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Dead By Daylight Has Won



  • Member Posts: 3,294

    No, that can't be him. That was ThiccBudhha for sure.

    It's kinda interesting to see so many veterans players to drop and think it doesn't have any meaning...

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    A lot of the points you made reminded me of why I quit League of Legends. The stress, the occasional humiliation, and especially the emotional rollercoaster all ring familiar to me. You're definitely making the right choice to step away.

    Anyway, you've made a lot of great posts over the years, so thank you very much for your contributions!

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Honestly I’m in a similar position. I love this community and come here almost daily but I haven’t played the game in like 3 months. It’s just stale and honestly a chore to play at this point

    I’ve been enjoying B4B a lot recently especially if you can get a group of friends to play it with

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I hope you can find better games.

    I did not play DbD this week. I started play Fallout games (Fallout 3 right now). Great series, i am enjoying so much. Mathieu was right, there is better games.

  • Member Posts: 597

    Man, I was literally considering making a post about this, but I guess you already did in your own way!

    I've been playing DBD off and on for years now, a very long time, usually with only few month breaks in between. I keep coming back, and I probably will continue to do so, but one of the things that has happened recently is EVERY TIME I try to come back to the game (after a week break or a month break) no matter whether I play Killer or Survivor, I just CONSTANTLY LOSE.

    I don't even understand why, could it possibly be MMR? Why is my MMR so damn high? Why is it that I can't get a single Kill or Escape, I was never a very good Survivor, although I've reached Rank 1 before in the old system, but I was actually a very good Rank 1 Killer that used to get 4K's so often that I actually got bored of the game because it was too easy at times...

    Anyways, now it's impossible, and losing OVER and OVER again, without really ever having a successful victory experience, has made me want to log in less and less... just earlier tonight I felt like there is really absolutely no reason for me to log in anymore because I just don't foresee myself getting a win anytime soon and it's not that I HAVE to win in order to have fun, but these matches are ROUGH.

    As Killer, its often 0K with only like 3-4 hooks all game, with bodyblocking teams and flashlights and who knows what else.

    As Survivor, its often camping/tunneling killers that don't even let me play the game, or survivor teammates that leave me to die on hook even when its my first one.

    I just don't get it, it definitely used to not be this way, and to be honest for quite a while MMR seemed to be working fine for me and I was truly getting balanced matches, really for a while, but as of late IDK what's going on but I can't seem to get a single fair match that is any fun for me .. so yeah I'll be taking a break from DBD as well for a while I think.. you are not alone my friend!

    If it is MMR, I don't understand why my MMR isn't dropping after countless losses, and howcome I am still facing the same issues in matches over and over again.

    I would LOVE for DBD to be fun and exciting again, and some of the new perk changes give me hope randomly at times, but the gameplay every time I try to give it another shot is just miserable lately, for me at least.

  • Member Posts: 638

    I used to love this game so much before mmr. I would get bully swfs but also chill groups. Now I'm punished for being good so all I face is sweatlord swfs with 10k+ hours. Queues are longer because killers are quiting so my friends all choose to play other games since waiting in a 10+ minute queue isn't worth their time so I don't even have my friends to play swf with anymore either. I really feel like mmr has damaged this game and turned it into something it shouldn't be.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I started off before the first Warcraft with a game called Siege that had a similar premise to Warcraft. Don’t feel old. Old school game to play: Dark Legions - total classic

    I still remember sitting at my computer playing Warcraft, summoning spiders in front of a line of orc spearman watching the human knights fall dead. Warcraft 2 was the best in the series in my opinion. The ogre magi will always hold a special place.

    back then, BBSs were popular. You’d dial in and play games like Legend of the Red Dragon or Trade Wars 2002. It was the closest you got to playing with other ppl online other than turn based, play by email games like VGA Planets. Things have changed so much.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2022

    I think there are people who play this game too much and "get married" with the game and that drive to frustration, if you have a crisis with the game you "got married" it affect you too much, that's the reason it's better to diversify and play more games by taking breaks frequently or alternating them. There are some things I don't like in this game, specially unbalaced things, I complain a lot about it in the forum, but I never feel frustrated because I diversify, I take breaks and I have "backup" games for playing if I'm having a bad day in DBD.

    I "was married" with World of Warcraft for some years and I can relate with this post, when my main classes were nerfed I had a lot of frustration and it affected me psychologically sometimes, because I didn't know what to do when I don't want to play my characters in PvP or PvE while not wanting to level up or equip other classes.

    You need to find more games to alternate a bit. I never "got married" with DBD so, despite I get angry sometimes and the balance issues annoy me they don't affect me psychologically. In fact I play this game since 2018 (september, Spirit release patch) and I have 1240 hours and I've seen some people playing since 2020 with 5000 hours OMG. Stop marrying with a game, be more promiscuous.

  • If we were all playing Mario Party then I'd agree with you. But while you're right, this is a video game at best, it's also a competitive one by nature. Any time you put players against each other they will feel compelled to compete. Whether they realize it or not. If they weren't competing then they're not playing.

    If killers decide to stop playing then we need to know why. If survivors quit playing then we deserve to know why. In a game that's naturally competitive it only makes sense that both parties have an opportunity to win the game. If that were true and both teams could comfortably compete against each other then it promotes a healthy game for everyone.

    If it's not true then of course people will stop playing. It also means there are fundamental problems that need to be addressed if they want people to keep playing on both teams. A one sided game isnt much of a game. And at this rate I wouldnt be surprised if they're throwing in the towel and riding a dying horse

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    You're right. Making the game free on epic seems like a desperate attempt to flush in fresh meat.

    Which also opened the gate for an increased number of cheaters that just want to ruin everyone else's day.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Sorry to see you go, but for what it's worth: you're in good company. Over 30% of Steam users have quit DbD over the last six months, with more leaving every day.

    I do hope your health improves soon

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    You’ve been a positive voice on the forums. It’s sad, but understandable, to see you go. I hope things improve for you. Life certainly has an ebb and flow to it.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    I’ve been playing this game a lot less since SBMM was released, because I realized that if I’m going to be constantly thrown in sweaty game after sweaty game, that I really need to be playing DOTA 2, or some other game that actually attempts to be competitive.

    DBD really doesn’t try to be balanced enough to be competitive, and I really shouldn’t ever be playing DBD when I’m in a competitive mood.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Take care of yourself stop playing this game, for a while or forever. This garbage community will mock you or belittle you but its always better to favor health. Yes you might have 100 hours to 1000 or more hours or more on this game but that doesn't mean its wasted time. As long as you feel its worth it, its worth it, the real waste is the time you feel forced to play this game.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I've been through these a lot.. see you next week

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    As much as it hurts me to read this...I understand.

    I really, really do.

    Your rest is more than deserved, my friend.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    Hey man, you do whatever you feel is best. You gotta take care of yourself.

  • Member Posts: 727

    That's not pathetic at all; I'm glad that you've managed to come this far to find something that makes you happy; that's something very difficult to do - so grab every golden scrap of what makes you feel good. 💛

    You've no need to feel bad about that - wishing you all the best.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    You will. Because I was honest and literally said my friends will guilt me into playing with them

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I certainly hope so too, but realistically, it won't.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Yeah, that's what me and my friends thought too.

    Putting the game on EGS? That's fine. Making it FREE? Red flags.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Even if the game is perfect I can't play it for more than a few months at best without big breaks or stoping completely.

    But dbd is the only pvp game I ocasionally come back to or watch streams of it. For years.

    I wouldn't personally say it is that bad considering my experience even if it has tons of flaws and console issues. It is not perfect but it can be fun for me.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Well at the very least don't give up hope and keep trying. If your case is as you say, a mystery, it's a benefit to society to learn more about what's going on.

  • Member Posts: 6,987


    Not sure if it makes you feel any better, regarding the sickness, but I have a lot of respect for you and that does not come easy. I give everyone some respect by default, but I genuinely believe it needs to be earned.

    I thought you were a really good representative for the console killer community. I know this is just an internet thing and we do not know each other, but I really feel the impact you have had and based on a lot of the other reactions, I am far from alone. I am really happy you are deciding to stick around even if you do not regularly play. The world would be a better place if more people were like you homie.

    And always remember... GG EZ, baby killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited January 2022

    I hate to hear that Pulsar. Hope everything works out.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    @Pulsar more than anyone else you proudly and sensibly represented us consolers and our fustrated passion for this game. Given what you went into on this post I have even more respect for you, a bar that was already quite high, and am amazed you booted up DBD for this long.

    A lot of what you stated obviously festered over time and recent changes just pushed you on over. I hope getting all this out now plus this break (forever or not) genuinely does you good.

    The list of what is worth our physical and/or mental health is quite short indeed.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'm far too stubborn to give up. But I've been across the USA and Canada to different specialists and nobody has given me an answer yet.

    But thank you for the words of encouragement

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Sorry to see you go mate.

    I've been in and out myself recently (CoH...ugh) and after the event starting tomorrow I'll likely take another hiatus, at least until the midpatch. Got plenty to do, and a second DnD campaign to work on now.

    That said - we'll all be back eventually. That's the nature of this game. It's like a bad relationship that you can't ever fully escape.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It does make me feel better. It gives me, satisfaction I think, to know that I've done something worthwhile and have impacted people positively. I couldn't leave this Forum even if I wanted to. Far too many good people here, like you.

    GG EZ, my friend.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Honestly I get this. So many times I've played when I didn't want to because my SWF teammate, who is my brother, wants to play DBD. It's not great when you just aren't in the mood/want a break.

    I've typed out a few different things and then deleted just because the words aren't coming out how I want. I just want to say I get how you feel with alot of this stuff because I can relate.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i wholeheartedly agree.

    lately this game and the Dev team bahind it have chosen paths that i simply can not back up and / or follow them on, so i totally understand your feelings here (for example in regards to the NFT controversy).

    its a shame, really. DbD could be such a great game, but its just not. The Devs either fail to see the issues with this game or they deliberately choose not to address them, focussing their attention on either new content or unnecessary and / or unwanted changes to already existing content instead.

    i could go on for a long time on why exactly i dislike this game nowadays and why i stopped playing myself, but i honestly dont have the motivation for it anymore. Thats partially because i strongly believe the Devs know full well what is wrong with this game, but because its such an fundamental issue they wont address it, because it'd require them to fundamentally rework how this game functions (the issue im referring to here are generators by the way. they are inherently flawed in their design philosophy and are extremely unhealthy for this game, yet so fundamental that reworking them would require a lot of work, time and dedication).

    anyway, i wish you the best on your journey!

    and just out of personal interest:

    what other games do you have in mind that you want to play more now?

    or, if you dont have anything specific, what kind of genre do you enjoy?

    as for me, that would be either casual party games where i can just relax and have a bit of fun (e.g. Team Fortress 2), or competetive (but not too competetive) strategy games that have a high skill ceiling where i can see myself improving and getting better the more time i spend on them (e.g. Advance Wars). Im also pretty interested in the indie horror genre with games such as Inscryption, Dark Deception or Little Nightmares.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'd like to play BF2042. I've had a great time with it so far. I'd also like to finish Far Cry 3 and AC: Black Flag.

    I usually like strategy games, like Empire Total War, but I've never had the PC to play newer one's. I was going to buy Civ VI on my Xbox, but the sale ENDED.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Let's hope it does. I can't keep deluding myself or telling myself the game will be better in 3 months.

    It just doesn't happen for me.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I'm still gunna invite ya to a SWF next chance I get tho. Worst thing you can do is disown meeeeeeeee

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    I was going to buy Civ VI on my Xbox, but the sale ENDED.

    oh nooo that sucks man!

    i know that feeling all to well... you'll get it next time, im sure!

    as for the games you've mentioned, personally i havent played them - im not that interested in story driven games (i do like watching people lets play them, but im not very into playing them myself for some reason).

    but since you mentioned strategy games, now i have to ask: have you played / heard of the Advance Wars series before?

    granted, its not a PC game (the first two titles were for the Gameboy Advance and the third for the Nintendo DS), but despite its age i think the series has held up very well. Its one of my all time favourite game series (i boot up my old Nintendo DS just for that game to this day) and if you are into strategy games its something you might want to look into (you can download an emulator on your PC to play them on if you dont have the needed hardware).

    also, in early 2022 (so sometime in the next 2 to 3 months) an official reboot of the first two games releases on the Nintendo Switch and i am super hyped for that!

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Haha, as a matter of fact, I still have my original DS and 3DS lying around somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    If it’s cool i’d like to maybe SWF with you sometime. But it’s whatever you wanna do don’t feel pressured.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    One of my buds insist on chasing me around puking on me all trial whenever we get a Plague, in case you're wondering about our skill and commitment! :)

  • Member Posts: 6,825
  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Damn. Sucks to hear you're not enjoying the game anymore. I kinda got the impression you weren't from some of your posts.

    I hope you can find another game that will bring you happiness!

  • Member Posts: 153

    If Pulsar is quitting then I'm leaving too.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I remember the olden days, where online gaming meant dialing up another persons IP number with your modem and paying for it like it was a normal call (back in the days there was no flatline), so you better only played people in your region.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    You should make your own decisions, but I appreciate the sentiment.

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