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Why am i getting so many braindead teammates?

I am an OK survivor, but i'm always getting teammates with 2 braincells. Every time i play a match, it's full of dumb survivors who last 5 seconds in a chase and don't save me on the hook. Is this related to rank? I don't think so, i am currently gold 1, almost reaching red rank. I think maybe it's related to MMR or something, but i am losing the enjoyment of the game becvause of this, if someone can answer a way to help, i would start being happy in this game again.


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Low MMR probably

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,262

    As far as I know the matchmaking works according to the number of your escapes (Your MMR grows according to that).

    A lot of players who choose to play in stealth or selfish way without taking any risks usually escapes more.

    Which result them to reach higher mmr but not based on their skill but escapes, that's why a lot of people play with bad players.

  • SensualShamus
    SensualShamus Member Posts: 24

    Honestly I think the difference between even Gold ranked survivors and Red ranked is night and day. I think it's more of a fine line between ranks for killers personally. It can be really difficult to rank up if you are solo queing outside of the highest ranks. I only got back in to the red ranks for survivor a couple of days ago but the difference in quality is always such a relief.

    The stuff I've seen in the last weeks was borderline traumatising. Players cleansing dull totems, players getting killed in 5 second chases, going for hook saves mid-chase without BT, players chasing other survivors in a desperate bid to get the killer to switch target. The list is endless.

    Honestly when people say the game is survivor-sided I agree that it is at the highest ranks, especially with a party of friends. If you're queuing as a solo survivor in lower ranks however it can be a harrowing experience.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Soloq MMR is problematic, it's a catch-22. My guess is you're not escaping much due to (as you call them) "braindead teammates" so in turn your MMR goes down getting you even more "braindead teammates".