Why do killers get mad at teabagging?

If you’re playing killer and you’re playing in a scummy way such as shaking you head no, hitting on hook, camping the whole game, tunneling one person the entire match, and slugging to death, why do you get mad if survivors manage to get the gates open and teabag you? I understand the killers that play normally and still get teabagged, that’s understandable… but to the others (which is about 70% of the killer players), why? You kinda deserve it.
I know why. I just don’t empathize with it.
No one cares about another player pressing ctrl when they’re winning.
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The same reason you get mad at headshaking, getting hit on hook etc.
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The whole point of your thread is to try and brand valid, approved by BHVR tactics as scummy.
It has nothing to do with whether or not killers get mad at teabagging, because as you already know that's not the only outcome. There's this, Gasp, reality where they're also not mad.
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Let them be mad, just makes it more satisfying after having to endure a super boring game.
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I think the better question to ask is why is teabagging at the exit gate the norm; but hitting a survivor on hook as they die means the killer is a psycho?
Just more double standards from entitled survivor mains. The killer gets BM'd no matter how they play, FYI. Why get mad when you can get even?
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Calls valid Killer tactics scummy, then says 'You U made at teabagging? It's your fault!' 😂
Yet another Us Vs Them 'Killers are to blame for everything I do' toxic Survivor mentality. Nothing to bother taking seriously here.
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Was this all a barely concealed whinge about camping?
Tunneling is...just how killers are supposed to play. It's not our responsibility to distribute damage, it's your team's.
I don't camp, I seldom tunnel unless I just keep finding you or it's a really stacked team - and I still get teabagged at the exit gates maybe 90% of the time.
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The thing is camping, tunneling and slugging are not toxic those are part of the killer strat. True nodding and hitting the hooked survivor are toxic i wont deny that. So survivor see strat as toxic when its not. For me the biggest issue with that is the game is over just leave already if after the survivor wonder when they are the last one alive and the killer down them why they let them bleed out whitout hooking them its payback for all the time the survivor tea bag at the gate.
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I do not get mad, but a survivor teabagging reveals that they themselves are really sensitive to BM. So I just best them on hook and nod to trigger them... For tactical reasons. But by all means, bag and click, point at them when you drop pallets. Whatever. I highly recommend doing it because it seems to irritate so many of them. Assuming you can run them, that is. That is where a lot of bad survivors go wrong, imo.
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camping the whole game, tunneling one person the entire match
Right there, that's not toxic. It's very possible that killer was actually stressed out and frantic all match. Realize some killers aren't angry when they do that, they're actually desperate to not be a complete failure. Now, when you teabag at a player who was desperate and frantic and stressed out during the match, what kind of response do you expect? If they're in chat, they'll probably lash out, because you've just made a bad experience worse.
Even if they are being a jerk, teabagging at them just perpetuates the cycle. They're probably being a jerk because someone was a jerk to them in a previous match. People carry bad feelings from one match into the next, that's human. You can justify being a jerk as much as you want, but you are still being a jerk yourself no matter your reasoning.
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Frankly nothing you listed is scummy its just part of the game.
To view it as scummy and use it as some kind of justification for being abusive is more scummy than what you listed.
BM'ing shouldn't insult people either, because basically its just other people mashing buttons on their equipment and I'm supposed to feel bad, well good luck with that.
I think everyone needs to stop making the game so personal all the time. They also need to stop justifying being obnoxious to others simply because they choose to take everything so personally.
This is part of the reason I want a solo play mode because I think its far to much to expect the player base to grow up a bit at this point.
I'd rather game with bots than most of the take everything personally or too seriously, entitled, childish, tantrum throwing sore losers that make up a huge number of the player base.
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Another typical mileena_kahn post. Nothing to see here and others already pointed out the flawed attempt at baiting.
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WHY DO survivors GET MAD AT headshaking?
If you’re playing killer and you’re playing in a scummy way such as Tbagging, flash light clicking, gen rushing the whole game, BM the person the entire match, and clicking to death, why do you get mad if killer manage to hook you and headshake you? I understand the survivors that play normally and still get headshook, that’s understandable… but to the others (which is about 70% of the Survivor players), why? You kinda deserve it.
see how generalization gets nowhere
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The problem with "it was justified" tbagging is that it so often come from the killer daring to play the game at all. The killer stopped because they saw scratch marks around the hook? Camping. The killer downed me twice within 2 minutes because I went straight back to the same gen? Tunneling. The killer ran Ruin/Pop/Pain Resonance/Corrupt/Tinkerer/Devour/NOED/Nurse/Blight? Boosted meta slave, doesn't deserve any kills. The killer's hanging around the hook at endgame because there's literally nothing else for them to do other than let everyone leave uncontested? Trash killer, uninstall and #########.
If someone tbags me after I tried to camp them out or I hard tunneled their teammate to death at 4 gens, sure, I deserved that because the tone of the game has been very unfriendly. But so much of what survivors think is deserved feels like a mixture of blissful ignorance and bullshit on the killer side. And considering I go out of my way to make sure the game is fair to the survivors I play against, the routine BMing just feels like a slap in the face.
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Maybe you should just play mean so that the same BM you will get will have been earned. Don't you feel bad stealing their salt from killers who actually deserve their tears, like me? That is what is unfair. I work hard to be ruthless and ruin their experience as best as I can, and they treat me the same as they treat boy scout killer. The world is cruel.
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I think everyone cares but you. It's obviously rude. There's no reason to do it unless you're baiting them on purpose for tactical reasons.
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Or my last two games.
Game #1 - Cocky Claudette. Teabags me constantly behind her little bodyblocking SWF, so I focus her down. Postgame:
'scrub killer why you tunnel so much?'
Me: 'Don't show me those teabags if you don't want to dance'
'lol cant take a joke'
Game #2 - Insanely strong 3man SWF on frigging Cowshed. End up losing track of who I've hooked, end up hooking the same Meg (there were 3) 3 times in 5 hooks. Get cussed out and report threatened in postgame.
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This might hold water if survivors only teabagged in response to the killers actions. I've had too many games where they will just teabag even when I played the match casually. I've stopped going to the exit gates if they're open a lot of the times. The funny thing is, EGC will count down until there's just a handful of seconds left and they will still be there.
What are they waiting for?
For me to show up so they can teabag and leave.
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Because when survivors do it to each other its a language, but when its towards a killer its almost always when things are going their way and they wanna rub it in. And thats fine, but to then demand to know why they are then tunneled for it should ask themselves "Why did I tbag the killer if I didn't want this result."
The same applies to why killers also do performative language, because things are going their way
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Funny, I almost never shake my head, or stare at a hooked surv. I NEVER hit a hooked surv. I make a reasonable effort to avoid tunneling, and only proxy camp near an opened gate. And yet, I get teabagged at some point at least half the games I play.
Funny, that.
Not that it tilts me (I am an old gamer and stuff like that stopped getting under my skin years ago), but the idea that survs only drop the bags in response to killer BM is hilarious.
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70% ? Lmao yeah,i bet you wouldn't like it if a killer let you and your 3 teammates bleed out for 4 minutes
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Someone gets mad about it?
I love when they do it. I always have headbang contest with Deathslinger when he is reeling me.
Even hitting me on hook is usually just "what did I do?". I have never thought that is toxic thing.
It's most likely because I am killer main, so I just think he is doing it for a reason as most killers do. But some survivors are doing it just to be annoying.
I don't care if they teabag, or click when I am tunneling. They want my attention and this is valid thing to do. But when I am going out of my way to play fair and they do this? ######### them.
Teabag after each drop pallet? You will die.
I hate when they wait on exit gate just to leave when I get clos. Just either leave or give hit for #########'s sake.
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I guess he has just never played a killer...
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isn't that called taunting? sometimes you guys rub in in their faces and some of them are very sensitive and will take it seriously. I don't care if you spam ctrl but if you click ur flashlight I will reciprocate
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I don't care about normal clicking, unless they really spam it. But macro and scollwheel flashlights are going to get camped.
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I actually like it in some circumstances. Like when survs teabag after a pallet stun. You just gave me a pallet AND you're wasting time. I had one the other night use like half the pallets on the map in one chase and teabag me at every drop. By the late game there were almost no pallets and I ended up with a 4K.
Teabagging after a pallet stun is a great way to announce that you don't play killer, also. I am more than willing to eat pallets in the early game; you're doing me a favor. The bagging is just comic relief.
As a survivor I teabag in two instances only:
- The killer is a camping Bubba
- I am trying to draw aggro from a teammate who is being actively tunneled.
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Another classic us vs them post.
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Yeah and theres scroll wheel flashlights? 👀I don't see flashlight clicking as anything else but to provoke you.
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Yeah, you can bind it to your scrollwheel and then just roll it.
I am epileptic, so not happy about it and that sound is pissing me off.
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I don't teabag and personally stab anyone who does it with failed Heal checks, but killers get mad at literally everything. Stealth playing, Deception users, Dead Hard users, key users, map users, toolbox users - they don't look far to find a good reason for BMing a survivor.
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Why do you get mad when I shake my head at you once I downed you? I only comment on your bad manner at the pallet where you tbagged me. Guess you can not live with the echo of your actions...
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Uh now we resort to generalized low key insults.
I guess this fresh account will be gone in no time XD
Edit: i guess I was right. A few minutes later th acc was banned.
Post edited by burt0r on9 -
Jut a bit annoying. I’ve had games where the survivors and I played really well, I got a lot of hooks and they all escaped, no one played « “scummy”, and then they teabag at the end unprovoked. Not that bad, just seems like they do it to gloat
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Teabagging is literally mocking and disrespecting your opponent, I mean it is to simulate squatting and rubbing your b*** in their face. How is a killer not meant to find this insulting and disrespectful?
If you want to teabag you should be fine with being camped, tunnelled or bled out
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I understand why so many get bent over T-bagging, slugged for 4 min, pointed at pallets, smacked on hook, etc and I used to never do it. I also used to smack once on hook if they gave me a good chase but no one understood anyway so I stopped. Since no matter how I play gets the same salt as if I played toxic I give everyone a reason to be salty.
I t-bag killers....flashlight at every pallet, run blast mine with flashbang to toy with killers, pretty much anything to get under their skin. I also shake my head every time I bait your DH (also known as the perk that makes you think you are better than you are), if game is over (everyone left on hook) I take turns hitting them. Last night I dumped my entire load (LOL yikes) of knives into the last survivor I hooked. I rolled a team on Haddonfield with Clown and told them to tell their friends about it.....exact message "Tell your friends you got rolled by clown on Haddonfield..GG EZ".
I find this fun......So should you. Embrace the salt.
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It's not "scummy" just because you don't like it. Get that right.
It's part of the game. By that logic, you doing anything to progress your objective, or stop the killer from catching you is scummy. Stop being scummy.
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Scummy is the only way to win.
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"Why do strangers get mad when I flip them off?"
Tbagging mid game can be a legit strategy to get the killer riled up and likely to make a bad choice. I don't usually take midgame tbags personally. Tbagging at the exit gates is 100% just being rude and nasty and has like zero actual applicable use. It's just to be rude.
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As you can see in many threads people nowadays take online games way to serious. And are sadly deeply offended and hurt when there are mean players around.
I can understand that this is a real problem for them, even if i can´t understand that.
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If you’re playing survivor and you’re playing in a scummy way such as tea bagging at pallets , clicky clicky flashlights, Tunnelling gens the whole game, why do you get mad if Ghostface teabags you after downing you or hooking you? I understand the Survivors that play normally and still get teabagged, that’s understandable… but to the others (which is about 70% of the Survivor players), why? You kinda deserve it.
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Yeah, except teabagging doesn't ruin the game for the killer, unlike camping and tunneling for the victim survivor.
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OP is pretty neutral, to be honest, but a lot of "us vs them" posts are going to fill the thread for sure, especially by killer mains.
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Also not true for plenty of people. Plenty of people like being intimidating when they play killer so when someone t bags it makes them feel like a joke instead of a killer which ruins their fun as a killer
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As you say more to provoke us vs them arguments
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Sounds exactly like the person I would leave at the killer's mercy and refuse to heal.
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lmao, no.
You just agree with them.
Say it like it is.
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None of that is something my teammates would see.....unless you are being useless following the chase. I t-bag at gates so wouldn't matter.
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I don't care how good my teammate is at the game. If they act toxic, BM and T-bag, I don't assist them during the trial or dodge them at the lobby. Simple as that.