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Prevent stretched res

Hello, I made a video on how to prevent stretched res problems on Unreal Engine (obviously this is for the devs and not for players). This could be very useful on dbd since this behavior is giving advantages on loops, as already mentioned on different topics here on the forum.
I hope this will help to fix the issue.
Thank you for your time!
Oh gods, I wish they'd listen and fix it. Stretched res is 100% cheating.
27 -
If the devs are in good faith and care about the game, then they will consider this post as meaningful feedback from another dev.
Not feeling too optimistic to be honest...
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They should fix it...
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That moment when players are trying to fix game for them :D
Sadly DBD is not an open-source where you could just do pull-requests.
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You can be sure they know how they can fix this as they have programmers too.
They don´t want to for some (unknown) reason.
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The devs need to take care of the integrity of their game before they take care of their wallets! What sport/game would allow blatant cheating to go on that is effecting their player base on such a consistent basis?
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Yes, please! Really great video btw, congrats!
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Someone give this man a Nobel Prize!
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I'd love to see it removed. I'm a competitive player and I'm forced to run it at this point to be able to do the thing my competition can. Sure, it's fun to feel faster, but let the game look the way it's supposed to.
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I hope @MandyTalk passes this to the team. Thanks dude
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Would love to see it go, playing on Xbox it's just sad the # of Ghostface games that have been ruined by this blatant cheat.
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Unfortunately this post will probably get ignored
also i recommend you remove that ping, mentioning the staff is now a banable offense
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No dev response to this? ....really?
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Unsurprising. This is something which only a select few people care about and will probably never get fixed despite there being a solution available which would be able to accomodate all possible "normal" resolutions.
Quite sad when you think about it, considering how stretched is ruining the core of the game.
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It is a problem indeed. Devs should care more about this type of game mechanic
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Please don't let this thread die. I also suggest don't offend the devs, just let them know this is a issue many of us care about.
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Didn't see this thread as I made one. THe more the better. This is ridiculous that such an easy way to cheat is just left in the game that can be f ixed.
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An aknowledgement from the devs would be at least decent, since there's been no answer to the stretched res problem ever, apart from 1/2 informal comunications, in all forum posts and devs communications I've ever checked.
Mandy pls tell us something about this, this is really good stuff that could help the game so much!
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This won't make them money, so they'll probably ignore this.
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Yep this post is as dead as the game to me
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maybe this can be can be a topic for the next QA instead of asking when Felix is going to show his dick.
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Devs probably are too lazy and scary and will continue to ignore it. Fix it will mean less exploiters happy to give them money. Just ignore the other honest customers, few of them are complaining. They will admit the problem only if this post will have ten pages of comments or more.
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I guess we need to start a daily reminder/bump for BHVR in case they miss this.
2 -
I'm down
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As far as waiting for a dev reply goes, I suspect they don’t like talking about stretched res mostly because of their general policy that they don’t like talking about specific exploits and cheats. They’ve mentioned before they consider it an exploit so that would imply they’d remain fairly quiet on what they may or may not have tried or are planning to do or try to mitigate its use. So I don’t personally assume that their silence means they are unaware of or ignoring the complaints.
Also it’s quite possible there’s some technical hurdle in fixing the aspect ratios without breaking something else. If so that’s over my head though. 🤷♂️
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Yeah, but switching res is already widely known, everyone knows how to do it and it's not bannable like using hacks.
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Actually it technically is bannable, it’s just something that’s hard to prove in a submitted report. Also just because a cheat is widely known doesn’t mean they talk about it. It’s not just about advertising the exploit but letting people who know about the exploit know what measures they’re thinking about taking against it.
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Would be nice.
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No, it won't break anything at all unless they make a mistake. This is very clear to anyone familiar with Unreal Engine 4.
The posted solution would support "normal" resolutions while keeping certain constraints.
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Maybe, maybe not, we’ll never know for sure because the devs are unlikely to talk about it like I said. 🤷♂️
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Agreed. There are several viable choices, some simple and with very little space for odd behaviour and other more sofisticated. But something must be done regard this. The advantage is huge and the risk is little.
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I agree, how can modifying this break the game lol, it's just visual stuff, screen ratio settings.
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They can´t do this type of work and we all know it so far. They can only buff survivors and nerf pig.
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commenting to keep the thread alive, stretched res has always been cheating, and the fact that there's is video proof of it giving an unfair advantage should be reason enough to fix it
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I mean, I remember read news of other devs fix this problem in their game (Fortnite if I amore not wrong, also epic I think can give them the solution now that game is on epic store). So it Is possibile to do. The heads of Behavior think is not a Priority, so devs cant work on it I suppose. Blame the Behavior company, not the devs. They make decisions.
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For a smaller studio like BHVR, I like to think devs aren't just code monkeys and can raise issues with higher ups.
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why should this have priority, streched brings a higher vertical fov but it is so map dependent that you benefit from it that it doesn't matter again, there are not so many tiles where you have such blatant advantages. Alternatively, you could adjust the survivor's camera angle and give the killers shadowborn basic.
One should rather concentrate on a serverside anticheat system because the real silent cheaters are usually the problem.
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Saw a YT video with stretched res.
It looks horrible - and for me this is cheating. You can look over walls.
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There are plenty of tiles where this can be abusable. And the solution is simple, that's why this shouldn't take much to be regarded. But yes, other types of cheating should also be priority.
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Even if there was just one situation where it gave players an unfair advantage, if would still need to get fixed. The way it is, there's more than one situation. People being able to see over walls is unfair and should be fixed. Too bad they're taking their sweet time at it.
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It also makes Ghostface easier to reveal since the coding is spaghetti. Basically, the game checks if Ghostface is in the center of your screen, so warmping the res gives more 'center' to use, and thus makes him easier to reveal.
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And you can reveal him over walls in jungle gyms (or just flat out see where any killer is going and prevent any mindgame on their part)
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Fixing stretch res would be an excellent 1st step towards improving game health. Wish I could upvote more,
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I'm sorry to say this will probably lead nowhere. But thank you, I'll check the video for my own pet projects.
A long time ago (months or years) I've sent to the devs the simple procedure to stop ALT-ENTER from working.
Not interrupting gameplay and botching the rendering is kind of a nice feature.
It's only a checkbox somewhere in the project settings of the engine : a simple click and the problem is solved.
Yes, the Epic developers have put that setting there given it's such an important feature.
Months later that box hadn't been checked yet.
So, imagine something that actually requires work.
Post edited by drsoontm on5 -
This is so annoying (and unfair).
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We need first devs to say their opinion on the topic. Have they said that is a problem? What is their position on it?
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They have said they consider it cheating, and urged their Fog Whisperers to not do it.
But they have not fixed it. Because that would require at least 30 minutes of work. 🙃
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Almo, some devs and the mods have said that they don't support it and it's something they don't like.
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I just hope the reason they aren't fixing stretched res RIGHT NOW is because the problem is somehow more complicated to code.
If it's just as described by this code, there's no reason not to do this ASAP, because you just need to copy past the code pretty much.
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We need to show them that we care about this issue and that we are many.