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Trail of torment buff

TheHunter2529 Member Posts: 42
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

After kicking a Generator, you become Undetectable for as long as the Generator is regressing or a Survivor is injured by any means.

During this time, the Generator's Aura is revealed in yellow to all Survivors.

Trail of Torment can only be triggered once every 80/70/60 seconds.

Now this perk has a few major issues. If the generator you kick has very little progress, you get no value out of this perk and it goes on a very long cooldown. It also doesn't work very well with pop as if you kick a gen, the progress will immediately go down alongside your duration of your undetectable. It also warns survivors that you have this perk, so they'll know that that gen is regressing and they'll know that you are undetectable, meaning they'll be more alert.

After kicking a Generator, you become Undetectable for 16 seconds.

Trail of Torment can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

This is a very simple change that fixes a lot of problems.

Post edited by TheHunter2529 on


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Small note but it does work with Pop. For example, say a gen is half done, i.e. 40 seconds. Then Pop takes off 20 and you get up to 20 seconds of Undetectability, more than the 16 you’re proposing.

    Also a subtle thing here is you can use your Undetectability to detect if someone touched the gen you kicked. The moment you lose Undetectability you can immediately go back to that gen if you want and know a survivor is near it (unless of course it regressed completely, and if that’s the case then great!)

    I’m not saying the perk is good or bad overall, just pointing out a couple of small plusses.

  • TheHunter2529
    TheHunter2529 Member Posts: 42

    That's fair. I think that the main issue is that it warns survivors that you have this perk. If it was just:

    After kicking a Generator, you become Undetectable for as long as the Generator is regressing or a Survivor is injured by any means.

    Trail of Torment can only be triggered once every 80/70/60 seconds.

    I think it would be perfectly fine. I just figured that without the yellow aura, it's basically a guaranteed hit unless the generator was very low and that 16 seconds might be more balanced for a shorter cooldown.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    An interesting gimmick this brings up is combining Trail of Torment with a Blindness effect like Hex Third Seal or Fearmonger or a Blindness add-on since it hides the generator aura.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Honestly, the Generator's aura just should not show up to Survivors. Thinks about it:

    1. Survivors have very few Gen Aura perks. So they see a Yellow gen; they know it's ToT.
    2. Now knowing it's ToT; they're more alert, because they know they won't hear the terror radius.
    3. Seeing the aura means they can run right for the gen and tap it in 1/60th of a second.
    4. Gen-tapping is still BS, since they can tap a gen in 1 frame of animation. Killers spend 3 seconds kicking a gen, get ToT, and Survivors wriggle their hips and shoot a wink to the gen, and it stops regressing in literally 1/60th of a second.