does clowns bottle really need to make you almost blind ?

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

it's not an interesting part of the mechanic, it's just infuriating that it just comes down to bumping into invisible parts of the loop etc which guarantees a hit on you. No way to play around it and just hope that you don't get stuck.

the mechanic is enough that it slows you down so the clown can loop better, does anyone (other than the killer) actually enjoy this mechanic ? you can't play around it at all and it's just infuriating when you get stuck on the "invisible" bumps on loops that are impossible to avoid with the added haze ontop of the speed reduction.

he's boring to play against with the speed reduction alone since it's the exact same chase every single time, loop, he throws the bottle at the loop, you leave the loop/get hit. Loop, he throws a bottle at the loop. You leave the loop you die. I know the whole idea is to loop as long as you can before you go down but it's just extra boring vs his mechanic.

