Premonition rework idea

When someone talks about premonition the first thing that comes up on your mind is the worse version of spine chill.
What premonition does right now is basically you get an auditory warning when you are looking in the direction of the Killer in a 45° cone within a range of 36 metres with a 60/45/30 second cooldown.
So my idea of reworking it is:
Whenever the killer gains the undetectable status effect or when you gain the oblivious status effect Permonition activates and creates the same audio it does. While it's active you walk 5/10/15% faster, the volume of your breathing is reduced by 10/15/20%, you vault windows 10/15/20% faster when not running and the sound of your footsteps make 15/20/25% less noise. Premonition deactivates when the killer is no longer undetectable or when you no longer suffer from the oblivious status effect.
I believe this change will give premonition some love.
It sounds pretty fun for stealth Killers. There are too many good effects on one perk. And 20% fast vault... Can we combine it with Spine Chill and Resilience (+15%)?
It sounds nice to buff Premonition but I find there is too much here.
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I thought i should of described it a bit better. by a vault when you are not running i meant a slow vault. The one that doesnt make noise.
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It’s too much…
the vault speed alone is broken AF lol. 20%?? That’s more than the OG “Vaultmaster Build” of Resilience and Spine Chill COMBINED. Not saying it’s a bad idea, but your stat numbers need severely dumbed down.
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Again. By a vault when you are not running I meant the slow vault. The one that doesnt make noise.
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? Ok…but that literally serves no purpose…doesn’t need to be a stat at all lol.
Then you have a buffed version of “Fixated”…which renders Fixated irrelevant. So those numbers are too high.
The idea for reduced footstep noise…doesn’t really fit the theme of the perk and sounds more like it’s own perk by itself. By definition, the word Premonition is information up front…I’d rather see it re-worked in a way where the perk’s name still applies to its use.
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Well I thought it would be a fun idea to see what i could think of for a rework of that perk. Good to see your opinions on this.
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Core concept of making it a bit harder to find you when the Killer is harder to detect is interesting. But it does kinda try to pull from a bunch of already existing Perks than try to do anything unique on its own (apart from the slow-vault speed). And it does gut the main technical functionality of the Perk, that being: If the Killer is in a Cone in front of you, you get information regardless of their stealth status.
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Glad to hear your take about this.
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Appreciate you sharing your idea! I bet you indirectly influenced a new perk for the footstep sound reduction alone. Keep using that thinking cap, I’ve seen soooo many excellent ideas from players, although sadly, very rarely implemented.
Edit: Fixed Typo
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OK, I understand better now, but I don't see the point of vaulting faster if it's a slow one. But still, it's a lot of stuff for only one perk. I think only one of the effects would be more balanced, because it seems like with one perk, you have the value of four different perks.
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Basically, so you can stealth juke better.
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Too many boosts for one perk. You'd create a new META perk that counters any Stealth Killer and every Perk or Power that creates the Oblivious effects.
You basically get a movement speed boost, reduced breathing effects, a faster vault, and quieter footsteps? Why not add 'You repair gens & heal faster' as well?
The perk is insanely OP and overloaded with effects and bonuses for the express purpose of countering stealth builds.