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Put A Limit On Flashlight Clicking!

AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm not even photosensitive, but after 4 matches in a row with trolly SWF 'flashlights + locker = Immunity' groups spamming flashlight macros in my face to taunt me; I have a blinding headache.

Either put a limit on how fast the flashlight can be clicked.


Make it burn out if some people use an ultra-fast flashlight macro.

There's 0 functional reason to allow Survivors to spam 100 clicks a second, other than 'To make Killer players have a seizure'.

This is an easy fix, too; just put a delay between when a flashlight it turned off & when it can be turned back on Maybe 0.25 or 0.40 seconds.

Play around with it in-house and just plonk it out when your PTB changes go live. Save the Killer's from Survivor-macro-induced migrain BS.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022

    To rephrase:

    I’ve never understood any reasoning behind removing flashlight clicking.

    Post edited by Tr1nity on
  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Why not just remove the clicking sound effect?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I don't think clicking needs to go, but the macro's definitely give me headaches and I'm sure they affect people with photosensitivity concerns a lot.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Which is why clicking needs to go. You can't fix the flashing without putting some sort of limit on it.

    I'm just advocating enough of a pause to stymie macro-jerks without screwing over Survivors trying to save. Hence why my time suggestions were less than a second. :)

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Easy fix:

    Pressing the flashlight activation turns the flashlight on for a minimum of one second. This will cause no harm to its intended function of zombies, traps, birds, or blinds.... it only shuts down click spam.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    They could just remove the light effect from the killer's POV to take care of any photosensitivity concerns, couldn't they? Still let them blind as usual but it simply doesn't show any light effects otherwise.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I don't mind clicking to get my attention.

    It's the epileptic flashing that I dislike and there's not really an argument to keep it.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    This macro is the reason I go after their team and if they overdo it I tunnel one of their teammates out one at a time. One of the only times I actually enjoy tunneling or a bit of camping. No, I will not put the clickerer on the hook, I will let their team die and ignore them.

    I would add that it is also to remove Hag traps, Artist crows or to look at the ground on dark maps to evade dark Trapper traps. Sure you do not do that often but it happens. So the minimum duration should be around 1 second I guess at this is how long you need to remove a Trap/Crow, right?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    No, I like to click. I do not want that removed as well just because some clowns use macros.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Agreed. Flashlight clicking (especially the macros) give me severe headaches. It needs to go.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's annoying but I don't think they will do anything about it. It doesn't make sense to a new player why your limited to a certain amount of clicks.

    Now if I had to make any changes to flashlights I'd make it so clicking a flashlight uses more charges and holding the flashlight beam uses slightly less. I believe Billy has a similar system with his chainsaw.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I don't think new players would be baffled by having a limit on how fast you can click flashlights. It's a cooldown, actions in games often have those. Nobody would question it, no more clicky clicky flashy flashy.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm just thinking back to the logic that McClean used in his talk about ScottJunds 7.0.0 patch. Specifically in regards to Kindred.

    Personally making flashlight charges work like Billy's chainsaw is a better idea imo. You use a lot more charges by clicking a flashlight, than actually using it.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Doesn't necessarily fix the problem, though. We don't want a situation where we're just saying "if you click your flashlight, it's going to burn out, but feel free to do it", we want to prevent something that can be outright harmful and is only good for BM. There's no soft fix to it, because jerks are going to be jerks even if you make it inconvenient on 'em.

    So, either you have to change the flashlight visuals entirely, or just slap a cooldown on the thing.

    This is like the easiest problem in the game to solve.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    A cooldown isn't a good idea because sometimes you blind too quick at an attempt so you need to cancel and quickly go again.

    Either way fixing this issue isn't a priority compared to everything else in the game. Is it annoying? Yes but I'd rather they focus their time on other things.

  • itsjustDOOM
    itsjustDOOM Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2022

    Hear me out. A possible fix for this problem is treating flashlights like most other skills or items in the game, and that’s with a progress meter to activate it. Almost everything else has a wind up time or delay, so it’s consistent with the current game design. This solution does a few things.

    1. Solves the issue of spamming flashlights, obviously.
    2. Makes flashlights skill-based items.
    3. Continues to provide it’s intended purpose of stunning the killer, which should be a skill-based thing to begin with.

    There are some issues at hand, though. What amount of time is a reasonable ramp up? Several seconds is too long and that’s asking too much of your average player. Should the flashlight have to remain on for a specific period of time before being shut off? How many stuns or stun attempts should be available in the first place during a single match with full add-ons? I feel like there’s a lot more to unpack here than simply “fix it.” But, if devs do happen to see this post then maybe they’ll realize there’s a potential issue here and it should be addressed with some transparency.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I don't care what you like. With a macro, players could give other players seizures. That's a literal health hazard.

    Then read my post again? The reasoning behind removing it is because, if it can give non-photosensitive players headaches; it could possibly cause seizures in sensitive players.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    If flashlights get a tiny nerf to their usability and people with photosensitivty stop getting headaches, that seems like a really good trade.

    It seems kind of weird to say other people should either stop playing or put up with health risks just because it would be mildly inconvenient to one item's usage.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Not to mention that you don't even have to remove the clicking that everyone loves so much to fix this. You just have to cap it so that it can't go at macro speeds.

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    Just simply add a minium cost for each click like 0.25 or 0.5 cost per click, BMer can still BM but for a must shorter time, and those who try to use them properly can still use it as usual since you won't click it 25 times in a second just to save someone.

  • Psyphren
    Psyphren Member Posts: 6

    HOW about, STOP using a serious health issue as an excuse for trying to justify nerfing flash lights? If anyone is THAT photosensitive, then perhaps playing a game that has flashlights, and exploding gens, among other flashing effects, is not a wise move to begin with. If its that serious of an issue, then display a disclaimer warning about epilepsy being potentially triggered at the start of the game being loaded, and call it a day, (like many other games do). As a killer main, I'm utterly bored with how EASY it is to kill survivors, (even if they have flashlights), and disgusted by how nerfed survivors get with every update. If flashlights were that problematic then more killers would be using Lightborn, except we don't need to when we have Franklin's Demise. I feel more handheld playing killer in this game than I did playing Pokemon Sun/Moon. I don't even need Iron Grasp or Agitation because now us killers can SEE HOOK AURAS FOR FREE and hooks are literally every 15 feet away! Get over yourselves and get good at playing killer. Sorry, not sorry.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Adding a cooldown of something small like 250ms between clicks so a macro can't click the flashlight 1000 times within a single second is not a big deal. The change will ultimately have 0 effect on intended flashlight use.

    The fact that a health focus change upsets so says a lot.

  • Psyphren
    Psyphren Member Posts: 6

    The fact that so many killer players have become so entitled and unskilled that they would stoop to this level of gaslighting just to get flashlights nerfed when its really about the "clicking bm" is sad. Try taking some accountability. Considering the probability of a PC player being able to macro something like this to the point of negatively affecting a killer player that happens to have this level of severity with photosensitivity is slim to none, not to mention there is an epilepsy alert at the start of the game. The fact that not a single survivor main has made this complaint says it all. Many survivor players that aren't SWF use the clicking to get each other's attention. "Adding a small delay" like you say won't make a difference in the clicking sounds "annoying people that much" nor the lights effect on people with this degree of photosensitivity. P.S. use the colorblind mode and filters if its that big an issue to you. Let's stop gaslighting. It's not cute.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    You really don't need to worry about not being able to click a flashlight again for a quarter of a second. But hey, I guess anything to justify your flashlight macro.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371
    edited January 2022

    Sure you are a killer main. The fact the change being asked is to remove the ability for survivors to macro flashlight clicking to an extreme degree. There's no legit reason you survivors need to click your flashlights 1000+ times in a second.

    Plus you bringing up how "easy" killer is has no bearing on removing a functional useless feature that serves no purpose then to be annoying.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Psyphren
    Psyphren Member Posts: 6

    There's literally no reason to remove a feature simply because a small handful of crybabies find it to be annoying. You have 0 valid points here. The fact that being a killer player is super easy in this game IS valid, because all of the "fix suggestions" pertain to needlessly nerfing something that doesn't need nerfing when there are a plethora of ways to go about the issue as already stated, via gameplay, via display options, and simply by being responsible for your own health. Some of you simply need to play survivor more to understand the game better and improve as a killer instead of crying the moment you get outplayed.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    The fact that you think this is about nerfing flashlights, and you'd rather that not happen, even if it's dangerous to player's health, shows how horrible of a person you are.

    This is not an attempted nerf in disguise. This us about the fact that they can be clicked so fat; they give me a headache. And I'm not photosensitive. So imagine what they can do to someone who is.

    So take your 'Reeee! Don't nerf my flashlights!' and walk, because what you what means less than nothing in the face of people's health.

  • Psyphren
    Psyphren Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2022

    Perhaps it would be more believable that this isn't about nerfing flashlights if the majority of your profiles didn't show the same consistent pattern in your prior comments on other threads - which is crying about survivors' ability to outplay you translating to ya'll as survivors needing to be nerfed effective immediately. Say what you want, but track records don't lie, which is probably why YOU'RE the only profile at the time of this post that's been set to private so people can't track your prior comments. Some of you even admit to playing killers exclusively. These past two weeks I've been no lifing the game while I recover from Covid and not a single time have I ever had the experience of survivors rapid clicking the flashlight the way you claim.

    P.S. Photosensitivity (which I have) has nothing to do with the sound of clicking so miss me on the "oh my god someone potentially blinding me and BMing me with flashlight clicks is bad for my health" nonsense. Clearly you haven't tried any of the suggested solutions previously mentioned, because you rather have an entire game be altered instead. My other comments on this thread already address you and your posts/concerns, perhaps too directly for your liking. I said what I said, and I'm not sorry.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,684

    Let's keep the discussion civil, ok? Thank you.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
    1. It's about flashlight list-spam. As it is turne don; it makes a click noise. Hence 'flashlight clicking'. But it's clear I meant the LIGHT.
    2. It's clear that spamming a flashlight 100 times a second has 0 impact on winning or losing, so you're wrong in assuming it's because I lost.
    3. Congrats on boiling it down to 'You're a killer main' and missing the point of my post.
    4. I set my profile as private after another Survivor main tried to 'mic drop' me claiming to trawl my posts, then said he lied to 'trigger me'.

    So, do you have any actual points for or against flashlight-clicking with a macro? Because that's what this thread is about, regardless of what you assume the thread is about.