"Wait for the second part of the dev update for the CoH nerf" "Wait until the PTB"

"Sit and wait 5 years for changes to the killers you main"....and then there is a good chance the changes might be complete #########.
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Like Nerfing Nemesis's 2 best addons while the rest are literal garbage... I'm just so over this game man.
What a waste of time.
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What thing will they say if the PTB turns out to be just a few cosmetic bug fixes? (The most likely thing to happen, since it seems the "most important" things were already said in the Developer update)
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I'll admit I was wrong, I genuinely hoped part 2 would bring those changes.
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Wait till live release because bhvr has thrown in random out of nowhere stuff for live release.
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Yeah I expect we'll get boon buffs in live release
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I would be honestly surprised if something like that happened, if they pull something out tomorrow that's actually good, I wouldn't mind to say that I was wrong.
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I was told I shouldn't complain because there would assuredly be good stuff for killers in this but apparently I see nothing but survivor perk buffs, nerfs to my main for literally no reason as none is given, Bubba masks gone with no meaningful compensation given, and no COH nerf or mention. What a joke. But I am sure next patch I will again be told to "wait and see" lmao
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The wait and see is refered to survivor players.
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Hey, it's not tomorrow yet! Give them some time and maybe Circle of Healing will be featured. Afterall, the Shrine of Secrets updates, and I've also heard Dead Hard hasn't been seen for a while on their neither!😁
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I'm bumping this because I've seen the phrase "wait for the PTB" at least 5 times.
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You honestly never know cause the perks that were listed as buffs got other buffs that the dev note never posted and we could get more changes on the ptb
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I'm pretty sure if Circle of Healing was going to be changed it would have been mentioned in today's update along with all the other perk updates.
On the other hand, that doesn't mean nothing will ever happen with Circle of Healing, it just probably means they haven't done the balance pass on Mikaela yet. The fact that nothing at all is mentioned about any of her perks or add-ons means that pass is still in progress. Even if hypothetically you believed that the devs think Circle of Healing is "ok as is", the odds of them thinking literally all of Mikaela's perks and add-ons are "ok as is" is a bit slim. And when they release a new character they almost certainly have a schedule where they look at all their perks and add-ons in one go so they can test and pull data on everything in an orderly way.
Therefore I don't think it's a question of "if" Mikaela's perks and add-ons will see a balance pass and get some tweaks, it's just a matter of when. This midchapter was three months after release, so it seemed about the right amount of time, but maybe between everything else they had in the queue here and the complexities of Boons being a new system they need extra time to go through the steps to review all her stuff.
So yeah, a little disappointing we didn't see Mikaela's tweaks this time around, but it'll happen eventually, hopefully in March.
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What happened about that mori rework and BP grind reduction anyway
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This patch notes:
Please someone tell to the devs that we are in january, it's 3 month to go until april fools...
Oh wait they are serious? 🤔
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I see a lot of you still haven't learned yet. Maybe in another year or two you will finally catch on.
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I think a lot of people were hoping for boon (specifically CoH) changes and then also Legion/Ghost Face changes (since they mentioned those coming up in the last dev Q&A)
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i was among those people
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Me too
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No Blood Echo buffs 😔
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Sorry, they need at least one year of careful stats gathering to be able to properly evaluate CoH power level, and make a correct balancing decision. Give them some time, they are a small indie company after all.
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I had basically non-existent expectations, and yet I was still disappointed.
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It took them YEARS to change DS into a fair state. Do you really think they'll nerf COH only 2-3 months after its released? Of course not, it's a survivor perk, so they'll take their sweet time even considering to balance it given their focus is the enjoyment of survivor mains as they're 90% of their profits.
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Honestly, its really gonna be hard to factor in the realistic effect of a perk when it's very circumstantial. On smaller maps(I consider all inside maps to be small maps, they might have 2 or more floors, but their footprint is quite small), its super strong, but on big maps its quite meh.
Personally, I think they simply should rebalance perks around map-size.
T1 perks for small maps
T2 perks for medium maps
T3 perks for large maps.
Having 60 seconds exhaustion on a small map makes sense, loops are crammed together, you dont really need an exhaustion perk in the first place. Having 40 seconds exhaustion on big maps also makes sense, lots of distance between loops, often large deadzones.
Boons could easily just have a static effect, but their ranges changing to 16/20/24 meters depending on what size map they are.
Iron Will could be reversed to be 100/95/90%, meaning that on big maps, you can still hear survivors.
It would allow killers to equip perks without worrying about what map they are send to, allow perks to be bought in 1 go rather than in 3 tiers while still maintaining the aspect of 3 tiers. Make perks overall more consistent without being too overwhelming on small maps, but underwhelming on big maps.
It would allow devs to make perks crazy powerful on big maps simply because that power is necessary to compensate for the time spend walking around(for both sides), without making them too strong on small maps. It's also gonna be quite easy to detect hackers who want to use T3 perks on small maps through an autoban system, as the perktier would be static among everyone for that map.
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I like this idea 👍
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I just hope CoH doesn't become the new DS. Remember how it took years for the old (2016-2019) Decisive Strike to be changed?
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alternatively tho, Mettle of Man
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To be fair that's one our of many. Just because they were quick on one doesn't excuse how slow they were and are on the others.
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I cant believe there are still people who cry about circle of healing its not even op man you sniff the totem out and its gone its not like you cant hear this totem from miles away and for the killer it takes 1 second and for survivors it tooks about 20-30 seconds to re boon it which is a great time winni g for the killer because there is at least one idiot on a totem instead of a gen
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I mean, if we don't have more with the PTB patch notes, what was the reason for the PTB? Testing the new Distortion with an extra token? Testing the new Huntress addon to be undectetable for 30 seconds?
If we don't get more, I'm wondering who is gonna DL the PTB.
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Wasn't that only because it was borderline game breaking?
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Also Undying
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I'm honestly surprised there are still people who don't know how good CoH is.
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You could argue the same about CoH.
MoM gave an extra health state.
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Snuffing the totem itself is 2-3 seconds. Additionally, it takes around 2-3 seconds to position yourself and "look down" at the totem, because without that you can't actually snuff it (don't ask me why). Let's be generous and say it's 4 seconds. With all survivors alive those are 16 effective survivor seconds to snuff a boon totem.
Waaaait... Doesn't it take 16 seconds to bless the totem in the first place? Whoopsies... is it really that good to snuff the totem?
You also have to find the totem. Options:
1) you actively look for the totem (Probably takes around 10 seconds, 40 effective survivor seconds. That's 1/2 of a generator). Now imagine on any stacked map, RPD, Midwich, The Game, etc. It can even take longer.
2) You run into it when chasing a survivor. Snuffing is not an option, because you'd give the survivor more distance
You can argue, that it takes 40 seconds for the person to find the totem, so snuffing is balanced. Okay, sure. What about the second time? Everyone knows where the totem is. Killers cant remove it. There is no cooldown on the perk either.
There is a reason on high MMR never snuff the totems unless it's towards the endgame.
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Don't misunderstand, i am fully supporting tuning down coh, fixing dh visual on killerside or giving the perk a real downside for its power, on demand nature and versatility.
I just think that MoM is a bad example to show that the devs care to nerf/balance survivor perks as fast as killer ones.
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They don't and it makes sense tbh.
Survivors absolutely make up the majority of their playerbase (and also, by extension, the majority of revenue). They'd be absolutely stupid to not cater towards the majority of their customers. That's just good business.
Is it fair? No, but it makes sense if you look at it from a business perspective.
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Why am i seeing more killer nerfs than survivor? All im seeing buffs for survivors which by the way they dont need! Fix those boons at least. Make CoH simple self care of make it so boons are one time only. There are 5 totems on the map, 5 boons are enough per 1 match.
When totem has been found by the killer its blocked from being able to be booned again. Why is this so hard to do? Those totems destroyed multiple killers and playstyles but nothing is being done, but hey we nerf the killers
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The devs are completely lost.
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The logic of killers time = 4 times survivor time is flawed
The only time relevant for survivors is on gens. No matter how long a match is the survivors won't escape without doing the gens.
So at the start of the match the killer's time might be 4 times the survivors. But the second you are in chase it's only 3 times. Get someone on a hook and chase another it's already equal cause one has to go for the unhook.
I'm sorry but if your time as a killer is ever worth 4 times of the survivors outside of the first 15 seconds of the match you are doing something terribly wrong
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Let's be real, fam. If you are expecting reasonable killer buffs still... that ain't copium. You have some other issues. Time to accept reality for what it is, they will nerf more of them next update. You will be happier once you admit it.
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It's funny. You add travel time for survivors, but it takes only 1 second for the killer. I am glad I have option to teleport anytime anywhere.
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I did say to wait for part 2, so your complaints are now justified. No, our complaints. ######### Circle of Healing, delete the perk for an entirely new one I don't know, just ######### do something about it.
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Whenever you care about boon, you either lost chase, or you are not protecting gens. And that can take a lot of time. For example Ironworks of Misery, survivors often use one of totem spawns on top floor inside main building.
It's nice you hear it, but it would take you around 20-30 seconds to snuff and get back. That's a lot of time you are basically not doing anything worth. So as you said at the start of the match the killer's time might be 4 times the survivors, because noone is pressured, right? Well, who is pressured when you waste over 20 seconds on 1 boon?
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True, that's why you don't go boonhunting without atleast having a hook. Or at all under certain circumstances
I'm not saying that certain totem spawns don't make CoH busted.
Just saying that in general that specific argument of killer time= 4 × survivor time is flawed
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So basically whenever you go boon hunting, you are going to lose all pressure you had.
There is hooked survivor, you can either go waste time to remove one boon or pressure survivors more, what is better?
Only way I snuff boons are when survivor got downed next to it, I hooked survivor next to it, there is gen next to it. Basically when it's in bad location. But if you have swamp and boon is on edge of the map? I will probably never even hear it.
And what if there are 2 CoH active? That time I waste on 1 boon is pointless, when they can still self-heal somewhere else.
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It's only flawed when you try to translate it into killer-survivor interactions. The core logic that Killer time is worth 4x Survivor time holds for everything else--and usually comes up for things like side objectives anyway.
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You should almost never snuff a boon the second you hear it. For example when you are in chase with a survivor and hear a boon you keep chasing that survivor to when you down them hook them near the boon so you can snuff it quickly while still pressuring the hook.
Again not disagreeing that boons when not dealt with efficiently or places in really nasty spots aren't a huge time sink for killers.
Just the general notion of killer time = 4×survivor time no matter what
Killers time is always worth the amount of survivors on gens.
What side objectives allow is to spend time now to gain it back later.
For example healing so you can take another hit and make the killer spend more time on you so other survivors can do the gens.
That doesn't change the fact that for that moment in time where you are healing you make the killers time more valuable.
If you get oneshot after you heal you didn't get the time you spend back and made the killers time more valuable with nothing to show for it.
In the end of the day you can heal, flashlight save, set up boons, do whatever you want. If nobody does gens the killer wins. Cause at that point the killers time is infinitly more valuable then survivors
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Well this comment aged badly!
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Hey dude chill, at least Buckle Up has two extra seconds of aura reading. Maybe it will be a new meta perk.