Would it have been better if some perks were exclusive to characters?

conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was thinking that it would have been pretty interesting as to the effects it had on peoples builds.

For example:

Bill, Left Behind and Unbreakable still unlock at levels 30 & 35 but Borrowed Time is never available to other survivors

Feng, Technician and Alert unlock at levels 30 & 35 but Lithe is never available to other survivors

David, No Mither and We're gunna live forever unlock at 30 & 35 but Dead Hard is never available to other survivors.

I think this would have stopped survivors from running the same perks constantly and it would actually encourage players to take on different roles in the game based on their individual perks.

I know it won't ever happen but does anyone else think this could have worked?


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    This would just create Survivor meta, I already see enough Megs and Claudettes, no thank you.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495


    You say that it would "stop survivors from running the same perks constantly", but what it would actually do is make players feel like they're forced to play the few survivors who have the best perks.

    Let choice of survivor remain purely cosmetic.

  • conqueror_worm__
    conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96

    But then at the same time it would stop players from running meta builds no more DS, Iron Will, BT & DH all together.

    Would it not balance the games and the teamplay out at all?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    It would make the gameplay really bad.

    BIll is the only one who can have BT? Cool, the guy who just unhooked was not a Bill, so the Survivor cannot have BT, I will tunnel.

    Only Laurie can have DS? Yep, all non-Lauries are tunneled out of the game.

    Some players even purchased many Cosmetics for their Mains and others only have all Perks on one Survivor (since they are Skins). What should they do if they main a Character with bad Perks?

  • conqueror_worm__
    conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96
    edited December 2021

    Yeah, I did say that it wouldn't happen, I know it would be impossible to implement it now, I just thought it might vary the playstyle a little, you know, like each survivor has a specific strength to suit a specific role in the game, if someone needs unhooking then Bill goes for it while David is in the chase utilizing DH etc

    You are right about the Killer having too much info by also knowing their strengths as well.

    Plus it would render some characters pretty much obsolete if their base perks weren't very strong.

    I still think that something like this could have worked early on in the games release though.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    If something is Meta, figure out why that is, and if the core concepts behind it merit integration into base gameplay and/or if it needs a number tweak/redesign.

    See Exhaustion Perks and the Exhausted status effect instead of creating a loadout check that only allows one at a time.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    You only want to see Davids, Bills and Lauries in your lobbies?

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I would really like it.

    It could work with these conditions:

    - You are required to use at least a single teachable of the selected survivor.

    - All survivors in a lobby need to be different.

    - Devs don't create survivors with totally trash teachables.