sort your awful matchmaking, how can it actually get worse ?

beyond a joke now
countless hours in DBD and as survivor i've just had 5 games in a row with new accounts that have no idea how to play vs GOOD KILLERS.
what is the logic behind this matchmaking system? are you trying to make people quit the game or something ?
I've been starting to wonder if the MMR is just turned off or something. It's been SO bad lately. And as you said- I've noticed being teamed with absolute potato survivors but the Killers are very competent, resulting in a blood bath. It's just awful.
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Its gradually getting worse I don't understand how you can go backwards so much with it?
It used to be every other game if I was unlucky but last night I had 9 games like that out of 10, complete beginners that didn't even try to loop the killer and went straight down.
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It is not only the case that you have Potato-Teammates but get paired against competent Killers. Sometimes every player except for you seems to be new to the game.
To give two examples:
A few days ago I went against a Billy. Playing in a 2 man-SWF, we both are playing the game for a long time (4k hours+ and almost 7k hours). We were paired with two Survivors who seemed to be quite new. The Billy also did not have all Perks at Tier 3 and was really not good, but had some decent Perks (Ruin, Tinkerer and Bamboozle). It was a 2v1 with 5 Gens to go and we managed to do 4 1/2 Gens, but lost in the end. The result:
My friend and myself will lose MMR. Probably not a small amount. And the Billy will gain a lot of MMR. Result? We will get more Potato Teammates and the Billy, who was at least new to this Killer, will face stronger opponents and probably be crushed a few games. Yay.
Another example, happened yesterday:
We were paired with two Survivors, a P1-Meg and a Claudette who was the most basic Claudette you could imagine. No hours visible, but they were new... They had only 3 Perks, and they were either their character Perks or general Perks. Going against a Wraith, who got two Kills due to NOED in the end, but did not manage to do that much. My friend died on Hook, the Claudette died aswell, since she fell down to NOED.
Result? My friend will lose MMR. Despite outplaying the Wraith at every Chase, except for the one where he unhooked me, after I went down while saving the Meg.
Not saying that we are the most amazing Survivors out there, but if you get paired with Potatoes, you might have a higher chance of dying, which lowers your MMR, which gives you weaker teammates, etc... And even Killers who are not experienced can win games which are a 2v1, simply because they have enough time to just Bloodlust every Loop.
And as Killer, I can get a group of Baby Survivors who get demolished, followed by strong Survivors, difference between night and day. And I highly doubt that winning one game against Newbies will skyrocket me to strong Survivors and vice-versa.
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Doesnt mmr lower if youve been sitting in the queue for too long
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i think my mmr is about the same as the guy who hides behind walls all game. couldn't tell you why, i'm not good at this game but i'm certainly not that bad.
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Since my other thread was closed, I know MMR has ######### all to do with rank but it seems kind of pointless to get thrown in a match where you're out ranked tremendously. And this is because, I assume, of poor matchmaking aka MMR.
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Kills/escapes isn't a good metric, there needs to be more nuance. What we have right now just feels like the old rainbow ranks but worse. Honestly as SBMM has gone on it has felt less and less like it's actually doing anything at all. SBMM just feels like they are picking the killer and 4 survivors that started looking for a match at the same time, no other criteria except hit ready at 12:01 so put them all in a lobby. Also doesn't feel good that for mmr no matter how you play in a match it only matters if you die/escape.
Old rank system wasn't perfect but it was better than this. If I spent a match doing my best I would atleast safety pip - my odds of having a good team the next round were decent. Unless matchmaking was being funky giving me rainbow ranks I generally was with others who weren't new and if they were red/purple like me they weren't as likely to be potatoes - it happened but not every game like it is now. Now I can carry my team and double pip but die and everything in the match doesn't matter - next round I just get random mishmash of teammates that would be equivalent to the old rank system. I could escape and it doesn't matter, I'm still getting mishmash of teammates. Very often my matches feel like 2v1 instead of 4v1 because it's only my swf teammate and I doing anything while our randoms are hiding not doing anything.
SBMM is not protecting new players from being paired against veteran players, if anything I see way more new players now than I ever saw in the old rank system. I can't see playtime on ps4, only trophies to get a sense of how new a player is. So often it will be a player that has only earned maybe one or two trophies against players that have nearly all the trophies. That's not OK. Not only does the new player get destroyed by veteran player but as survivor they are bringing down the team.
There's also the issue I've been running into where I'm having multiple back to back games with killers. I'm in a 2swf so we have to wait until the other dies/escapes to move onto next match. First match could go well or everyone dies/one of us gets hatch. General the way it goes for the following match is one of us will get tunneled out when we realize it's the same killer we already faced. Killer goes after a random before next tunneling out teammate and then gets last player not long after or they get hatch. We basically insta queue into new lobby with that killer and this happens multiple matches in a row. We can't dodge because we can't see the killer but killer is psyched because they know 2 of the survivors load outs and how to counter - they know we don't run DS so no worries about downing us immediately after unhook. You'd think the killer "winning" and us "losing" (or vice versa based on first match) would move our MMR away from eachother so we don't get matched together but nope. One day I had 5/6 matches against same killer. Now if it's 2 I go play something else because it's not fun playing against same killer. As killer I've noticed the same thing, I'll get same survivor in back to back matches no matter if I 4k or let everyone escape - I dodge so they can play against someone else. Old rank system I got same killer in one back to back match on occasion - now it's every game session and multiple back to back matches which signals to my swf teammate and I to move onto a different game.
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You having an outlier MMR (I’m assuming you have a high rating) implies there aren’t that many other players with MMR close to yours in queue at a given moment. So it shouldn’t be surprising if you tend to see the same person multiple times if they have a high rating like yours. That this apparently didn’t happen in the old system in fact indicates the old system was actually making even more mismatches than the current one in that regard because it was probably giving you weaker opponents than you on average most of the time.
Also as far as brand new players go I think the system starts them out at an average or below average MMR and shifts them up or down more quickly in the beginning as they win or lose (mostly lose if they’re actually new players versus old players with a new account). Combine that with high rated players having to be eventually put into “next available game” slots when there isn’t a good matchup for them and you get a situation where a brand new player is in a match with an outlier high rated player.
Basically it kind of boils down to the MMR itself is probably accurate for everybody but brand new players, and people who are more or less in the median MMR brackets will tend to get the best matchups because the system will have the best chance of having enough of them to fill a match. It’s the players at the tails of being really high or really low MMR that get the worst matchups because they’re getting into “next avaialble” matches more often.
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So in summary according to you I have such a high mmr that it matches me with new players. That's a bad system that needs to be fixed instead of defended.
I was getting better matches before where killers actually got 2e/2k in most of my matches instead of now where it's either a 4e or 4k every match because it's going for overall killer average of 2e/2k.
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That’s a pretty terrible summary of what I said.