New way to o have fun as killer!
I said this previously in this thread but you didn't read it. That is for ALL ranks, not high/red ranks. The old data for ALL ranks is basically the same so we can assume the data for HIGH/RED ranks are the same too.
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If survivors lose, it's because they're bad.
Kill rates mean NOTHING in the discussion of real balance.
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That’s why I don’t go afk.And survivors deserve anything killers throw at them.Still no one answered my question.Why do killers need to be nice to survivors and make sure they have a good time at the killers expense?I turned both cheeks , now I’m hitting back.Give me a good reason to be nice to survivors?And explain why they act the way they do and I will listen.I probably won’t agree but I will listen.
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Should we not be balancing with all ranks considered?
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I’m gonna go use up the last bit of optimism for dbd I have left and try deathslinger one more time.if things go as usual,it will be back to bell boy hide and seek.
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Also I started this thread with very little seriousness in mind.Seeing the reactions,I am now very serious.I will make things as boring as possible unless my questions from earlier are given valid answers.
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And when survivors try to sneak things in at the last second in lobby,I dodge.
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yeah, results amazing. They killing themselves lolllll :))))))))))
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Yeah,it’s funny!What would survivors do if killers just quit playing all together?Then some of them would have to play killer and they would quit too.You never hear “I’m quitting survivor to play killer because survivor is sooo hard and stressful.”Survivor mentality and devs catering to their every whim is going to either kill this game or force bhvr to go to bot killers.
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And every killer should be viable.Why bother making a killer that no one is going to play because they suck?Why should killers only have 2 or 3 viable options?
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We as killers are told to expect 2 k at best,that’s balls to the wall sweating it out.You don’t hear survivors expecting to lose two every trial.And if you do manage to get more than 2 you get called a cheater or blasphemous because you didn’t follow the survivors handbook for killers.
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I love altruistic survivors though!Its their only good attribute lol!
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The last stats I saw were 54% on pig which was the highest so.
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you're not participating in the trial, that still counts as AFKing.
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beginners and red rank too different than each other. I can kill 4 survivor silver or bronze section after around 2 - 3 min but in the red rank, 1 hook 3 gen completed.
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Prove it! Just because I do get any kills?Just because I can’t find survivors?Maybe I’m just bad?
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you know what?
if you wanna risk it, go for it.
just dont come here and complain when you do get banned - because i did warn you that what you're doing is against the rules.
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I’m breaking walls,I’ll kick a gen here or there.Nothing in rules say I HAVE to chase.Maybe I’m trying to get them to come into basement?Maybe I’m just camping waiting for someone to come by?Im participating in the trial.Take your afk ban and shove it up your Hershey choco latta watta highway.
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How?Tell me is insidious basement Bubba against the rules?Where un the Rulz does it say I HAVE to get hits?Where in da Rulz does it say I have to chase?Whats the difference between me doing what I’m doing and survivors hiding in locker for entire match?Whats difference between what I’m doing and survivors getting last gen done and gate open and refusing to leave?
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Kicking gens,breaking walls and pallets and checking lockers is participating.Watching survivors doing gens is participating.patrolling MY area I have staked out is participating.Is it fun for survivors?I sure as hell hope not! That’s the point!But I’m technically not afk and technically I’m participating.So I’m not breaking da Rulz.
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Where is the representive data supporting what you say?
Unless that is just your belief... beliefs are for the church.
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And if I do get banned I’ll come on here and be an ass about it if I want to.How high and mighty do you think you are?You want to say I told you so if it happens?Fine! But don’t tell me not to come on here and complain about it because you saying that absolutely means that’s what I’m gonna do.But won’t happen because I’m not breaking rules,just making things unpleasant for survivors.Which I’m sure will be against the rules even if that means getting fair and square kills.Gid forbid survivors are unhappy or lose.Poor poor survivors.
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Because we have paid for this game. And because why not? "Ruin" you say lol. We should camp and tunnel instead. Right.
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Imagine paying for a game to just stand afk... quite a life!
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Amen! Happy new year! Lol. Love 💕
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Yeah getting under survivors skin is a blast!Hope you have a blessed and happy new year!!
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I love opening one gate and then going to the other gate and guarding it! I've gotten 3k and even 4k doing just that and nothing else all match.
Exit gate protector is one of my favs. A lot of days I don't really feel like patrolling and trying to slow down gens, so I'll just wait for the survivors to do gens so I can open one exit gate and guard the other. I wish I could just skip the whole match and go straight to the EGC instead of waiting for them to get 5 gens done, but whatever.
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Funny thing is I tried survivor and I suuuuucccckkkkeeeed !!!!As bad as I am at survivor I can still loop a killer two gens.Imagine going against super survivors with meta perks that know what they are doing that use rpd map!!!Killer games are miserable right now and I have found a way to make them fun for ME.
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Where is the representive data supporting your claim that "survivors don't want balance. They want to tbag, drop infinite amount of pallets..."?
On which map in dbd (I guess you are talking about dbd) exactly is there an "infinite amount of pallets"?
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Ok “smart” ASS, hyperbole is a thing,look it up!We all know there is not infinite pallets on a map because that would be impossible.It’s there are enough pallets to make it seem like they are infinite.Just play killer and see what they do.It’s not hard to find out for yourself.Every killer main sees it every killer on the rpd map buddy.and on the game I had a challenge to break 20 pallets,I got 17 in one trial on the game not even trying to do the challenge,just normal gameplay.
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OO NO DBD ITS BROKEN go sleep in the basement and send survivors to high MMR that's were they want to be
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This post says it all!!!You sir are a genius and I am in awe!!
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What is the source? I couldn't find a something official from behaviour about the kill and pick rates older then 2020.
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Why would anyone that is actually decent at killer want easy wins handed to them? What we want is a fair challenge, but that is not possible. It is either stomp on average survivors easily, or face competent survivors that take advantage of the questionable balance that tips in their favor.
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"... most players agree that higher MMR is more survivor sided". Where does that come from? Can you provide any representive data?
From what I've heard and from my impression some people agree on swf groups having an advantage.
Have you watched the recent vid of Otzdarva about his experiment with the different perks and add ons on killer? You claim something that you believe to be true as facts. They are not. They are your beliefs and that you be phrased in a certain way (usually starting with: I think..., I believe..., My experience is....).
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There is no middle ground.And as I have said before ,trying to learn a new killer is unbearable.Players should get different mmr with each killer.That gives opportunity to learn different killers and bring variety to the game.Survivors will say we want the same thing!!!Its different with survivors because if you put the same four perks and same add ons to a Steve as you did an ash,there is no difference except cosmetically.try being doc or spirit main and then trying to learn deathslinger or blight.Bug darn difference.
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I am pretty sure that Otz doesn't need any money from behaviour as he usually has more than 10.000 people watching his stream and a bunch of followers on his YT channels.
Once again you claim something, you cannot provide any data for ("Their company line is survivor first"), as the truth. It's not the truth nor a fact, just simply something you believe to be true. Please make sure to use the right words.
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I’m not going to go through everything I say and post analytics and waste my time for you.The devs told killers go play civ.They didn’t say that to survivors.And even though Otz has 10000 followers doesn’t mean he’s going to give up the money bhvr pays him.That would be stupid and I don’t think he is.Play killer,play killer only.Come back in a month and tell us how it went.I don’t believe you will,and if you did your a survivor at heart and would come back saying how great you were and how easy killer is.
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And it’s fine your a survivor at heart,you do you.I’ll keep on doing what I do and the world keeps turning.
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One more thing,Otz might not “need” the money he gets from bhvr,but he damn sure takes it!
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Yeah, I know. It is quite sad honestly. Oh well. There ain't anything we can do about it.
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Yep that’s why I made thread and why I’m doing what I’m doing.I’m persevering lol.
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Interesting how much you share about you. So (at least one of) your intention(s) is to "waste as much survivor time as possible while giving them the least amount of bp".
Care to explain why that is your goal? Is there a deeper hatred and sadism in your intention or is that too much to assume from your words?
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Tbf it is difficult to take you seriously if you writing thing that are as unreasonable as this.
As dbd devs stated the balance is a 2K. This means that if the killrate is below 2 it is "survivor sided" and if the killrate is above 2 it is "killer sided", if someone wants to put it like that.
The following things you said don't seem worthy for an answer in my opinion. All I get from your rant (my interpretation of your words) is that you are frustrated, angry and feel powerless playing killer.
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No there is a deep deep pit of hatred for survivors in me and I can be rather sadistic.Unless you are family or friend (very few on purpose) I couldn’t give a hair on a rats left nut if you have fun or not.I don’t go out of my way irl to bother anybody and I can get along to get along most of the time.But aggravate me and I’m a hateful vindictive person.You have a great day.
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Sources - "trust me bro"
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I could care less what you think,I don’t need YOUR answer!!I crap worthier than you.You don’t know crap about me.I don’t wAnt to know crap about you!!!Take your self righteous head and shove it right up your own ass.That’s my opinion of you.I didn’t start serious but people like you have made me serious.What you took a year of psych in college?Get over yourself lol.