Do you think the chat censor should be an opt in feature?

Half the time I say "GGWP we had some nice chases ms/Mr *killer name*" it will censor random words, sometimes map names of character names, sometimes perk names ect. I wish you could opt out of the censor so you can actually read what people are saying without #### ## #### all the time. If people want to be able to read someone insulting them/being rude they should be able to opt in/out of the censor. Also sometimes the censoring won't be consistent, like I will say "big brain Freddy plays!" And it will say "### ##### ###### plays!" But my friend will say it any nothing will be censored, then someone else will say it and it will read "big brain ###### plays!" Just make it so there is an opt out feature.
On the Xbox it warns of potentially offensive material that you have to accept before reading. Ignore it, and you can avoid the salt.
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I can't see how making it optional would hurt anything.
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Yes, post game salt is the fuel my body needs.
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It should be an opt-out feature. I don't mind profanity filters most of the time, but DBD's is the definite worst I've ever seen.
EDIT: And that's after playing DS3 with a friend, whose character name 'Midnight' was filtered to 'Mid***ht'. Bit overzealous there, bud.
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I ####### the chat ###### should ## optional because sometimes ### ### want to #### about a ###### and ### #### the ###### decides you cant say ####### #### and it doesnt make any #####, he is a ####### in the game ### cant I write his #### and ###### to having to write ########### without spaces or ### an 3 instead of an #?
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Opt-out, but sure.
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Would there be a disclosure that all reports related to verbal/text harassment will be bypassed if you opt-in to the non-filtered chat?
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So if you choose to see chat, you wouldn't be able to report it?
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It should be an opt-out yes.
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i'd prefer if you could just blacklist certain words, the same way you can in warframe.
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If you have chosen to waive their safeguards, it stands to reason you are willing to see said text.
Chat based reports would then only be taken by players who have the chat filter enabled, as it will be used to improve/revise the filter or enact punishments on those willfully bypassing said filter.
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I think opt-out wouldn't be good, but you most certainly can't have a normal conversation with anyone in the after game chat, because of all this random censoring. Even if everyone is behaving wholesome and just praising certain moves you made, halve the stuff will be censored out, which is just weird. You will never be able to censor hurtfull context out with todays technology (in the not so far future machine thaught AI may pretty much do so), but you should be able to drop user names without them getting blurred out.
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If people say racist garbage, they deserve to be reported for it, regardless of the chat filter.
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If you have a problem with slurs, use the chat filter. If you want to cuss and see cussing, open a discussion about fine-tuning chat filter settings in an options menu.
The filter is there to try to reduce report tickets by requiring obvious intent to bypass the filter.
Is it in need of improvements? Probably, I don’t know I’m on console.
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I'd rather just have the stuff that actually gets blocked be the kinda stuff that's uh, "undesirable" to have people say in the first place. So if you see a censored word, you know they actually said something bad. As in "if you see a censor, they said something genuinely reportable". Hell, bleep out the entire sentence when that in particular happens if they want to avoid cases where it's blatantly obvious what they said based on context, but make it so if what you say get censored you already messed up to begin with.
The weird system trying to be more clever than that just leads to confusion. A perfectly innocent or even wholesome sentence can get coated in so many censors that it looks like you're putting an ancient curse on someone's entire bloodline or something.
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In a game intended for mature audiences? Yeah.
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I can't think of another online game I've played where the filter isn't optional. I mean we have swearing in the tooltips for this game.
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at this point yes, the censor is too intruisive.
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DBD shouldn't have a censor in the first place in my opinion.
It's an 18+ game and there's at least one character in game that swears (Or at least sounds like he does. If not, Trickster definitely says some swears in korean.) Yet people can't say them in the endgame chat? Makes perfect sense(!)
Hell you can even just close the chat, then not have to worry about it at all.
But that's beside the point. Point I want to make, is that it's an 18+ game where you can kill people by hooking, stabbing, disemboweling, ripping their tongue out, cutting their finger off, and puking on them, then on top of that, you can play as a woman that wears almost nothing at all. The game even has modeled nudity for some characters (looking at you, Yui.) I just don't see why a few swears is so bad. And if someone wants to harass you, or be racist, there's a report button.
Maybe they should have put some effort into that system instead-
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The filter doesnt filter everything and you can bypass it with certain creative words.
If the filter guarantees almost every death, ban, report, wathever threat gets filtered then I would understand waiving the right to report but since the filter tends to censor "Myers" more than "I hope your family dies of [insert illness]" or "I hope you die" I dont think opting out of it should void reports, mainly because the filter is usually more obstructive to normal conversations than to toxic ones.
P.D. I believe the filter is just an adaptative technology or self-learning algorithm BHVR developed to sell to other companies and we are beta testing it because the way it works makes 0 sense and its much easier to just have a register of banned words like WoW has.
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The game even has modeled nudity for some characters (looking at you, Yui.)
Pics or it didn't happen??? lmao
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Depends how much you hate being loved😁
There's probably some algorhythm in place which is overly sensitive to words - maybe sees it as predatory or something for some reason.
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One thing I wanna say to this topic is this:
i am very glad that since the chat filter was introduced the amount of people sharing or complaining about toxic end-game chat storys/screenshots etc was drastically reduced. Apparently the chat filter had an effect here.
as to the topic. I don’t really mind either way.
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I bet you haven't seen early Rainbox six siege attempts, that was so much fun...
It didn't censure, you just got banned :D Player mistyped a frag to fag and got banned during a game.
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Opt-out considering half the time I can't even communicate with the other people in end game chat because it's all hashtags even though nothing offensive is being said.
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I am old enough - i don´t need (and want) censorship.
But from the threads around a lot of people seem to be hurt quite substantial of what random stranger say to them - so i guess it is (sadly) better that way.
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I think the censorship is ridiculous. In italian "i have" is "io ho" and i can't write it because "ho" is considered the same as "hoe" and "io" the name of the target.
I would like the option to remove it.
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This is exactly the why I think you should be able to opt out. My name is Black_Fence and half the time it will censor my name because it has black in it!
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It should automatically switched on, but can be turned off by choice.