It's Getting Boring

I'm not a new player, i've been playing DbD for a long time. I play most of the time with my little sister. Despite our many hours with DbD, we're not pro-players but right now, this game is getting boring and not fun at all. In 5 games, we got 4 campers and/or tunnelers.
Let's be clear, to my opinion a camper is a killer waiting in front of the hook, a tunneler is a killer ignoring generators and others survivors to focus only one survivor whole game.
After meeting this kind of killer, our builds changed. Now we're forced to use "Borrowed Time" , "Decisive Strike" , "Dead Hard" just to reduce the impact of these unpleasant situations.
- I find it a shame that I have to use unwanted perks in order to have a better gaming experience. And, the other perks are put aside, so what's the point of creating new ones ?
- As players, we no longer want to play it again. This is what happens with my little sister, she loves the game but she doesn't want to play anymore when these situations are repeated.
- We have a penalty when we leave a game. Why this penalty was introduced ? To deter players from quitting but it forces players to have a bad game. In parallel, nothing is done to deter killers from camping or tunneling.
This is not a discussion to cry about this kind of behavior but what are the solutions ?
The penalty is there to stop people like you from ruining the match for 4 other players
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Damn don't be toxic!
He is trying to talk about an issue that is evident for everyone!
JEEZ! We know you are the special kid that plays perfectly every game and always win and we are a burden and sandbags for you! Can you sit 5 minutes and talk to a person that pointed out a problematic situation? NO? Then go back playing and leave the forum to the persons that want to talk!
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People like you are ruining the match for 4 other players at camping and tunneling, that's why we have to quit because there is zero fun to get face camped and/or get tunneled for 15 min left. The penalty should be removed, even more when you play with another person who has to settle for 6 000 BP and wait 15 minutes for the game to end. Even, ruin a game of four other players ? The survivor is sacrificed after the killer focused him for 5 min so it's the same as a rage quit to my eyes.
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Lmao, you're so mad at tunneling and camping, have you ever played Killer? Doubt it
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I play survivor and killer but i don't face-camp or tunnel when i play as killer cause i know that's not funny for anyone, including myself.
If you have nothing constructive to say you should be quiet because you just sound like a kid who needs to grow up. Don't worry, you will grow up.
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Fun is subjective, you might find camping/tunneling unfun, but I don't. Whenever I encounter it as Survivor, I don't care. This game is about dying, I died, I queue up for the next game. If you have such a hard time understanding that the Killer doesn't have to make the game fun for you, maybe it's you who needs to grow up
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Man, he is trolling you.
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How to hurt a toxic little killer hahaha.
- This game is not about dying. It's also subjective huh ;)
- Queue up for the next game and getting the same things everytime ? Because right now, I only have that.
- The goal of a video game is to have fun.
- Yeah, it's so funny as survivor to get camped and tunneled. Bad-faith spotted.
- Don't act like you're smart, mature or interesting because you're not, but not at all and you proved it, so pshhh
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Yeah, anyway. This game and his community are getting worst and worst with time.
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This game and this community is largerly composed by kids. You can't expect to talk with them like you talk with adults man.
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Yeah, you right, thanks ♥
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Honestly i am with you.
The point is simple. Killers Fcamp because it is:
1) Simple, everyone is able to do that.
2) Time efficient, against good survs it takes more time to search, find anc chase a new surv that simply camp the hooked one.
3) Some killers have built in camping mechanics, like GF and Bubba. It is easier camp with GF than go stealth and catch the survivors with your ability. It is easier camp with bubba than chasing good survs with him.
We should give the survivors more tools to make the FC unappealing, nowadays they only have 3 perks, therefore all of them use those 3 perks and it is easy for a killer to memorize all of them, wait for a DH, count till 12 before hit a person just unhooked, etc...
We do not need stronger defensive perks but more of them in order to have a choice and to being able to be flexible.
For example i proposed to buff cameraderie but obv everyone replied that buffing cama would result in the end of the game.
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1. It's called "Dead By Daylight" yet it's not about dying, sure
2. I'm not getting camped and tunneled every game because Killers camp and tunnel the weak link of a team, not the strong players, so getting tunneled is a good 70% on the Survivor
3. Yeah, what's your point?
4. It's as fun as getting "genrushed" which means doing gens quickly, and tunneling is the Killer equivalent to "genrushing"
5. I'm not acting smart? I'm just having fun trolling a salty Survivor main :)
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Being unable to see things from a different point of view is not something you should be proud of.
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To be honest, playing killer is not that fun either currently. When you go against your usual player it is fun, but going against survivors that can't stop taunting you all game and get away with it... it leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. Then, you start playing harsher on anyone... just to make sure that doesn't happen again.
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What do you mean "being unable to see things from a different point of view"? I'm genuinely interested
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Think a bit please.
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I still don't get what you mean. This whole discussion was about a Survivor player being mad that they got killed and can't DC and ruin a match whenever they feel like it
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Everyone in the forum complains about killers or survivors playing too efficiently (gen rush or tunneling/ facecamping), because it is boring to go against. And, apparently, it is true to a lot of players that it is boring. The only wrong thing about this post is to ask to remove dc penalty... the game is already plagued with survivors who dcs and suicide on hook too much. Was it that hard to conceive?
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It's hard for me personally to conceive, because I don't care about subjective feelings. The objective of the game is to survive/escape. I don't care how the game is played as long as it's played fairly. If the Survivors "genrush" I'll tunnel/slug/camp, whatever necessary. This game has its balance problems, but I'll always try my hardest to win, whether fun or unfun
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Tunneling and camping is not fun for killer either. Unfortunately thats how the meta is now because the game is quite difficult for killers imo. The speed of gens being done and the amount of healing perks is wild. I'm sorry its made the game unfun for you but its not daisies for killer either.
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I agree with Skaels.
It is not rare that 4 gens are done in 3 minutes if there is no corrupt intervention.
In such small amount of time no pop or ruin can help either, maybe you can reduce the gens done from 4 to 3 and half.
In 3 minutes you complete 1 or 2 chases, all the pallets are up, all the exahustion perks are ready, the map is still wide!
In such scenario what a killer can do?
Survs need more perks to protect from tunneling and camping and killers need more perks to efficient slowdown. Some good perks with the last killer has been done thou.
Maybe some rework on the old one? Like Tana?
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Dude! You are not wrong, but that could have been worded without that much vitriol. The community is already toxic enough, lets try to be at least polite to each other :) Demo is a good boi, so play the part.
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I'll try to do that
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Said the guy that would want to leave teammates...
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That is avoiding the problem.
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How is talking about the root of all things avoiding the problem? How?
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I... Somehow missed the "wrong" word and thought you wanted to remove dc penalty.
I apologise.