Oni needs a buff

Slasherton20 Member Posts: 20
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm an Oni main and I have recently been going against really strong survivors. I just had a game on Suffocation Pit against what I assume was a SWF and it was absolutely ridiculous. My build at the minute (due to mmr giving me sweaty af teams) is Ruin, Undying, Pentimento, and Tinkerer. I literally could not do anything that game, there were so many pallets that all they were doing was abusing a loop then pre-dropping pallets. Then I got tinkerer and when I went over to a gen in my power they had long gone and just waited until it ran out, I assume they were on comms and were talking to eachother. They got rid of all my totems within about 2 minutes and told eachother where the pentimentos were. I got 1 hook and at the last gen I just stood and did nothing because I didn't know what to do. Just to top it off, they had boons, a brand new part, and prove thyself.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand that if the tools are there then survivors will use them to their advantage, as I do myself. However, I think that in Oni's case he could do with a small buff of some sort to improve his games. I think in the power he's amazing and extremely powerful, but working up to get his power is so difficult, especially in the game's current state. When you think of killers like blight who can get their power immediately and curve around objects with no build-up required apart from a rush. If survivors are knowledgeable, they will pre-drop pallets and take the precautions to not get hit, rendering Oni an M1 killer for much of the game, by the time you get your power it is often too late.

What is everyone's opinion on Oni's power mechanic? Do you think he is fine the way he is or could do with a slight rework to the way he actually gains his power? Please let me know!


  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    I feel like oni at the beginning of the game can be pretty weak, you kinda just need to treat him like an m1 killer. Also, look for the weakest survivor on the other side, down them, and then hook them in a dead zone. Another thing I recommend is getting rid of one of your slowdown perks and replacing it with monitor, its a great perk on oni.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I am using BBQ, M&A, Infectious Fright and Pop.

    But sometimes if they play super safe, it's just hard to get power.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    As long as you are not playing Nurse and playing perfectly you can still lose the game. This is how currently Dbd works. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad, it's just how I feel.

    And Coh is #########. I'm out.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It's not like Nurse or Blight are auto win even if you are good with them. Dead squads can still kick your ass.

  • Slasherton20
    Slasherton20 Member Posts: 20

    I've played him for quite some time now and I do class myself a decent Oni, so I know how to play him and how it works. I am just saying that his power, in general, is great but against survivors who know what they are doing on comms with boons, etc is a nightmare for him. I don't know what to run at the minute; I go from the build I mentioned to Enduring, Spirit Fury, Tinkerer, Pop; BBQ, Corrupt, Monitor, Infectious etc. I've tried so many but it just makes you think there could be some slight changes to his power to make him a top-tier killer again as I believe he deserves to be up there, IMO Cursed Legacy is by far the best original chapter in the game.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Yes, that is why I used "and", not "or". You have to play them and play perfectly. And yes, even then you may lose, but I feel like with them you should be able to feel some power :D

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    Or you get bullied most you have ever seen -> when you try to learn them.

  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    What you are asking for here is some love that all M1 killers can use, not only Oni.

    All M1 killers are pretty weak, right now.

    As for a build for Oni, here are some non-meta perks I myself would consider using:

    PWYF, DMS when the changes go live, Forced Pennance depending on how many people will bodyblock.

    I would look at niche perks that can work with Oni's power.

  • BlighTown
    BlighTown Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2022

    I honestly feel like Oni need that 98 charges cap removed so Oni can passively fill his power to 100 without the need to collect a blood orb. Also, remove his movement speed penalty when collecting blood orbs. Make Oni start with 50% of his power. This would make him much better.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    I’m sorry but I think Oni is the most perfect killer in the game I don’t think he needs any changes. The only changes he needs is to his ultra rares and that’s it

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 2022

    I only want two changes on Oni

    1) Scalp Top Knot nerf to be reverted to 1 second.

    2) Removal losing Oni meter upon successfully downing putting a survivor in dying state.

    As OP states, Oni's ability takes a lot of time to get and the fun part of using Oni's ability is using his demon dash at loops. Scalp top knot makes his dash much more fluid at using it at loops. Its not really fun to play Oni as M1 instant down because your dash wind-up is too slow to make plays at loops. Also, being M1 and just walking around is not time efficient for Oni's ability. Just wastes a lot of Oni meter which is precious gold.

    Against very highest calibur of players, I would say that my average hook count(performing hooking action) is around 5 hooks and that is largely in part because at highest level, I only get to use his ability twice per game. This is only when I am playing against absolute strongest survivors. Twice per game in 5 generator window is not a lot. In total, its about 4 times in total because of end game. For how little Oni gets to use his ability during the match, Getting punished for downing a survivor using his ability is just awful. It also punishes Oni for slugging when Oni sometimes has to rely on slugging to get most out of his limited duration power. It just sucks being kicked out of your ability in good moments. Any other games that aren't highest level are really easy for Oni because survivors that are not very good at looping m1 killer which feeds your ability very quickly. It allows you to just spam your ability relentlessly and I win all my games that are not those ultra-high level games.

    I think Oni's biggest pitfalls is his inability to recycle his ability over and over and that is largely because a lot of abilities to recycle his ability is locked behind add-ons like his purple add-on Splintered Hull(Increase blood dropping frequency), Tear Soaked Tenugui(Reduces penalty of downing survivors) and Lion fang(Increases his total power duration to mitigate negatives of downing survivor penalty). if any of one of these add-ons were just made base-kit, Oni would be so much more threatening and would see a lot more play. I understand its possible use any of these add-ons but I dislike not using scalp top knot and Akito's crutch/Kanai-Anzen Talisman because those add-ons make it so much more fun to use his dash at loops. Using add-ons to fix critical pitfalls in killer's base-kit just is not too enjoyable.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Slasherton20
    Slasherton20 Member Posts: 20

    I use Shattered Wakizashi which increases the passive recharge rate of Yamaoka's Wrath and that is good; I think it would be beneficial if they made that base kit and didn't cap at 98% so at least you can have access to your power pretty early. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if they added it where he automatically gets his power when a gen pops or something, at least then it is guaranteed. This post makes me sound like a trash Oni player but honestly, I'm pretty decent, it's just in the rarity where you come across really strong SWF's (not so rare thanks to the amazing new mmr system) it makes you feel literally 'powerless' lol.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Ah i see now, but I wouldn't say that its a problem with oni, but more so the power that a good team has