Trickster Rework

I played trickster since release and he’s is a mid tier killer which has a semi strong 1vs1. Depending on the map and/or the tiles that come with it. If there’s a lot of line of sight he won’t have a good time, if the map is open the survivors won’t have a good time. Which is a bit to situational and has no skill involved, only advantage. So I came up with some changes that will balance it a bit more and reward both sides for playing good. Regardless of the map. 

Changes are as following 

  • Laceration will no longer decrease automatically. This is a huge problem with trickster since he is a range killer whose power relies on hitting blades but when it’s an indoor map he won’t be able to use his power and with laceration decreasing automatically it’s just horrible. In that case the killer has no Control or input. That’s why the automatic decreasing needs to go, so the blade that hits has actually a meaning. Especially paired with the following changes. 

  • Survivors affected with laceration will get the action „remove blades“. Each blade will extend the time that it takes to remove blades. Each blade adds 1.5 Seconds, up to a total of 7.5 Seconds. Canceling the the action „Remove Blades“ will pause the meter, until you decide to continue or get hit with another blade. Blades can only be removed while standing. 

Main event is way too situational and can backfire way too much for being the MAIN EVENT. And in addition to that it also forces you to use it within a certain amount of time. 

Hitting 30 Blades will unlock main event with no timeframe 

Pressing ctrl will start the main event Mode, while in main event mode:

  • 100% movement speed
  • same start animation 
  • You get 3 Blades, each blade takes one health state
  • Blades won’t be thrown automatically 
  • You can’t basic attack 
  • You’ll remain in the throw state until you used all 3 blades or you canceled main event 
  • Canceling main event or throwing the last blade will cause a fatigue animation to play

With these changes of main event the killer can keep main event for as long as he wants until he thinks it’s the perfect time to use it. And while main event is unlocked you won’t gain progress on your next main event which will make you that you can’t store several main events which would be way to busted. And using main event will actually get up to the meaning of „main event“ and not being the side thing that backfires a lot of times and is way to situational. 

All These changes will ensure more gameplay to both sides. Survivors will have to choose if they want to remove the blades and be safe or finish the gen that’s on 90% and take the risk of getting injured or downed if the killer is back before they removed the blades. Loosing the killer will also be more rewarding since the laceration is in your hands, so when you manage to loose the killer you can straight remove blades which will be a max of 7.5 Seconds, which is faster than current laceration. And on the other side Killers don’t need to fear loosing all their progress from hitting blades when having no line of sight through an unfortunate map. And especially since the survivors need to stand still in order to remove blades which rewards the killer for keep pushing. And If they run out of blades and decide to leave then their blades at least did something although it wasn’t a down or injure.

Keep in mind strong killers will be less likely to face camp you. And won’t automatically dominate you when the player isn’t good since bad players don’t know how to play the strong killers.

Your Thoughts ?


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    I am really against that main event rework, that would be so annoying to deal with, you are just dead. Well, that's true for current version tho and that can be used to down more than 1 survivor, so this would be actually a nerf, huh... but it would kinda balance that you can hold it for as long as you want, that would be super broken with current version.

    I don't think Laceration decay is an issue anymore. He can get really fast downs in open and this is just drawback for it.

    I am not sure if removing action would be really that better. It would help when you get random hits without a down, but this would allow you to remove them mid chase, which could be quite annoying on some maps. You would just start to remove them on any corner when you wait to see how killer will try to mind game. So hard to say if this would actually help or make it worse...

    I don't really think Trickster needs many changes, maybe some numbers. I have started to play him way more after they nerfed Deathslinger to oblivion. He is quite fun and way better than his first version, which was trash. Also better than Deathslinger now imo.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    With that new main event you still won’t be dead. You’ll still be able do wiggle and the killer will miss the blades, and take it from me as a trickster main, it gets really hard to hit when the Survivors start to wiggle. And you can still use tiles where killer won’t be able throw over and since he’s stuck in main event he will be 100% movement speed so he won’t catch up to you. So he will waste a lot of time if you’re doing it right. And he might just cancel his power and loose it instead of chasing you around a tile where he can’t throw over with 100% movement.

    and with the laceration, you won’t be able to remove it in chase since a blade hit will reset the meter. But If you do good and don’t get hit it will reward you more

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    You can hold it as long as you want. If you use it, someone is just dead. You would most likely to use it when someone is unhooking to down both of them.

    How would it work, you remove them 1 by 1 or you have total duration which you have to keep removing and if you stop nothing changed? Because you could 100% remove them 1 by 1 during chase.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    yeah thats right but that wouldnt be as strong as maybe bubba, since bubba can down the healthy unhooker and the person getting saved, even through borrowed. And with trickster having 3 main event blades, it will be the unhooker down. And at best the hooked person if theres no borrowed. And as far as removing blades, its not 1 by 1, its a total. If you got hit with 2 blades it will be 1 bar that will be 3 seconds. If its 3 blades it will be 4.5 etc. And since it can only be 5 Blades at max, because with the 6th youll get injured or downed, it wont ever be too long

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Ok, then that would help for sure, if it would work like that.

    I would use two to down unhooking survivor then just wait 12 seconds with last blade, I am ranged with same speed so should be fine. Well, Trickster is already really good at face-camping anyway...

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2022

    The unhooked person could still dodge the blade with dead hard or hop in a locker with ds, and since youre then still locked in main event you cant vault windows, destroy pallets or open lockers, survivors can play around that quite a lot. So its definetly not uncounterable. And by the time you got the unhooked person, the unhooker could already be healed.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Well, we are not going to get any changes for him any time soon. I don't think he is that bad after all those buffs, he is quite decent and fun. I enjoy playing him and against him. I think there are killers that need changes way more than him atm.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    he definetly isnt the worst killer, but the things i mentioned will balance his overall ability. On high rank he will have a hard time with his current state. And with my changes he will have a better time on the high rank. While not dominating low rank, since like i said, low ranks are bad players and both sides dont know what their doing.They probably struggle hitting knifes anyway but they will learn and get better and that will be rewarded