason, for those who don't know, boons are able to be relit is because they are weaker than hexes by a lot. Hexes alternate the rules of the game, every single one does. Boons do not, they only increase speed at which things can be done. A med kit could be just as powerful as CoH's healing(and moreso actually), but CoH applies to everyone in a small area. The only boon that even slightly alters game rules is Shadow Step, but it's only in a small radius and usually in one that the killer can find and remove if they're having to actively using the ability. They also have the cost of time, which is survivors' most precious resource. If they waste time booning totems over and over, they actively kill their team. Yeah, it may be annoying to see the same survivor booning the same totem over and over, but you know where that survivor is and can prevent it, in addition it takes them 14 seconds to light it, which is 14 charges off a generator, more than 1/6th of a generator(more if that generator has recently been kicked and no one else is on it). Then you have Thrill of the Hunt, the one perk that actively counters boon users because of how long it takes to actually light them. They'll likely never get a boon lit up if you have that perk, and if they did, they probably lost a half a gen's worth of time only for the killer to snuff it and make all that time wasted.
3.5, because 14/4 = 3.5. 2 seconds would make it 1/7th the time of survivors and there are not 7 survivors in a match. Also survivors have to travel to the totem as well, and if it spawns in the corner of the map that survivor also had to travel there away from the gen, and they don't move as quickly. If you're wanting to talk travel time to totems you're making a mistake due to survivor speed vs killer speed.
The thing is they're not really IMBALANCED, they're moreso frustrating for the killer side of things. There are plenty of ways to slow down the healing. Sloppy Butcher+Thanataphobia is still good against people self healing in Circle of Healing's range, because it acts the same as if they were healing other people normally without a boon and Thrill of the Hunt basically makes lighting a totem take ages, and if you're going for a hex setup to counter boon users completely you could add haunted grounds and undying making it where either they get 2 haunted grounds or 2 thrills, making boons pointless outside of maybe exponential. As I said earlier, boons are weaker than hexes, so treating them the exact same as hexes is not the right move, unless you want a map wide CoH/Exponential/Shadowstep.
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