Bubba lost face

Oh no
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Oh no
(Sorry karu i literally was posting it that same way lol)
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Oh no
(I just wanted to make a train :3)
Post edited by Pixel_BoomBot on8 -
Its actually sad that the different faces feature gets removed.
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It was a shame to read that as it was such a nifty little thing to be able to unlock faces and a few people have completely ruined it now.
Sucks to lose content instead of removing the abusive people from the game.
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wow youre stealing my jokes now smh
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I am curious now: Why was it removed? What had people done with those things?
I just got my first face yesterday because I never farmed for it. But not I can no longer use it. This makes me sad as I though it was such a cool feature for Bubba.
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That does absolutely suck that racist asshats found a way to ruin something else but I guess I don't feel like this is that big of a deal.
I don't know if I've ever once looked at a Bubba and said "I wonder which face he has on". A meaningless change that I imagine 95% of the player base would never even notice if BHVR hadn't said something but a huge change for POC who are being harassed by racist clowns.
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Claudette face + tunnelling / camping Claudettes or Adams or streamsniping PoC streamers
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It's not about "whiners" it's about the fact that these were proven to be used to harass our players in a hateful manner - that's not something we're going to support and we're certainly not going to make it easier for people to do this in our game.
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The easiest solution, typical BHVR.
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also worth noting the same was starting to happen with jake's face + asian streamers, but the majority of the complaints came from smartface because it was still happening more
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are you ok
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Claudette face bubba tunnels a claudette. Thats it.
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Forgive me, but
if it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt then surely BHVR is more than capable of being able to ban the people who were doing it? Will this be the only instance of BHVR removing content in this manner?
Personally I stand by BHVRs decision on this topic but it still raises the question.
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Urgh, seriously. People can snuff out all the fun for me...
I get that you tunnel certain characters for "in game reasons" just like Nemesis could tunnel Jill or Chris. But harming people outside of the game or targeting them for something like this...okay, I miss my cool feature but I understand this.
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I really have to ask, but were the Bubbas wearing certain masks harassed or where they considered the ones harassing survivors?
And how was this proven?
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You're looking into it way too deep
The most logical conclusion is BHVR was receieving complaints about this cosmetic, they know they probably can't feasibly ban people who where doing it (even though a mod said it was proveable) so instead they opted to remove it to put a pin in the problem for good (Which, again - I think is fine tbh)
Except the fact that the racist players are still probably gonna go unpunished and isn't that a scary thought
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At least you are removing ALL of the faces.
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cool so if 1% of players do a bad thing the other 99% of players get to lose out on something as well because you guys still don't have a decent report system. looking forward to you guys caving in over the future twitter mob over bubba's Pretty Lady skin being "transphobic". remember: it's never enough!
yes, just wearing the Smart Face mask was enough for people to DC against you and call you racist etc. regardless of how you play. but a couple of black twitch streamers were whining about it, so that makes it okay.
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but those racist players will have to be overtly racist now, to have the same effect. they can facecamp and tunnel, sure, but players will do that anyway over the smallest of things (theyll also bm as survivor over the smallest of things, dont get me wrong). to make it properly racist and so make it hurt they will have to go out of their way to do so, which in turn will make it clear and reportable.
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This is officially soyest moment of 2022 and 2022 is just started lmao, nothing can outrage this soy overdose, i cant believe its will happen for real ahahahahahahahahahahah
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We do ban but of course we can't pre-emptively ban....which means that players have had to under go some particularly harrowing cases before a ban can be issued. So removing an element to prevent the whole thing happening in the first place is probably the right call. Hate behaviour such as we have seen has no place in our game.
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I actually didn't know that removing cosmetics can fix the harassment!
Maybe let's remove Nea's and Min's headpieces with masks too? Players with it tend to be incredibly toxic in game and after game.
Sure, not all of them. But not all Bubbas are harassing people either. So yeah. Let's remove some survivor skins, so that toxicity gets fixed too.
And then, while we're at it we could, maybe, remove Dwelf and Bunny Feng skins too? Because they are cute and all, but there are a lot of disrespectful players using them too. And Nurse's Pumpkin Head. After all, harassment happens because of skins, not because of people.
What the actual lasagna is this ridiculous logic?
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are you also ok?
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I enjoy grinds so I was a little mad to see that they were just outright being removed....in the end though it is thanks to our little toxic community so.....thanks for giving us compensation BHVR. 😥
PS. Blackface Bubba was a problem! But removing all the faces just kinda saddened me.
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I don't completely agree, they can basically do what they've been doing the whole time minus the Bubba mask.
Removing the cosmetic does help with the issue in that it people will no longer be able to use it to cause offense (or in some people's opinions it existing at all was a problem but I'm not here to cause argument). The people who were targetting and proved to be targetting will most likely go unpunished for their actions and instead caused everyone to be punished with the removal of all the masks
It's not a decision I disagree with, but it's one I worry about the precedent it sets. In this case it makes complete sense but if BHVR decides to take this kind of action again, will it make sense then? Only time will tell I suppose
Yeah I understand the logic behind the decision, I hope i'm not coming across as antagonistic about it.
I'm just a bit sad that we're losing content that's been in the game for a long time, not necessarily the claudette mask itself more so the concept of a character having unique collectables that were thematic to the game and you had to spend time getting.
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Can anyone please explain why removing Leatherface masks is important?
Like,i don't see how it's gonna solve anything.If people want to be awful then they are going to be awful.
Apologies if that may sound rude to anyone.I just want to see the correlation
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It's dumb of bhvr to remove the faces because people were complaining that they were being used to harass people.
It's not something I've seen really happen.
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I think since we have so many survivors now that most of the original four weren't getting played and they didn't want to make a face for each original survivor. I get that the official answer is to save people from hurt feelings but pretty sure Leatherface is still going to tunnel and facecamp you. That's what he do.
They really should up the iri shard gift to 9k shard just in case someone wants to buy another killer and switch mains though. People that grinded out all the masks are going to be rightfully upset.
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You’re not understanding.
Some Smartface Bubbas were harassing black creators and people who played black characters.
They’re the ones who used it to re-create the whole blackface problem and target people with it.
Unless elves are real, there’s a good reason this cosmetic is being removed.
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The claudette mask (or smart face as it's known in game) was the main one causing issues as certain players were using it in conjunction with other things to target players of certain races and ethnicities. The mask also became synonymous with toxicity since the players who use it were often just that
The other masks, except for maybe the jake mask (I'm not really sure), never really caused an issue but I think BHVR just wants to be done with the whole discussion so removing all of the masks is much more straight forward and less likely to cause as much backlash compared to if they just removed the claudette mask.
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I sadly have lol....people in this community can be ridiculous. I have that I have autism on my profile and my god I had to remove it because of how people are in this game. 😏 a little trash talk is fine but people take it way too far.
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Nope. Only fair to remove them ALL if they removed one.
I'm glad they removed them all.
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i personally think they should have left the faces rather than just straight up remove them.
i agree some people may have been using certain faces to be malicious however that small minority has resulted in people using the masks for no malicious reason to be punished as well.
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I didn't even know this was a thing. I never saw any streamer bring it up or saw a forum post on the issue. It seems like they just listened to less then 1% of the community who experienced something by removing a cool idea from everyone. Leatherface wearing the face of his victims is part of his lore.
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He is a killer who uses the skin of murdered persons? YES.
He kill only white people? NO.
So, this is not BLACK FACE. Oh god, where we are going for?
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Post edited by IamFran on2 -
Unfortunately bhvr will go overboard most of the time when forums get bombarded with the same posts.
Look at ruin, spirit, nurse, ruin/undying, and I'm sure i forgot a lot more.
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I wish that instead of them being outright removed we instead got them changed to objects of the survivor's clothing that Bubba wears instead (since he does take and wear trinkets of his victims too, so it remains lore consistent while removing all of the problematic elements I can see), however I also don't have an issue with this either. I didn't feel either way, but my black friends were incredibly uncomfortable with it, so I was here to advocate for it's removal using the points they've made because they're far more knowledgeable in the topic than I am.
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I would take shards over a killer I rarely play any day.
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Personally, I dont think it was needed. The only reason why one of the faces was black was because one of the four original Survivors was black. If there would have been 4 white people, he would have had 4 white faces.
I also dont think that this will change anything on the topic of harassment. If a Killers want to tunnel Survivors who use certain characters with a different skin color or want to actively harrass streamers who are People of Color, they can and will still do it, just not with a Smartface anymore. The sad thing is, you cannot reliable ban people for it, because as long as they dont admit it, you cannot really prove why they camped someone (as Bubba or any other Killer).
But if it has the chance to decrease harrassment, it is fine to remove the face. For me it does not matter, I was using the P3 since ages and so I get some juicy shards.
(On the topic of collecting faces - this was fun, but I dont consider this a good option anymore, simply because you cannot switch Killers in the Lobby anymore. So while this was a cool concept, I doubt that newer players would be able to collect all faces unless they play Bubba over a very long period of time)
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This is frustrating, I came on to make a post about it after hearing about the removal, it took me some time to get all four faces and now BHVR is taking them from me? for 6k shards?? LOL, Absurd. Maybe work on the toxic issue. I dont even use the faces except for bragging rights. I want other faces please, thank you.
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so i guess they won huh
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Surely the cosmetic isn't the problem here, though?
I think there's bigger issues with that behaviour than the racist's wardrobe.
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Its really dumb tbh I want them ba-
Wait SIX THOUSAND iri shards? Hell yea.
I'm about to make a stereotypical annoying twitter account and advocate to get more stuff removed if we get 6k iri shards in return.
EDIT: Also this will not do anything to stop harassment, if anything it's fuled it because it's shown that they care.
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People using macro flashlight clicking and teabagging are targeting harassing me in a hateful manner as someone with epilepsy. When is BHVR going to fix that?
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I'll take the shards, the masks were dumb.
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Yeah that makes sense.Quite a shame because i liked the masks but i understand.
Thanks 👍
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Honestly I don't know where I stand on the issue. I agree that racist and problematic players used it to be hateful and they were trying to counteracts but at the same time I don't feel this was the best solution and the arguments as to why the mask in of itself was racist was a bit unconvincing.