30 Losses on Nurse



  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815
    edited January 2022

    i'm also learning Nurse, but my secret is to bring Starstruck, Mad Grit, Agitation and Lightbourn. I don't have any perks that would help at my current still level (a couple blink hits per trial, avg), So I just practice chasing using blink, controlling the blinks, etc, but I'm ready for troublemakers.

    If you dedicate all your slots to dealing with aggressive survivors, you can get some kills. I've gotten around 10 4ks with Nurse, none of which required blink-hits. Most were just taking out a whole team while trying to get a hook.

    WITH THE SLOWEST KILLER, BABY! Give it a whirl.

    Edit: but I've gotten so many zero kills I can't count them. It takes a while.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Nurse is the only killer who can demolish every defense once you get good with her. Like Marth is amazing at nurse even Supalf is good on console. Keep trying with her cause sooner that happen the more disconnects will happen.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    I had someone did that to me on twitch. I don't even stream either. I'm just like did you seriously just text me on here

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    I played against a nurse the the other night who clearly did not have the first clue what they were doing, barely tried to blink, and when they did, they went like one meter. Spent most of the match trying to chase us down normally and M1 us. By the time the gate were opened, not a single hit had been landed.

    I felt so awful for that person, that had to be demoralizing af. I took two pity hits at the gate, but that may have actually been more insulting.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited January 2022

    So sorry i did not see this thread until now. I have had some personal ######### going on so not on here as much. I remember when i learned nurse and took a week or 2 of beatings with 0 empathy from survivors. This turned me into a destructive ######### with every killer. Stopped giving hatch, didnt give 2 ######### if there was a dc, could careless what i did to them during trial.

    I learned with Flannel on xbox and just recently did my first game without Flannel on rpd and got a 4k. Dont hurt to run it until you get a good sense of everything else with her. Might help might not. I went through hell for 2 weeks without mmr....couldnt imagine trying now...remember when they said mmr would be better for these situations? 😒🙄

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    For the most part, nearly all Killers can rely on basic 115% loop gameplay, even without their Power. (Though some are slightly slower as they have range). This is where general mechanics can be used which have been learned while playing other Killers.

    Then there exists map and mechanical skill which are even more universal than movespeed+M1.

    Nurse is designed entirely around using her Power as she moves slower than Survivors.

    MMR should ideally have a "Basic" MMR for killers that are flagged as having core move+M1 gameplay available. And then "Special" MMR with a much looser rating for edge-case Killers such as Nurse.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    I feel you. While not as bad, I haven't been playing worth a ######### lately myself. I'm lucky to get one kill. This game will get to a point where the killer is just there to chase a little and bash at pallets and all the survivors will escape consistently.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    He's already said he isn't getting enough time to learn. The matches end too quickly.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I went (and still am going) through the same thing. Kinda tired of getting looped and dragged on those horrible maps where you just can't win I decided to learn the one killer who doesn't care.

    I'm not a good nurse. I don't think I will be soon nor how good will I ever be, since I play with a controller but I'm starting to feel comfortable around her and I'm really starting to enjoy playing with her even if mostly I'm only getting 2 kills per match and there are 2 things that helped me immensely that you could try.

    1 ohtofu (I think that's its handle) nurse guide is really good and explains and great deal about playing with her and winning, you should watch it.

    2 practice without survivors. Several time like 5 or 6 games per map. The thing with nurse is that you need to learn to come out of your first blink exactly where you want so in each map go to the places where you will have more troubles, that is structures, gyms places where you can loose Line of sight or waste blinks. Practice blinking through the window and just past a door while turning your camera or blinking through stories and past a pallet of in front of a vault. Ignore the survivors entirely. I did this and in some matches I even got helpful survivors that when they noticed they approached and let me chase them through the loops, of course when I happened to down them I just left them to heal and got helpful tips on the after chat (obviously this isn't common but hey).

    When you feel confident about your mastery of the terrain, the loops and your ability to actually blink where you intend to, time to practice on survivors.

    At least this is what helped me to finally make some progress with nurse.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    You aren't the only one. Anyone I have ever brought into the game that tried Killer unfortunately wanted to play as Nurse and that experience set the mood for the entire game for them....meaning.. they never play again. xD

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think I've got Blinking down now.

    Just for the record, I'm still taking huge L's but less huge than before.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    She was easier to learn when she had 3 blinks its definately harder these days tho not impossible. Dont bother looking up builds or addon to use because the bair bones nurse is still powerful and once you can effectively get hits with her and nothing equiped then add in addons and perks to make it easier. Sure 30 losses can blow but are you better than you were before those matchs? You probably are what id suggest you try doing is making a checklist of small of goals to do instead of just focusing on winning being your only goal. Things like landing 20 blink hits or blink and grab survivors off of gens 10 times...they are basically what challenges are but in your case they are going to help strengthen average game. I had to do this myself when learning the twins i realize they are a completely different type of killer but their difficulty is up there close to nurse. Just remember keep your expectations low and you fun will slowly return. Good luck to you in the fog

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99

    All they have to do is implement a training lobby where you face bots to learn the killer, addons, perks and maps. so players can learn. but nope, push COSMETICS $$.

    I stopped playing this game when they endorsed NFTs and if i ever want to play it again, then a training lobby would be a great way to catch up with all the addon/perks changes and get back in shape without having to put up with sweaty baboons.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I've played way too much Legion to ever feel bad about Nurse.

    I struggle with her because I cant get in survivors heads. Even when I miss 50 blinks in a row, I always feel like "If I just read that better I totally could have got that".

    Psychological killers are my weakness

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    This combo makes a world of a difference. I swear by it

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    People are teabagging this man in his own thread ffs

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I am now teabagging them back.

    I have started to learn.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    It is. And because they don't want the poor baby Survivors to have to struggle when first starting probably.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Your mmr would have hit the rock bottom after maybe 9 losses how