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General Discussions

CYOA: Let's try something fun, no more complaining. You load into a trial as Meg.

Member Posts: 624
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

You were just at the campfire, you remember standing there with David, Feng, and Yui. You think you remember tossing something into the fire, and now all you can remember is standing here. You appear to be in an old junkyard of sorts, walls seem to be made from scrapped cars, fridges, and other appliances.

Blood is covering your pants, you're wearing an ugly sweater with a basketball on it, and covering your face is a mask that you're surprised to find has a cute little pig face on it.

A generator sits to your left, and next to it at the base of a tree is a chest waiting to be opened.

What do you do?

A. Approach the generator.

B. Open the chest.

C. Run like mad away from where you started to figure out where you are.

First letter to get 3 choices will be the result.

Post edited by KolbyKolbyKolby on

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  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited January 2022

    Approach the generator for a Ruin tap check (so I assume that will be Option A; also your pro-tip for you noobs, always tap the gen once and see if Ruin is in play)

  • Member Posts: 867

    Open chest.

  • Member Posts: 6,987
    edited January 2022

    D for deez, bruh. I would bag my way to the chest to get my strongest tool. Le clicker. So... B I guess. But I would still dunk first. Just so that we are on the same page.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    C. Gotta go fast

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Oh boy, I love these sorts of CYOAs - and I'm really enjoying your description of a more realistic (or simply less desensitized) Dead By Daylight trial so far.

    I vote for C. Our little Meg still has Sprint Burst and I want some spooky buildup before we go zigzagging all over the map clicky-clickying and dropping every pallet in sight.

    Also: "You turn it off and on a few times and have the urge to squat, but you push that thought aside." Incredible.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    A -- Beeline for the building.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I would never have guessed a post on this forum could make me genuinely smile.


  • Member Posts: 638

    B. I casually walk up to the attractive man who's wearing someones face and holding a chainsaw. I awake several hours later on a hook inside of some kind of basement with him staring at me.

  • Member Posts: 624

    We didn't get to 3 votes, but we'll go for C anyway.

    Your heart is beating fast, and it becomes overwhelming. Sensing that being under cover is safe, you duck behind a pile of tires and wait. Your heartbeat continues to grow until the only thing you can hear and feel is the pounding of your own heart thrashing against the sides of your skull. You close your eyes and smell something fly over your head.

    You open your eyes and see the locker you had thought to enter covered in green sludge, and you can smell it from here. You turn and peek through the tires and see a long woman in robes on the other side facing away. She's wearing a jagged crown and worms are falling from her head. On her hands is something smoking and dangling from a chain. The smoke wafts over to you and you're reminded of potpourri, but only if it had been inside something dead for quite some time. It turns your stomach and you try not to vomit.

    She turns your way and you see from half of her face that she might have once been someone of great beauty, but the other half is scarred and rotting away and the eye twitches listlessly in her head.

    What do you do?

    A. Keep under cover, she doesn't seem to notice you.

    B. Approach the woman, ask if she needs help.

    C. Make a mad dash for safety as far away from her as you can.

  • Member Posts: 867

    B. Approach is always best practice in these circumstances.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    B. Let's go say hi to Vommy Mommy. She's got a killer Halloween costume - maybe she has directions to the party. And, uh, knows anything about being kidnapped and dropped next to a campfire, because Meg's still not sure about what happened there.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    But Mag has The Pig mask, right? So we all know that Meg is evil and will eventually fall to The Entity. I believe this is her origin story.

    B. Approach the woman. But I also somewhat absent-mindedly stroke my right wrist and freeze ... whats that odd shape under my sweater? Is that ... a spring knive?!?

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited January 2022

    Edit2: I didn't read the thread properly I'm dumb. Mods delete.

  • Member Posts: 624

    B. Approach the woman, ask if she needs help.

    You stand up, and slowly make your way around the tired to the towering woman. Though your heart only beats louder as you approach, you feel the need to help someone who doesn't seem to be looking at their best. You take a few tentative steps toward her and her gaze falls upon you.

    "Are you okay? Do you know where we are?" you ask, hoping she could provide a little bit of insight or company in this lonely green graveyard.

    She speaks, but she isn't saying words you can understand. "Adda ni ka dingir asar po me!" she says, with a powerful cadence as if she should be on a podium beseeching a crowd. You stand confused in silence, and she takes a deep breath. Hoping that she speaks something you can understand, you wait.

    Her body tenses, and her cheeks grow. The words that come from her mouth this time are not words at all, but a wretched green sludge that makes you cough and sputter the second it touches your skin. You feel weak and sick, and she takes another sorrowful breath with you in her sight.

    What do you do?

    A. Beg her to stop.

    B. Use your speed training to run to the building in the distance.

    C. Run past her to the wall of cars behind her, there looks do be a window you could hop through and a slab of wood that might create a bit of a barrier.

  • Member Posts: 5,047


    Than clicky-clicky behind the cover of the pallet.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    B. "Ask killer to farm" has failed; it is time for Meg to go fast.

  • Member Posts: 5,502
  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited January 2022

    B. W meta is where it's at for Meg, and Plague's not nothing on that!

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Well as a Meg it would be my duty to sprint burst into the center of the map, hearing the Terror Radius and then throw every pallet down in the process because of panic.

    I think C would fit me well there.

  • Member Posts: 132

    I would find the pig and boop the ######### snoot, if I can't do this then I would DC.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Fast vault a window to get to the chest. Get caught opening it, DC because I was downed too quickly.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Never played as Meg, never want to lol. But I'm gonna go with C. No more vomiting on me please!

  • Member Posts: 150

    One of most wholesome threads in a while, I'll go with C to drop that pallet like a true Meg enjoyer

  • Member Posts: 96

    great thread, I would say C but we all know that Meg Heads are sprint burst merchants so she would be on her toes heading to the building quick time

  • Member Posts: 624

    C. Run past her to the wall of cars behind her, there looks to be a window you could hop through and a slab of wood that might create a bit of a barrier.

    Using your track star speed, you blur past the tall woman as she unleashes another stream of vomit after you. In an attempt to cause harm she swings her smoking censer and it swiftly soars over your shoulder, you were just a little too fast for her. You hop through the gap in the wall of cars and run past a wall of meat with his hands in a generator.

    "Issa vommy mommy innit?" he states more than he asks, but you pay no mind. He's not wearing a shirt and it's a look that serves him well. Your heart isn't beating quite so fast now and you take a few seconds to stare before you try to compliment him. Instead of "Wow you look like a marble god and I'd like to take some time to get to know you, how about we roast some marshmallows on the campfire after this is all over?" the words the come out of your mouth are "BLARGHFGRGHHG." You've vomited all over the generator he was working on and now he's coughing and sputtering.

    "Spewing all over me for ya daffy ginge??" he says before he leaves, running out into the junkyard.

    You're alone now, and feeling really sick. There's a fountain across from the generator. What do you do?

    A. Inspect and attempt to repair the generator.

    B. Clean yourself up at the fountain.

    C. Chase after the shirtless man and try to apologize.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    C. Megs Run, so we should run after him. It just makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I'm a Meg. Gens and helping people are for Dwights and Bills. Run baby run.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    C.) I need more of this prime David dialogue (and beefcake), so we're going to go peak baby Meg and sandbag the team.

    Also, Meg just vomited all over the inside of her mask. Gross. It strikes me now that that's not a good cosmetic to have in a Plague match...

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I would find the killer and have him hook me so I could suicide and deselect Meg and select Claudette instead.

    Then I would pick option B and search the chest and make my way to the nearest bush. Once I'm in the safety of the bush, I will beckon David over so we could bond and see if he will allow me to admire his muscles.

  • Member Posts: 624

    C. Chase after the shirtless man and try to apologize.

    You feel scandalized. The only good looking man around and he ran from you. Not you. Not today. Not turned down by a british guy. You follow in the direction he went. Ignoring the rad biker chick being chased by the tall woman, you sprint your way into the gas station. You find him between the aisles washing himself off in a fountain when he sees you.

    "Sod off ginge, I 'ave a boyfriend see?" He points to his belt where hanging down is a rainbow flag and a little figure of a bespectacled dork. He goes to work on the generator in the garage of the shop. You sigh, and a loud gong penetrates the air and the dirty fountain is clean. You wash your hands and face, and stare at the blood red remains in the fountain.

    David is working on the generator next to a car. In the corner of the garage on the other side of the car you hear what sounds like a small fire. What do you do?

    A. Work on the gen with David.

    B. Inspect the crackling fire sound.

    C. Leave and try to make friends with someone else.

  • Member Posts: 26

    A - who cares he has a bf? I wanna watch him work

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Option E.I disconect

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    What's up with the fire?

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022

    D - Do another gen like a smart person.

  • Member Posts: 727

    A: the gen calls to me.

    Must Repair Gen.

  • Member Posts: 383

    A. Work on the gen

  • Member Posts: 624

    A. Work on the gen with David.

    A. Work on the gen with David.

    You walk to the generator, and David eyes you with suspicion. You grab a couple of wires and touch them together, they spark and the generator seems to be working a little better. You keep doing it because the sparks are fine, while keeping a watching all on the meaty man beside you. In the distance you hear the scream of a girl loudly and piercing through the night. She sounds like she's in trouble. A clanking sound rings through the air.

    You see the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and he gets up and climbs into one of the nearby lockers. Coward, you think as you keep touching your wires together. A few more wire touches and the generator is finished, the garage door opens and to your horror the tall woman is standing there silently as the door opens with her cheeks full of vomit and red embers circling her head.

    What do you do?

    A. Run to David's locker and try to hop in with him.

    B. Sprint Burst by her and out into the junkyard.

    C. Crouch by your generator and hope she doesn't see you.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    B.) The time has come. Our calling has arrived. Meg must Go Fast.

    As tempted as I am to select A... David going into the locker denies us the pleasure of gazing upon his meaty manliness. Opening the locker door to peek inside is only rational. But I'll resist.

  • Member Posts: 890

    B. Megs are built for speed leave the locker for Dwight

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    B. She's a Meg. Run Meg Run

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    We're on a mission today, lads. We're making a break for it.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    A. It's time to bring sex into DBD, like the very many people have asked for.

    Hah, sike, I'm going with B. Meg's gotta do what she made to do: running.

  • Member Posts: 624

    B. Sprint Burst by her and out into the junkyard.

    It is your time. Your moment. You day in the sun. You've spent years training for this. You put one foot out and run, recalling your days ont he track field. You're so fast, the woman unleashes a trail of red bile from her maw, and it passes by your shoulder, you feel the heat from it even though it didn't touch you. Several more sludgy red expulsions land behind your feet as you circle around a hill in front of the garage.

    The tall woman is soon behind you with fire in her eyes and embers upon her crown. She vomits again and it is a direct hit, like molten iron, the red sludge hits you right in the back and you feel yourself bleeding. You keep running and duck behind a pile of tires but the woman stands upon the hill like a fiery watchtower, and another stream of bile plasters you in the face. You can barely move, you lie prone on the ground and she comes over and with the strength of a bodybuilder she effortlessly lifts you upon her shoulder and throws you onto a nearby hook.

    Agony over agony as the sharp hook penetrates your chest. You feel like you should be dead, but you're actually quite alright. You can move your arms and feeling the hook you think that with the right leverage you may be able to lift yourself off of it.

    What do you do?

    A. Wait still for a teammate to rescue you.

    B. Try to pull yourself off the hook.

    C. Get some arm and leg exercises in while you're hanging out.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Is there any other option than C? We're a chad Meg and we're still trying to impress that David.

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