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Distortion loses stacks within Boon: Shadowstep's range

This has been reported before, but not acknowledged.
Platform: PC
Distortion should not be losing stacks when the killer wouldn't see your aura.
Steps to reproduce:
- Be in range of Boon: Shadowstep
- Killer uses an aura reading perk such as BBQ or Nurse's Calling
- When their aura perk activates you will lose a stack of Distortion.
This occurs any game where the survivor is using Distortion and Shadowstep is activated.
This issue is still happening, happened to me today on several games.
Maybe the Devs could fix this before the updates to this perk?
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Hopefully. Just doesn't make sense to nerf an already mediocre perk because of another perk.
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Why would you need to nerf either perk?
It just needs fixing, when you're in a Shadow Step Boon area the killer should not see your aura, therefore you should not lose a stack to BBQ.
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why is this bug still pending?
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I don't think that's the issue. I think that Boon: Shadowstep doesn't hide auras at all even if it says it does.
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This was the outcome when I reported this, as well. These perks should not interact in the way that they do, but whatever.
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I wasn't saying your idea was a nerf, I worded that badly. I meant Distortion, an already weaker perk even with the token change.
Edit: It's not a bug so it seems the devs want that nerfed version. It doesn't make boons any weaker, just Distortion, so I don't understand that.