We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

A way to punish and prevent camping

We all struggle with at least one camper while playing dead by daylight in a single day. I have a way that we could prevent camping and punish campers.

=============================================================================What if whenever the Killer is within a certain distance of the hook, it pauses the hook timer until the killer is at least 10 meters away from it. If the hook timer is paused for more than 1 minute either the killer starts losing match points and automatically pips down OR the survivor is given a 100% chance to get off the hook and is effected with endurance for 60 seconds while the survivor is invisible to the killer for 30 seconds.

Hopefully a few people can give me their honest opinion on this idea, and if you thinks it’s a good idea maybe consider giving it a vote up? Thank you for your time :)


  • MegaMech
    MegaMech Member Posts: 13

    There's a perk that pauses the hook timer if another player walks by it.

    There are counters to camping (Usually you need to work together). But there are scenarios where you can't do anything about it. For instance the chain saw guy. Or NOED. In those situations you just have to leave and accept the loss of a survivor.

    If anything a camper is actually good for survivors. You just go do gens and save them at the last minute, then play correct so that person can't be tunneled. You have to play with strategy to beat the play that lacks ethics (for both sides mind you)

  • MegaMech
    MegaMech Member Posts: 13

    Also, some killers are a bit more campier than others. Like Hag. Perhaps the real solution is to alter that killers play style a little to encourage them to be less campy. Hag's abilities generally require playing in a small area of the map and using hooked players as bait.

    Also, some people likely think I'm camping, but they didn't allow me the time to place my traps first. So sometimes you have to give the killer the chance to walk away from the hook too. If a killer sees someone near a hook, they don't really have a reason to leave now do they?

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068

    Honest opinion ? That's a very bad idea. They are 2 majors issues :

    • That does not prevent proxy camping that is far more efficient than facecamping. Proxy camping is when you stay at a medium distance from the hook to lure survivors instead of searching them and then tunnel if you want to.
    • "Camping" is not a good strategy as killer, there is no point trying to prevent or punish it. The only solution, and I don't want to be rude but it is for the survivors to improve : do gens (you have WAY ENOUGH time to do all 5 gens during the camp) or coordinate with another survivor to save that person.

    Furthermore, there is no such thing as "camping" or "tunneling" in dbd. That's survivor language that makes no sense when you play killer seriously.

    Let's say you play killer on autohaven, and you have an insane RNG with a perfect 3 gen very close to each other and you hook someone in the middle. Why on earth would you leave the area ? So you see it's not only about "camping" that dude, sometimes it's also about making sure strong gens are not done. As killer, you cannot protect all your gens, so you have to decide which one are valuable and which one are not worth defending.

    It's the same thing with "tunneling", if you forced your BT or DS on the killer, the next best play for him is to keep the chase on you. I stoped counting how many times I was against a streamer that used BT to try to bodyblock me and then complained when I commit to the chase.

    Try to see the game as a big picture as the killer do instead of complaining about "camping" and "tunneling".

  • lifenotfound582
    lifenotfound582 Member Posts: 15

    First off, camping is just a way to tell the survivors that you have no skill and are just plain bad at the game

    Second, camping is definitely NOT good for survivors. You only have enough time to do like 1 and a half generators and lets just take a second to think about the person BEING camped, its boring and frustrating and ruins games for survivors.

    Third, Camaraderie/Kinship is a help if your being camped but who honestly wants to waste a perk slot when BHVR can just fix the camping problem for us.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Hag can place traps, she do not need to camp the hook.

    Btw the issue with cama is that do not give informations to the other survs and if you are solo noone is coming to trigger your cama.

    Cama should go auto, when you are in second stage the stage will not progress for 20/25/30 seconds.

    So you will have a 90 seconst second stage instead 60.

  • lifenotfound582
    lifenotfound582 Member Posts: 15

    If you have a flashlight you can light burn the traps or if you don’t have a flashlight, you can just crouch over the traps and automatically unhook and crouch away.

  • lifenotfound582
    lifenotfound582 Member Posts: 15

    It’s not camping if you go get a survivor NEAR a hook, I’m talking about FACE CAMPING which is camping right next to the hook doing nothing and just waiting for a survivor to come save.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Yes you can but in both scenario this will reduce the speed you can unhook.

    Crouching to come, and moreover crouching to go away.

    The hag will be able to come back if she simply moved away in order to kick a gen.

    The only way to counter this situation completely and unhook quickly is with a grenade that will remove all the traps.

  • lifenotfound582
    lifenotfound582 Member Posts: 15

    Ok, this discussion was about face campers not hags traps- 😂

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Yes but face camping is an abstract topic.

    You need to talk about the situations where a person is pushed to FC or where a survivor need to counter killer X that is FC.

    For example, many times if you talk about FC you end talking about the bubba and it is normal.

  • lifenotfound582
    lifenotfound582 Member Posts: 15

    FC can’t be justified, if survivors are gen rushing then they are just doing their job as survivors. If survivors are being toxic and T-bagging and you can’t take it then you shouldn’t be playing the game.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    I do not agree.

    FC is 90% negative for the gameplay and toxic.

    But i will not say that can't be justified.

    If the survs are CLEARLY around the hook, you can see them or you know they are there because of perks what are you going to do? Going away searching for survs YOU KNOW are there?

    If the doors are open and you hook a surv what are you going to do? Go to the door? If other survs are there you will not catch them and they will go out. But if they are nor there you are going to lose your kill.

    Sorry man, if you talk about fighting the Fc that is too much i am ok, if you start saying things like "can't be justified" i do not agree.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    A multiple versions of this has tried, abused, and now all anti camp punishments are forever on the "Never happening" list.

    You can't make a camping punishment as survivors have proven every single time the devs have tried that they will abuse it until they lose it.

    You have other survivors to blame for the camping mechanics not the killer at this point.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Can't stop it with penalties, there will always be some that ignore the consequences. Best we can do to minimize it is to add insensitives for killers to leave but still allow for hook defense.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
    edited January 2022

    Oh yes; let's take a tactic Devs have said is fine, and add 2 suggestions that were the worst ever made TOGETHER this time!

    The Killer loses BP AND the Survivors get free hangtime AND they can get free at will! 🙃

    You know; never mind that the last time 'Survivor struggles slower on hook' was tried in the PTR; Survivors literally abused it to holy high hell in order to force Killers to give up free unhooks, or camp someone who cannot die while 1 Survivor did gens with infinite time.

    The ideas, separate, were horrible then, and they are even worse put together now.


    Hey! If we're calling for completely over-the-top punishments for accepted tactics; Can I demand Survivors get put in the Dying state and lose BP and depip if they work on a gen for too long without moving?

    That's basically the same thing that OP is asking for; a completely busted punishment for Killers doing their goal (to kill) because they don't like HOW Killers are doing it.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Didn't they try weaker version of this that only slowed timer?

    And survivors forced killer to chase around hooked survivors to gain time and from what I know, it just didn't end well.

    Your version would make this even more broken.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    This seems broken op and abuseable

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,765

    Anything that stops or slows the hook timer based off killer proximity to the hook just straight up doesn't work because it can be abused by survivors, eg. "chase me near the hook so the guy on hook doesn't die or you have to drop the chase and let me unhook for free".

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Normally, bringing killer to hooked survivor is bad idea and it should be punished by a killer. It's just a miss-play from chased survivor.

    Your change actually rewards survivors for doing this.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    That is false. You have technically time to do 4* gens, not counting running up to a gen.

    *3 and half and half progress of two other gens

    Also if you haven't noticed, BHVR likes to fix bad game design with perks.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    No punishments, ever. Survivors would attempt to abuse it. Same on the flip-side; Killers would attempt to abuse it.

    I do agree, however, that Hooked Survivors should get more BP if a Killer camps. For being wriggling meat or something 'Your pained writhing distracts the Killer & buys your friends time to work on generators; you get bonus BP.'

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    This is easy. Flashlights have 1 second cooldown. EASY

  • Katana314
    Katana314 Member Posts: 9

    I don't...really understand what this means.

    If I am killer, and someone is a meter away going for an unhook, I just hit them. It's free pressure on two people - even if the timer's paused, it's someone not doing generators. It's also easy to provide an exception for the hook timer pause if the killer is in chase - rewarding the killer for actively stopping a person they can see from unhooking, but not for trying to act preventatively as a guard.

    I'll be perfectly honest - when I know the objectives in a map are centered in one place, I certainly proxy camp to a degree - usually aiming for the rescuers, rather than the victims. But even I think there are good ways to counter the more toxic side of camp/tunneling. I get dubious anytime someone makes these claims about the previous PTB, almost as though it was at a time when the killer strategy book wasn't as deep.

  • MegaMech
    MegaMech Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2022

    Well you didn't mention face camping in your original post.

    facecamping is basically a non-issue. Survivors with the right perks can easily counter face camping with the only exception being one hit down killers like the chainsaws or noed. And as I and others have stated. You can do a lot of gens in the time the killer is facecamping.