Its 2022
Why isn't there an option to put a dot in the middle of my screen so I don't have to play 5 games of huntress before I'm warmed up to actually play
Theres more ranged killers than ever, its time to stop being different for dumb reasons.
just like
put a piece of tape there
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Its 2022 and stuff like this can still happen. Smh
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no... hot glue
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The year is 2035. Men and women have fallen into the hands of Behavior Interactive. Microtransactions and Pay to Win survivors/killers to turn the competitive scene into an indulgence for the people who love to crush all their hopes against whoever they play, but they were foolish which led to their ultimate defeat. They have spent all their money to feed their hunger and bitter hatred. Their money on exaggerated benefits and technicolor dreamcoat to shine brighter than a lighthouse, a beacon to show how fantastic you really are.
For the time that mankind has lived, they too are prey to the machine. They are the oil for the gears, to lubricate between the moving parts. The monopoly must continue. You must buy our finest and most delicate NTF killers and survivors until you become manure, no, not for the soil but your enriched mineral oil, your body itself fuels the fire we so desperately need. The monopoly must continue. We want YOU to buy our products. The monopoly must continue.
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Nerf pig.
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I think you can use nvidia overlay instead of tape
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I prefer to paint my screen to complete black. If I don't see myself missing, I might've not missed.
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"He's too dangerous to be kept alive!"
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It's 2022. Why isn't there an option to save like, I, don't know, 5-10 loadouts and name them like you want, for example "totem hunter", "botanic healer", "god looper", "BBQ and chill", "anti-sweat", "5 Hex Totems" etc.?
For real! For such a build and perk-depend game it feels so backwards NOT to have at least three loadouts per side.
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For such a long fictional text (which I normally enjoy), this one feld a bit too try-hard and underwhelming. Please try again, I know that you can do better! :>
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There are so many options and quality of life changes needed, its not even funny
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Have you heard about gaming monitors?
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You can easily find app to do it and some monitors can do it.
You can also create it with Nvidia filters.
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Reading the title I'm like... "It's 2022 and I'm still stuck in December 2019... damn you covid".
Also what's wrong with warming up your aim?
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Nooooooooo :(
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It is inevitable my friend. It is the only solution to every dbd "problem".
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'We heard you wanted Pig nerfs so we also nerfed Legion to compensate.' 😁
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Along with nerfing Twins, we feel this brings the proper balance to the game
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She can't take any more dammit
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"We noticed that Pigs charge attack was over performing and have reduced the speed from 6.9m/s to 5.0m/s, giving everyone involved a more fair chance."
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But adding a crosshair is easy and makes too much sense, why would they do that?
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Noooooooo :(