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Dead Hard validation thoughts
Hello there,
I just wanted to make this post to get a discussion going about the hit validation of this perk. From what I've seen and uncounted from playing this I find this perk to be well unbalanced and unfair to play against. It's a perk the rewards a player distance with the press of a button and makes them invincible while doing so which more often then not can allow a player escape a chase or protect themselves from harm. In a lot of case when used at the right moment it makes the killers attack roll back as though the hit didn't hit and I mean any attack whether it's a power or a basic attack and this is where I think the perk has issues and should be looked at for adjustment. I didn't want this to be a rant but with our often it prevents a killer player who has played correctly from downing a survivor player who should have been downed for their poor choice is honestly game ruining and I would like this perk to at least go for review for some changes or a complete rework please.
Thanks for reading and have a good day.
In the PTD patch notes they do say that they have improved the false feedback from hit validation. Whether they actually have or not we will discover once it goes live.
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Fingers crossed they also have/will very soon fix the issues of it eating powers by mistake too.
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Dh made me stop playing for the day after 4 validation on viktor. I think the perk was strong enough whitout the validation it was one of the best survivor perk already people were hesitating between DH and IW for the best perk now we all know its DH and by a huge margin.
Honestly i hope they decide if they want the perk to give distance or to give a invincibility frame so the perk can be more balance
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You have to look at it like this.
Dead Hard being fixed so that it works properly is good.
The strength of Dead Hard is not good.
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I used to be exhausted on the floor so often, it was really frustrating. But seeing this as the alternative, I would happily go back to how it was.
I can only imagine the effort required to fix this perk is just not worth it. If they fix all the problems, we will still be left with a perk that is too strong. I wish they would just make the perk into something different and then they can put their time and effort into something more worthwhile. Like bringing back nodding whilst crouching.
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To make it completely fair without changing the perk would require so much effort on BHVR's part that they may as well make a new game
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Me, with 30ms ping getting validated by a Meg with 150ms ping.
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I have to disagree you on this. Just because it works as intended doesn't make it a fair or balanced perk to face in game. It is a perk the makes every killer ability worthless for no cost and no effort which is way it should be changed. No perk or ability in this or any game should so powerfully that a player is punished for playing well because their opponent has a perk.
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Me, looking at Deadlock
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I mean their validation in general is absolute trash (the actual validation not the feedback.) If all they do is fix the feedback then it's still trash, just well polished trash. I'm not saying DH doesn't need validation or not, I'm saying the current validation is hot garbage and needs to be completely reworked from the ground up.
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Hit validation… it happens all the time to me. I hit them first they then dead hard. Mostly lucky situations then they leave.
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This hits the nail...
Hit Validation is a fair thing. Being Exhausted on the ground is not fair to a survivor at all and a Killer should not be rewarded for having lack... (Yes, I am looking at you vaults!)
They should just change Dead Hards exhaustion value and reconsider that the exhaustion wears off once you get hooked. If exhaustion was a meaningful difference between Dead Hard and other perks you could buff/nerf them until they fit.
They should change this game to run on the server so that every action can get validated. However this is a big change and needs some massive server upgrades. However if it is possible to run shooter games on the sever this should be possible too.
That way every action would be server validated and the benefit of lack would be reduced.
There was a pretty good post about this issue here not long ago where somebody explained how that would work. I am not that into this mechanics.
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Funny is that players used that perk anyway. That's how good it is...
It was drawback you knew about and you chose to use it anyway. Killer didn't choose it...
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if you believe this, then you don't know how it works.
My ping is good, so I am going to blame survivor's internet provider. Why should I get punished for their ######### internet?
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I just wish it wasn't so easily abused by cheaters.
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Instead, survivors just get a free health state/recovery from a mistake. Seems fair.
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Every new day there is a new thread about Dead Hard and i'm happy to upvote it.
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We need to just keep flooding the forum with nerf Dead Hard posts. We need our voices to be heard!
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Just to clarify, hit validation isn’t the problem, that’s actually a good thing overall. The feedback on the scream is sometimes awkward from a hit getting retracted but the result is correct.
The issue is that Dead Hard is probably overpowered. It was held partially in check previously because it wasn’t working as intended due to latency. But now that is works properly it’s become more apparent just how strong that perk is since not only is it useful to gain distance but it also is useful to 100% dodge hits when the survivor sees an attack animation. So assuming I’m correct about Dead Hard being too strong, the solution is adjust that perk, not revert the validation.
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In a vacuum, Dead Hard validation is a good thing.
In practice, Dead Hard was about tied for the strongest Survivor perk in the entire game even with its ping inconsistencies on the Survivor side. Moving those ping inconsistencies to the Killer side was essentially a buff and who the hell buffs the strongest perk in the game without a compensation nerf? Don't get that one.
In more practice, the false positive feedback of a successful hit is stupid and can sometimes mess you up. This is annoying. You can play around it, but it needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.
In even more practice, there are multiple Killer powers in the game that exist where the killer or projectile keeps going until it hits something. Dead Hard validation incorrectly stops those powers when it 100% should not. This bit... honestly this bit should have gotten the validation or the perk in its entirety kill switched. The fact that it didn't is mind boggling to me.
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Yeah the last part. Idk where I heard it, but I remember that dead hard just shouldn't "eat" your attacks/power. If a survivor is protecting someone and you throw a hatchet and they dead hard, the hatchet should go through the dead hardie and hit the survivor behind them. But no, it just absorbs the hatchet and they both escape.
While the current problem with dead hard validation is annoying, it's still hard to use as a survivor. And even then survivors can use it like once per chase, so keep that in mind. [And you can usually bait it out so... Unless they use it to get to a pallet AND you also get stunned because lag then it's like >>:( ]
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Yep exactly. Stuff like that shouldn't happen and Dead Hard should have gotten reverted once it became obvious that it was. The worst offenders are probably Twins and Nemesis. Usually with Twins, Victor flies through the person who used Dead Hard and past the point where the Survivor can kick him... but with validation stopping him, its a free kick. Nemesis... if he tentacles while you're lined up with a pallet either you or the pallet should get hit... but validation results in nothing getting hit.
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That would just be pretending that hit validation works at all times even without deadhard....
Which for the not the case at all. Even survivors who don't have dead hard will get janky escapes from hit validation. Be it at pallets, at windows, or whatever. They wouldn't be making adjustments to it on the PTB if it was perfect....which it blatantly isnt.
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What's unfair is that hits* are still handled on The Killer's end, which provides them with an immeasurable advantage over survivors. People are still getting fake hits because of laggy killers. They need to move all hits to the server, a neutral authority, and call it a day.
*does not refer to DH and pallets which are server-based.
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They're adjusting how the results appear on screen, not the outcome. A validated miss will still miss, it just will be less likely to look like a retracted hit on the killer's screen
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I thought my name looked familar.
Nemmy is fantastic (thanks again by the way). Once you have those controller redeems up and running, I look forward to you seeing how tricky those tentacle hits are on a controller!
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That's why I wanted to make this discussion because as those killers you played well but are pushed because of a perk. It's not fair for the killer player who played well while the survivor played poorly.