Was Overcome greatly exaggerated?

It isn't nearly as used as anticipated, and essentially does the same as using sprint burst and taking damage afterwards. In matches where its used, I do notice it but it just feels like seeing any other exhaustion perk used, stop and decide if I should chase or not, and even worse is they're injured.
So am I crazy or is this just a mid tier exhaustion perk at best? And to anyone using it, what do you see in it?
It basically just gives me insane value for zero input.
I don't have to be good to use Overcome. If I get hit, I get insane distance and can make it to any tile in any map. There is no baiting it out or denying it from being used (unless it's an instant down Killer, but those aren't common).
Dead Hard is better because of the validation. That's why DH is the most powerful perk in the entire game.
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Always said that it's just a perk that would Bully M1 killers that's it, Keep in mind by bully I meant a perk that's not meta but it strong with a SWF to mess around with the killer.. We had great success it with every survivor running Vigil then running heals and repairing generator in front of the killer's face and doing it all over again with COH.
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Yes. It's not game breaking like so many people thought it would be (I even said this before it hit live servers). People overreact a lot on here. I've only seen 3 people use it since release.
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Overcome and Hex: Pentimento are gonna be so strong I know because streamers said so
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That perk is really good. Problem is that you have DH. Both are low risk, both have situations where they will never work, but there is more killers where Overcome will be useless than number of killers where DH is useless.
You also can just use DH alone, you can't do that with Overcome, you need CoH or good medkit, just something to heal when you get off chase.
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Hey, leave my Pentimento alone.
It's really fun on Pig also with Plaything, Ruin. You have basically triple objectives for survivors and Boop the Snoot army.
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I kinda have to agree. I don't think it was over exaggerated. It's just that DH still exists in it's current form. I promised you if they did Nerf dead hard significantly you'd be seeing overcome in almost every game
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The perk was not exaggerated its just the introduce dead hard validation so the perk was kill before it got release.
Overcome is better then sprint burst because the killer just womt chase you to save time but with overcome the killer will chase you so you waste the killer time and if he continue to chase you when you use overcome then the game is won if the other survivor can do gen
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I hit thing, it hurt, me happy.
I hit thing, it no hurt, me sad.
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I wouldn't say it's just a better sprint burst.
If overcome works, then yes. Problem is that you need to use some form of healing with it and you have killers where it's just good to stay injured like Plague, or Legion and also exposed killers.
Sprint burst is way harder to use, but it just works always.
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Sprint Burst is way stronger
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Its good like any other exhaustion perk, but there are better choices. So in other words yeah kinda.
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Harder to use and it's often used on different things than wasting killer's time.
I would say DH is way stronger, they are kinda similar. I wouldn't be that sure about Sprint Burst, both have pros and cons.
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Medkit is probably the most use item and i see at least 2 survivor with boon in my lobby so i think survivor have the healing to use this perk at all time.
For the killer part you are right sprint burst is probably better but if i start esitating between sprint burst and overcome i will just go dead hard because its the best perk in the entire game.
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Yeah, Overcome will be used only by players that are sick of DH, but DH is just better.
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True but you go back to DH fast because the killer i face the most when i play survivor are blight and huntress and believe me they dont care about overcome or sprint burst XD
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Sprint Burst can be controlled, used while healthy or injured, stop a chase from even happening, get you out of deadzones without taking a hit, works vs every killer
Overcome is overrated
DH is the best for sure though
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Nah, I went to Lithe :D
DH just pisses me off too much as a killer to use it as a survivor.
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Oh I forgot to add, everyone who has Sprint Burst also has a slightly weaker Overcome as basekit
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Bubba is just way too common of a killer for me to really consider this perk.
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Honestly I'd put it in my top 3/4 with sprint burst, dead hard and lithe. only issue is it needs a build most of the time for good repeated use with healing. its by far the most easy to use and value giving exhaustion.
A good build is overcome, detectives hunch, inner healing and ds. constant heals and hex hunting help in the build with ds as a failsafe
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It is still very strong perk but why would you use it when you have Dead hard or other more meta (=more stronger) perks.
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When it's supposed to break the game and instead it's gone and forgotten within a week from release... yeah, fair to say even 'greatly exaggerated' is an understatement.
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Well overcome is just a lazy perk and unhealthy perk, I am really glad that not that many ppl are using it.
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People on this forum overreacting to something? Such a concept is almost incomprehensible.
No but joking aside, it's an average perk and Sprint burst will always be stronger even if it gives less distance. Sprint burst can end a chase before it even begins and its ability to prevent a down in a deadzone is something a lot of players underestimate. What overcome does have going for it is that it requires no management on the users part to activate and therefore works better for newer survivors.
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It's still greatly exaggeratted.
It's on the weaker side of the exhaustion perks.
The effect is strong but being worthless when you get unhooked and it never activating at all vs instant down killers are just to big downsides to call this perk good in any way.
Even against a lot of the m1 killers it's really not that good. Legion typically injures you in frenzy and either leaves you or will make up any distance you make easilly cause frenzy refreshes of hit. Wraith also will cover the ground quickly. Get trapped by trapper and it doesn't activate at all.
It can be good with a specific build against specific killers. Those killers being the lower tier ones you could beat with any build.
Dead hard being strong has nothing to do with Overcomes rarity. It's just a bad perk. Running it is holding a giant neon sign saying "tunnel me of hook cause i'm defenseless at that point"
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Only reason why there's not much light shed on it is because CoH and Dead Hard are the main hot topics right now when it comes to perks. The moment one or both gets nerfed I can guarantee Overcome will be next
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Honestly, I feel it's overshadowed by Deadhard.
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I don’t understand why people continue to compare Overcome with Dead Hard. They both serve different purposes.
One is to gain long distance, the other is meant for more close up (in your face) distance.
Which is the reason DH is used because there is no other exhaustion perk that works while remaining in the same loop.
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I think what's happening is that as strong as some of these new perks are they simply aren't good enough to unseat the meta champs. They shouldn't be either. The top end power perks really need toned down
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With Overcome you have to be hit and heal up again before being able to use it again. If you're being tunneld off a hook or just don't have time to heal, tough luck. DH and SB don't have this problem.
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Most things on the forums are exaggerated.
I would still run Lithe over any exhaustion perk in the game (and I haven't run any since the exhaustion nerf like 3 years ago) but I think they're all mid-tier at best (dead hard included)
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Overcome is just a good exhaustion perk. Not near good as DH or SB.
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Overcome is cray-cray.
The major issue, as @Pulsar pointed out, is that it competes with Dead Hard (and to a lesser extent Sprint Burst). If Dead Hard was nerfed, you'd see it a ton more.
It's basically a strong exhaustion perk for the entire team, for the price of one slot.
It's also a perk that you won't see as much as there's no way for solos to coordinate perks, and if you bring Overcome and everyone else brings DH or SB, you're causing a problem.
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Overcome is on par with Balanced Landing or Sprint Burst or Lithe. They’re all good perks but not overpowered or broken. Some streamers definitely overreacted, claiming it was game breaking and would be he new meta perk. I posted from the beginning that was probably not the case. The main weakness with Overcome is simply that it doesn’t do anything when you’re already injured, so while it always works when you’re healthy not being able to prevent you from being downed when injured is a pretty important downside. All the other popular exhaustion perks can help prevent you from being downed or at least delay it a while.
In a way it’s a bit like how Legion is generally considered a somewhat weak killer because even though they can very easily injure survivors their ability doesn’t help them secure downs. Overcome then is the flip side, it’s a perk that always helps you get away the moment you are injured but does nothing to prevent a down.
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I like to use Overcome with other distraction perks, like Diversion and Deception. It allows me to get to a tile of obstructed view and use said perks.
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Not really
Lithe and balanced landing also compete with dead hard and i see those waaay more often then overcome.
The problem is that people estimate overcome to always be at the best case scenario.
If the killer leaves them there will always be a CoH totem or they will always have a medkit and they will always be able to heal before being found again and if the killer chases trough it will always save enough time to do 3 gens atleast.
In practise it just doesn't all fall into place as nicely. Face a one shot killer? Your perk is dead, any kind of exposed? Dead perk. Totem got snuffed midheal? Better pray your not found or you once again have a dead perk. Medkit slapped out of your hand with franklins? Better hope you find another way to heal or be able to retrieve or once again, dead perk. Tunneled of hook? Any other exhaustion perk could have helped. Overcome doesn't.
Facing a Legion, Wraith, Nurse or Blight? That extra distance is not going to matter as much. As they'll zoom right after you
See what i mean. At it's strongest it's indeed pretty good. And Devour Hope is S-tier at it's strongest. That best case scenario just doesn't always happen.
Remove dead hard and Overcome still won't be used. It simply has to many downsides to make up for the slight upside against other exhaustion perks.
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Yes, you're seeing those due to the double blind effect of solo. Overcome is a brilliant perk for SWFs, as it basically allows 3 extra slots for something nasty like PTS. To shine though, you need 1-2 booners and nobody else to run ex perks.
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I do have to admit i have never played swf so i don't know how much difference that makes.
That said swf or not, a insta down killer is still straight up going to deny it right? All the same downsides still apply with the only difference that you know you have a team that can back you up. Or am i missing something?
That you need the advantage of swf before the perk becomes good tells me more that it never was that good in the first place. Is Overcome good in swf or is swf so strong that it can overcome Overcome's weakness?
You also say you need 2 booners. So again is Overcome amazing or is it just carried by CoH?
Like i said i have never played in swf so i don't really know just how much of a difference it makes. I'm also not sure what you mean by PTS?
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I think people are heavily underestimating Overcome's biggest strength, being able to loop normally. Every other Exhaustion Perk, aside from Dead Hard, either forces you to abandon a loop to use the speed boost efficiently, or not even loop at all. Overcome also combos greatly with CoH and Medkits
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Instadown killers negate a lot of ex perks, but they are almost always very easy to loop (which is why none of them are considered high tier).
Overcome is strong, but requires some coordination in perk selection to shine. It's a great choice for solos too, but is somewhat less useful there - not because it's weak - but because other ex perks (Dead Hard is the biggie) are too powerful and thus are chosen by nearly everyone at high MMR.
This is true of many other perks, and is why people say that the survivor meta is stale. It's always Dead Hard, and a handful of other 'SSS tier' perks. This does not mean that those other perks aren't also powerful.
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You dont have to be good to use any Perk in DBD. This is something that baffles me on a regular basis: "Perk X does not take any skill!"... Yeah, the whole game is pretty much low-skill overall. Its not like you are a god gamer when you are at least decent at DBD.
Obviously the Perk was exaggerated. But this was to be expected, it is always the case that this forum freaks out because of Survivor Perks and aside from CoH, it was always exaggerated.
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I think it's one of the worst exhaustion perks in the game. Overcome only really effects M1 killers, but that's about it.
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Fair enough.
I don't think Overcome is ever going to be a perk for me though. The biggest crime the perk has is how god awefully boring it is for me.
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I would not say it is one of the worst Exhaustion-Perks. I think at least Head On and Smash Hit are easily worse when it comes to actual use (Head On is more fun to use tho). And probably Balanced Landing as well, since this is the most situational one.
But Lithe, Sprint Burst and Dead Hard are easily better.
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Who would have guessed that this forum is full of drama queens?
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I've had a lot of Killers quit chasing me after they realize I have overcome, after a hit. I had the same thing happen with Smash Hit. It's just said that Smash hit is so hard to get to work.
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Something else other people haven't mentioned: it's kinda just...boring. All other exhaustion perks that aren't Head On can be used to dodge killer hits or timed strategically to get value that the survivor wants. Whereas Overcome is just get hit -> go super far -> chase ends if the killer doesn't chase, or you both hold W for 30 seconds if he does. It's an incredibly powerful effect, its just tremendously uninteresting. I see it similar to Lucky Break, where it is super strong, but good use of it means the chase ends, and I want to be chased.
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Ran into a Kate with Overcome, Lucky break, Iron will, and a Med kit. I ended up saving her for last it was insane ngl.
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They realise you had overcome after they commit to the chase probably because overcome have no tell exept the killer commiting to the chase and realise you had the sprint burst more then 2 sec.
If he only hit you and let you go its not because of overcome but probably because he saw you going toward a place where the loop are safe or because no boon were place yet so he could still use the hit and run tactic that many killer use before the introduction of boon