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New way to o have fun as killer!

Play wraith with no perks or add ons,let survivors gen rush,then open gate for them.No bothersome chases to deal with,no t bagging,not getting looped through a million pallets.And the survivors get what they want 5 gens and out.



  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    No it’s more fun my way.I don’t have to do anything.And everybody knows that 75% kill rate is bs.I want survivors to have a good time and get their gens done asap.That’s all they want anyway.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I'm guessing your MMR is very low and you're only going against baby killers because in that case yes, the game is easy when you're going against easy killers(?)

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No most of the killers in high ranks have a 60%+ kill rate. Freddy even has as high as 75%. Killers have also gotten nothing but buffs and survivors have gotten almost all nerfs the last few years so we can assume it's much higher now.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I've also escaped through the exit gates against players with the top stats in the world and a couple top streamers. I flattened a killer who was top 30 in most sacrifices in the world so no I am not bad, I can assure you I am more experienced than you are.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Hence why I play hide and seek with wraith and make them find me.They are the power role anyway.I let yhee we m enjoy being in charge.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270
    edited January 2022

    These stats are for all ranks, including babies who just started the game, not the average experienced player who we should be assuming we're talking about. That basically mirrors the old stats that were for ALL players so we can assume it has not actually changed.

    Also like 5 new killer meta perks came out in the last year alone. Literally the only new meta perk for survivor that has come out since basically launch is possibly CoH. Even then it has so many downsides I'd hardly call it meta.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Since it’s so had for survivors then what I’m doing is actually a great thing for them.They can do gens in peace without worrying about a mean ole killer chasing them.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Sure. You can go ahead and do that but it won't make you a better killer. I get you're being facetious but you should turn your salt that you have against survivors into trying to actually beat them. It'll make the game more fun for everybody anyway.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well I'm not losing that often but I still lose sometimes, I'm talking about the average kill rate. At this point people like Scott Jund and Otz think the game is at least balanced - killer sided. Scott made a video about how at tournament level it's evenly balanced.

    This isn't to say that some killers shouldn't be buffed though, I think a lot of killers should like Trapper, Myers, Ghost Face, Bubba, etc, but the top tier killers like Nurse, Artist, Twins, etc., should be nerfed.

    Also I really hate how people say that pallets and DH got buffed. They did not get buffed they became judged by the server which is the most even thing you could ask for. Previously it was literally judged by the killer's screen but now it's not. It was not buffed at all, it just works now.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    You know Otz is paid by BHVR.Their company line is survivor first.You think Otz is gonna bite the hand that feeds him and say anything that goes against the company line?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Did you just said Twins are top tier?

    They already got nerfed hard and they are quite bad now. They have to be basically afk for 7 seconds after each down, unless they get option to slug, which got nerfed by boons a lot.

    I am not sure about Artist, she got nerfed a lot before getting live.

    Scott made a video about tournament where everything was allowed. Killers had average kill rate around 2,16, which is not bad for a tournament, that's true. Problem is that you can see kill rates are boosted. It's not between 0-4, it's between 1-4. Unless killer gives up, he will get 1k by camping in most games.

    Here are data from that tournament:

    Problem is that he didn't track actual hooks, but hook stages instead, so we can't reallly prove how much camping was done here.

    Anyway, there is something interesting to see. Only viable killers there are Blight and Nurse. Spirit always got only 1k.

    This game is balanced for 2 killers. I hate seing posts about this game is killer-sided / survivor-sided. You can't make arguments about killer-sided at all. Is this game killer-sided for a clown? Hell no. You have lot of killers and only few are viable. There are 2 killers viable for highest level. There is more for average, but you still have lot of killers that are not viable even for that.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Here’s how I roleplay my play style,Wraith just wants to watch tv and be left alone.Let those pesky survivors fix the gens so he can have power and just chill out.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    It’s really the most fun I’ve had playing in weeks!And watching survivors get like 10k blood points max is the cherry on top.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It works now, well depends on your ping. I play with ping under 30 ms, which is good. So I really don't feel any validation is deserved for me. Well, I see it really often anyway. It's super frustrating to lose the game, because I got validated multiple times. It's not my fault we see different things, but I am the one punished for it.

    I am not really sure about that "working" as it should. Thing is that it should be possible to use DH and get hit anyway (validated), but I wasn't able to get that effect at all, but it's really easy to get as a killer, which makes me think they just shifted an issue, instead fixing it for both sides.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    Well, they are creating Toggle interactions, so it's not going to be that good.

    They will no longer have to actually hold M1...

    But your roleplay is actually really good. Poor Wraith just want to watch new season of The Witcher and those survivors are so slow at doing their job! Just give me power, so I can Netflix and Chill.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I can't get over the fact that somebody legitimately made up a conspiracy theory to justify that otz could ever believe the game wasn't survivor sided. This is next level.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, screw survivor/killer sided. Noone is going to throw dirt on Daddy Otz!

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,180
    edited January 2022

    Hahaha "at tournament level it's evenly balanced" 😂

    Yeah the level where survivor get handicapped by perk selection and restrictions.

    That's where it's balanced 😂

    When the survivor and killer player are both tournament level skilled but the former get handicapped as to not to steamroll the latter. And those killers still have to rely on some form of camping and/or tunneling.

    Sadly (assuming a working matchmaking aka same skilled survivor and killer players) in public lobbies there isn't any handicap.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I found a pretty fun meme build on bubba lately.

    Speed limiter and insidious, the rest is up for choice.

    When you down a survivor camp them, but don't commit to it. Meaning if somebody comes for the unhook you just stare at them. When the survivor i'm camping goes second stage i leave and don't bother them for the rest of the match.

    Only did it a couple of times but so far Davids are the biggest daredevils. They will look me right in the eye before unhooking.

    Nancy's are the biggest scaredy cats. They will leave and never go back if they see the slightest bit of me

    Don't know why but seeing the survivors reaction to me not doing anything when they unhook is pretty funny

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    It’s not conspiracy lol.He is a fog whisperer.Fog whisperers are compensated by BHVR.Therefore he is getting money from BHVR.If BHVR says game is killer sided,Otz will not turn around and say it’s survivor sided.I don’t blame him,nothing against him at all,but it would be dumb if him to contradict the company line.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Anything to have fun because playing killer the “right” way is anything but fun.I just want to waste as much survivor time as possible while giving them the least amount of bp .

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No actually when everything is allowed with no restrictions killers had a 2.65 average kill rate meaning that it's slightly killer sided.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Also it’s really funny since I’m not a great player by any stretch,but with a level one wraith,no perks and no add ons,sneaking up and grabbing survivors off gens.don’t have a clue how to play wraith lol.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah, I don't know about that. 😐

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Ok,ok we get it we get it!!!!Anything over a .00000000000001 k average is killer sided.Survivors need to be given powers just like the killers and killers don’t get perks because that’s killer sided and gens should only take 2 seconds because survivors having to do gens is killer sided.Survivors should be able to teleport to said gens because running to gens is killer sided.Uf survivor doesn’t want to do gens ,exit gates should auto open so they can just walk out,because if a killer stops them it’s killer sided.We get it already.Would you like to play a game of tic tac toe?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Oof don't know about that chief.

    That sounds a bit extreme to me. I think if you reach that point you'd be better of playing a completly different game entirely.

    Don't think having that kind of mindset is going to be healthy in the long run

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    I’m not good enough to be toxic,but I can be BORING lol.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Totally made game more fun lol.Like hide and seek.Make survivors do everything and get nothing in return.No chase points,no healing points and I get to sit back and laugh.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    I feel like I’m in control playing this way.When gens are done and they try to find me I open the gate.EZ!

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Real question,why is it when survivors make fun of killers and are super toxic in games,it’s “funny”?If a killer does something like I’m doing,I need to take a break?Im just showing survivors we can make their games suck too.I can’t dominate them playing regular way,but I can waste their time and make it as boring as I can.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,180

    Interesting. According to the summary @Dino7281 posted (which i didn't see before making my post) the average in those unrestrained tournament was 2.16 and not the 2.65 you now mention.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    I just thought of the perfect game for survivors!!!They get to run and jump and play without doing gens and no killer.Track and field in nes!!!

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    There was a tournament where everything was allowed, he talks about that.

    He used wrong data as always, but if balance = 2k, then it was balanced. Problem is that it was balanced only for 2 killers out of 26...

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I even linked you results... how the hell did you manage to get even this wrong.

    Just start using correct numbers, or don't use them at all.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,180

    I know hence why I made the first argument.

    Admitting i didn't knew of this new tournament.

    But that doesn't disprove that the other killers are only balanced around restricted survivor in a tournament environment.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Someone had a bad game.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    No someone trying to learn new killer and game is over 5 minutes in because all survivors want to do is gens and gate.So if I can’t learn new killer I can play my own way and have fun.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    It's always perplexing for me to see takes like this. You think refusing to play the game while being in the game is somehow a "gotcha", rather than you wasting your own time when you could be doing anything else, including not being in the game to begin with? That's even a step above people that apparently still play the game constantly despite professing how deeply they hate the experience.

    Even if I were to get bodied in all of my killer games (I don't, I win much more often than not), I would still play for even just any singular chase I can get, any singular hook, any second I can prolong the round by, because I play the game for what the game is about, and I wouldn't play the game at all if I didn't enjoy what it is about. To stand around refusing to play the game I came to play because I'm "losing" is a paradoxical notion to me. Not least because a match is never actually lost before it is, so even if I were to care more about "winning" than about playing the game itself, there'd still always be reason for me to keep trying.

    It's cool that you keep spreading awareness linking to my thread, but I would like to ask for you to stop doing so if you're gonna keep using it to further false talking points that you in the thread itself already brought up but did not want to enter a discussion on.

    Kill rates are not "boosted" by 1ks. As I'd already pointed out there, the fact that killers are massively favoured to secure at least 1 kill in much of any scenario is not something that would be "skewing" kill rates in some artificial or unfair-to-killers way. It is a completely balance-relevant aspect of this game. (And also completely relevant to the experience of the game that is being balanced for, it's still an actual player actually dying.) Just like it would be completely balance-relevant if survivors were massively favoured to secure at least 1 escape in most scenarios and thereby make 4ks vanishingly rare. The fact that the game favours killers to win with 4 kills much more than it does survivors with 4 escapes naturally is a killer-sided aspect of its balancing, and as I had also already pointed out, to bring about a more fairly balanced state of the game with regards to this, there would have to be changes that make it equally as likely for survivors to at least still have 1 escape even in landslide losses as it is for killers to at least still have 1 kill. I. e. we would have to strive for a 1-3 kill/escape range. Or alternatively of course, there would have to be changes to make it much less likely for the killer to be able to secure at least 1 kill even in losing, such that the range is actually 0-4. But to use this already killer-favouring balance aspect of the game to argue they should be even more favoured is just perplex.

    It doesn't matter how much camping was done in the tournament to achieve those kill rates. Hook stages do prove that killers did not simply camp/tunnel 2 survivors to achieve 2k averages, but even if I had not recorded hook stages altogether, camping is part of the game and therefore naturally inherent to its balancing.

    Spirit did not only get 1ks. She was played 4 times, one round of which was a 4k. She averaged 1.75 kills, and 7.75 stages. She is absolutely viable here, and not only that, she has only recently received a fairly big balance patch and players are still figuring out how to optimally play (and build) her. This is especially true for comp players that have been playing and practicing Spirit at this level for years, as now her chase dynamic has changed a lot and takes a lot of unlearning of old habits and learning of new ways to utilize her. She definitely got nerfed, but she's still high-level viable.

    Talking about high-level viability, it's not really a meaningful point to say that only few killers fall into that category. We are not only talking about the highest levels of performances here, we are talking about the highest levels of loadouts on the survivor side as well. They have to use the absolute strongest perks, items and add-ons on everyone in order to be able to compete at this level. The survivor side conditions for high-level viability are at least equally as limited as those for killers, and arguably they are decidedly more limited since being an SWF team of 4 highly-skilled players that practice together frequently and use voice comms are prerequisites for a survivor side that is competing at this level that killers do not have.

    Beyond that, these results are not actually evidence that only these killers are viable at this level. Players mostly only chose to play those killers here, the lack of other killers being played is not automatically evidence that they would not be able to achieve a 2k average here. In fact, the 3 times that other killers did get played, they averaged 1.6 kills and 7 stages, with Huntress getting a 3k. I agree that it is unlikely for most killers to achieve a 2.X kill average here like Nurse and Blight did, but it's not impossible, and there are actually a fair few killers that with the help of certain add-ons could very well still manage to. And regardless, in tournaments where both sides have restrictions and players are forced to play other killers (i. e. tournaments where both sides are not using S-tier loadouts), kill rates still average out to slightly above 2 basically every time, with 3-4ks being completely possible for a whole bunch of killers. Including Twins by the way, who are definitely still a highly viable killer, even despite the fact that yes, they have suffered from recent changes (DH validation, Circle Of Healing) more than any other killer (and do deserve adjustments to account for this, in my opinion, such as Victor being able to snuff Boons).

    You can make arguments for the game being killer-sided. At the top level here with both sides using the strongest stuff and playing at a very high level, kills rates did average out to above 50%, they are killer-leaning. Hook stages even more so. And since this is an environment with survivor teams that have levels of coordination and cohesion as well as practiced voice comms that are basically non-existent in the public matchmaking environment, I actually think the game is killer-sided in public matchmaking. Global stats also support this conclusion, as do the kill rates of competent-and-above killer streamers that win the vast majority of their pub matches (with any killer), regularly pretty decisively. Only for equally as skilled 4-SWFs with voice comms pubs are comparably as favourable, which is not even 5% of the overall playerbase as far as we know. But I still want buffs for a bunch of killers and nerfs for SWFs.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Hey, I just made stats from OhTofu tournament's, where is quite a lot of perks banned.

    Then you have dbd league, there is so many banned perks there.... For example survivors have 41 banned perks against Ghostface :D

    Thing is that it is only way how to make it at least little interesting. You have to limit both sides. Survivors are way more limited for sure.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    I’m not wasting my time,I’m wasting survivors time,I have all the free time in the world.I’m having more fun playing this way than any other way.Survivors are always try hard,I’m the opposite,I’m not trying.I dont want them to have fun.If they are not having fun,I’m Having a blast!If survivors showed any amount of courtesy or manners maybe I would do the same and the whole game would be better off.Until then,when in Rome.I tried playing by the survivors handbook for killers,SCREW THAT $@@@!!!!Now I want to raise the misery index!!Thats my fun and I don’t care what survivors think!!I paid good money for this game and I’ll play how I see fit.It’s what they do and their way is just having fun,we’ll do is mine!!!