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Shouldnt MMR work both ways?

Hey guys,

I'm on a 32 game losing streak and counting. No matter who I play as I havent killed a single survivor in the last 32 games. With the current state of survivors I play against Im happy if I get 1 or 2 downs tbh. Everyone is around 4-5k hours with only meta perks and broken items. Basically the games last about 5 minutes and everyone is out. Whoever Im not chasing is always on gens and each survivor is on a different one. Shouldnt the MMR come to my aid after a certain amount of games and basically give me easier survivors? Or does the MMR system actually only work one way?

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  • Member Posts: 544

    It seems like you are going against a group of experienced survivors who are getting bumped back into your bracket of MMR due to their higher bracket having no killer at that specific time of day.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
  • Member Posts: 41

    That's an interesting hypothetical. If only the worst killer in the world and the best SWF in the world were available, should the matchmaking system ever let them play the game? I would hedge toward "Yes."

    For the OP, I feel your pain. Take heart in the knowledge that any other available killer matched against those teams would be even more one-sided. If your MMR really is too high across the board, flipping between killers will actually extend the process of lowering your MMR (because MMR for killers is per character).

  • Member Posts: 293

    Good news guys by now I've finally reached the 40 wins without killing anyone in this game even though I used sweaty builds and tried my hardest. Before my break I was Iri 1 btw but apparently now I'm just a dumb noob that doesnt get the game anymore.Thanks DBD it was fun for the 2 weeks that u lasted on my hard drive. See u in 2023

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    *Shouldn't MMR work?

  • Applicant Posts: 250

    Its not that the game cant find you survivor around your level its just they priorise queue time.

    Exemple 1 group of survivor are waiting for 10 minute and that group have a mmr of 4k. Then you have another group of survivor waiting for a minute with a mmr of 1k the game will put you against the group that are waiting for 10 minute even if your mmr is 1k only because that group are survivor are waiting for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Welp, at least the devs are working on this very problem, so it shouldn't be as big of an uphill climb for the next person that takes a break from DBD and wants to come back. MMR will decay with lack of play, which will help ease returning players back into the game. Right now, matchmaking probably has a lot of data on you, so it's very certain that you belong with the sweat squads like you were in 2020ish.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Looks like the matchmaking doesn't even work among the survivor teams either, yesterday I had to dodge a lobby because I had a teammate with 18.9 hours in-game and another one with just 0.7 hrs (no idea about the last one because they were on console). And I'm pretty sure I've had one or twice more like that in other matches but I couldn't check their profiles

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It depends. A lot of people trying to derank just afk, and I personally believe they have a system against that. After 40 games, you should be bottom mmr by now. It is basically impossible that you aren't unless such a system were to exist, I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Maybe they should add an option, if mmr widens and the killer is hugely underpowered the bloodpoint amount gets a multiplier.

  • Member Posts: 638

    You guys are actually buying that this guy has played 40 games and not gotten a single kill? I can come to the forums and lie/exaggerate too.

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited January 2022

    I don't honestly. Unless he plays huntress like an m1 killer for whatever reason.

    It is impossible not to kill a single surv in 40 public games.

  • Member Posts: 768

    To keep survivors from waiting 2 hours for a game mmr search range is expanded/ignored.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Your question should be:

    "Shouldn't MMR work?"

  • Member Posts: 792

    While noone here can change how matchmaking works for you, I'm sure there are plenty of people who could give you some advices how you can improve. Would you consider posting couple videos of your matches?

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Mmr only effectively functions to shield new survivors, killers are thrown wherever matchmaking needs them regardless of sbmm score.

  • Member Posts: 454

    It doesn't do that either. I've had teammates that were really new to the game, less than 50 hours in some cases and we could be matched to 1k+ hour killers. So they are basically the weak link in the team and usually die pretty early.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Like I said, mm will throw killers anywhere it needs them. The accuracy is dependent on the killer selection pool that is currently qued.

    Personally I find it far more common for good swfs to be forced in then the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 867

    It doesn't work like that. It really depends on the pool of available players online at time of matching. It will put really low MMR killer against high MMR survivors just so they get a match.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Better yet, apparently they are happy just getting one down. Yeah calling bs on that for sure, but I get the feeling OP is just trolling so whatevs.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Besides what others have said. I play almost every killer except trapper and Freddy. I find if I go a killer that I am not that good with I often get newer survivors compared to my mains who I now often get high-rank players (some fall through the cracks and a new but much rarer compared to my main killers). Maybe have a few games with a different killer or as others would say play as survivors instead, yes the que times suck but it's a good lesson.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I mean, I ate a 30 game L streak when I first started learning Nurse, so, yeah I buy it.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    To be fair, that is the Nurse, probably the hardest killer in the game to master. My first several games with her were so rough, I never went back. In part because I am on console, but also because I have no patience for long learning curves.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Hahaha, yeah, not so much. You don't need a slide rule to sort out that it's the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I don't really get what would be the reason to do that tbh :D I basically just came here to get an answer for my question which was why MMR doesnt put me up against easier survivors when I keep getting my ass handed to me. And I got that answer. Since I kept losing after posting it and since I dont have another time I can play in the week than after work I'm basically done with this game for now until they improve the MMR system so that it doesnt depend on the time of day I play wether I get survivors that are actually on my level or just Death Squads that queued the longest.

    To the 40 losses I can only say that its true but u don't have to believe me. When ur happy thinking that Im trolling for whatever reason I cant stop u tbh. I mean I havent played in a long while but before I took a break I was an Iri 1 huntress but that was before mmr. Since I came back from day 1 I mostly went up against Death squads tbh. Ofc I can cheese at least killing one person by just having Noed or standing next to the hook until that person dies but that really isnt the point. I literary just never had a match in the last 2 weeks where I felt that it was even remotely balanced so that I stood a chance or that it was a close competition. Might be that I have just gotten incredibly bad at this game over my break but even then I was just wondering shouldnt MMR kick in and help me after a certain amount of losses which it never did. Survivor level just stayed the same the entire time. And for me personally just banging my head against that wall until I eventually get better is way too frustrating and takes a lot of time so I probably havent really gotten better over these games as well and thats why the result stayed the same.

    But yeah the basic message just was that I was wondering why MMR doesnt help me out after a certain amount of losses and I got my answer tot that. There was no intention of trolling tbh but if u want to see it that way I probably cant stop u anyways is all I can say.

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