Why can’t you start healthy and just not get healed with no mither

ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

No mither is a meme perk. No one runs it seriously unless they’re doing a challenge or want to play on hard mode, but why have other perks that have gotten little use gotten better buffs, even though they came out later? Like power struggle was so hard to get off they decreased the time. They did the same by adding speed to no mither, but that’s pointless if the killers know you have it.

Yes no mither got an ok buff recently but that didn’t address the main issue that stops people from wanting to play with it, which is killers know you have it. I don’t understand why you can’t just start healthy and once injured no longer be able to heal. That also works as a con too, because if you go most of the match being healthy you don’t even get to use the perk. And if you DO get injuried, especially early, now you only have one health state for the rest of the game.

The best benefit of no mither is infinite unbreakable. Other wise just running full iron will and unbreakable would leave no room for the perk to have value. The no pools of blood is kind of stupid and really situational, and if you don’t have iron will stacked it does nothing for stealth. My point is, the constant unbreakable is the only real useful part of the perk.

But because killers can see you have no mither and know you can do this, they immediately know not to slug you, making it really hard to get any value out of the perk.

I def don’t think this change would make it a busted perk, as the cons are still really strong. Only one health state after being hit—and it would be really difficult to delay getting hit with certain killers like legion—is such a downside and risky. The possibility of not getting hurt early on in the first place is still risky too, because then you just wasted a perk slot. It would be way more fun to run no mither if you had the slightest chance of actually using it. I basically run no mither without the benefits when I don’t have a medkit in solo que anyway, it would be nice to have value for once lmfao.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    It's because No Mither is meant to be the perk that starts you off injured, so if you immediately want the bonuses from perks like Resilience or Dead Hard, you'd run No Mither.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    It's meant to allow you to get extra value out of 'Injured' perks without needing to get found and then evade the Killer.

    Removing that starting injury basically misses the entire point of the perk.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    But if that was the purpose it wouldn’t give you such a strong use like unbreakable over and over too right? What’s the point of having that aspect and giving a bonus recovery speed if that’s not meant to be used yk. Just kinda sucks to have it and barely get any value.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Like I said to the other person who said the same, if that was the entire purpose it wouldn’t give you such a strong use like unbreakable over and over too. What’s the point of having that aspect and giving a bonus recovery speed if that’s not meant to be used. They could just remove it at that point.